Statistical Analysis

Aims of the course

- Become familiar with and upgrade basic statistical methods.
- Obtain basic knowledge about sampling, parameter estimation and analysis of relationship between variables.
- Develop skills and ability to use statistical analysis software.
- Develop the ability of critical thinking and evidence-based inference.

Course syllabus

- Statistical terminology and basic descriptive statistics
- Probability distributions: basic concepts, normal distribution, standardized normal distribution
- Sampling (simple random sampling): random unit selection, sample estimate, estimator, distribution of sample estimates
- Confidence intervals
- Different types of sampling methods
- Hypotheses testing: null and alternative hypothesis, type 1 and type 2 errors, hypothesis testing procedure about a population
- Testing hypothesis: about mean (and the difference between two means and equality of more means), about variance (and equality of variances), about proportion.
- Correlation, simple and multiple linear regression, regression model
- Relationship between categorical variables
- Non-parametric tests
- Time series analysis: basic concepts, linear and exponential trend function, periodical component

Course director(s)

  • Office Hours
  • Thursday at 11:15 in RZ-403
  • Office Hours
  • Tuesday at 11:00 in RZ-403
  • Office Hours
  • Wednesday at 15:00 in Zoom Room
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