English for Business and Economics 2
Aims of the course
- to develop and reinforce the four basic language skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening;- to enlarge students' knowledge of business and
economics terminology;
- to foster students' critical attitude towards the topics discussed and build up their competence in using English.
Course syllabus
Topical issues in business and economics:By discussing a number of business issues in the areas such as managing people, banking, the stock exchange, corporate growth, production, distribution and consumption, managing risk, sustainability, corporate responsibility, business ethics etc., the course provides the students with core business vocabulary and offers various activities for practice and improvement with special emphasis on essential business communication skills (participating and chairing a formal business meeting). Writing practice focuses on essay writing.
Pričakovano predznanje: Znanje jezika, kot se zahteva na maturitetnem izpitu iz angleškega jezika (okvirno na stopnji B1-B2 glede na Skupni evropski jezikovni okvir).
Course director(s)