Application and Admission Procedure
Candidates submit the application for enrolment and recognition of foreign education through eVŠ web portal.
Registration and first login - video
Candidates of EU Member States and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship
The first application period: from 18 February – 18 March 2025
The second application period: from 20 – 27 August 2025
Deadline for filling up empty slots: 24 – 25 September 2025 until 10 o'clock
Candidates of non EU countries*
The first application period: from 18 February - 18 March 2025
The second application period: from 3 - 4 September 2025 (Only for programmes with available enrolments slots and for candidates who applied in the first application deadline, but were not accepted).
*Citizens of non-EU Member States with permanent residence in Slovenia who are, at the start of the selection procedure, residents of the Republic of Slovenia for tax purposes, or whose parents/guardians are residents of the Republic of Slovenia for tax purposes, citizens of non-EU Member States who have completed their secondary education in the Republic of Slovenia and passed the matura examination (this does not apply to persons who have completed international secondary school education in the Republic of Slovenia and who are required to follow the procedure for the recognition of foreign secondary education), persons granted international/temporary protection status and applicants for international/temporary protection who have been granted this status by the start of the selection procedure, citizens of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, apply to the available enrolment slots for Candidates of EU Member States.
University Degree Programme in Business and Economics
All candidates enrolling in a study programme conducted in English language must prove English language proficiency at B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) with an appropriate certificate.
Relevant proof of compliance with this enrolment condition is:
- a certificate of completion of the English language exam at B2 level or an equivalent certificate (e.g. TOEFL iBT score of 72-93),
- a matura certificate which shows that English is the foreign language at matura (general or vocational),
- a certificate of completion of secondary education in English language
Professional Degree Programme (BBA - Business Administration)
All applicants must demonstrate knowledge of the Slovenian language at B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and provide appropriate certificate. Relevant proof of compliance with this enrolment condition shall be:
- a certificate of completion of Slovene language exam at B2 level or equivalent certificate,
- a certificate of primary school completion in the Republic of Slovenia or completion of school abroad where the language of instruction is Slovenian.
- a matura certificate or a certificate of completion of the final year of a high school vocational program in which one completed subject was Slovenian,
- a certificate of completed bilingual (Slovenian and foreign language) high school education or completed foreign high school where the language of instruction is Slovenian,
- a diploma of acquired education in a study program from a higher education institution in the Republic of Slovenia and a certificate (statement) that the candidate completed the programme in the Slovenian language.
Candidates who undertake (have undertaken) a general matura or the vocational matura in the Republic of Slovenia need not send proof of knowledge in the Slovenian language, the required information is submitted to the higher education and information service by the National examination centre.
Application (that includes recognition and runs through eVŠ web portal) and admission procedure
for enrolment to the first year of undergraduate study programmes, for the first deadline, is managed and implemented centrally by the Application and Information Service of the University of Ljubljana (Visokošolska prijavno-informacijska služba Univerze v Ljubljani - VPIS UL) at Kongresni trg 12, p. p. 524, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.Website: Application and Information Service of the University of Ljubljana
Please address all questions related to those procedures to their current published contacts
Email: More information: available here
Email: More information: available here
Telephone: +386 1 241 85 85, +386 1 241 85 86
Enrolment procedure
University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business will inform accepted candidates about the final enrolment procedure after the results of the selection procedure will be published and according to enrolment periods defined with the Call for enrolment.