
Aims of the course

- Students will understand the basics of programming and the concepts of object-oriented programming.
- Students will learn the syntax and understand the structure of the code.
- Students will be trained to independently use the Python programming language in different contexts,
- Students will be able to develop and test simple programs and user interfaces in an integrated development environment (IDE) and in a web environment.
- Students will learn the basics of data analytics in Python
- Students will be able to use data analysis tools and libraries in Python to solve practical problems.

Students will acquire the following competencies:
- Ability to develop, test and maintain program code in Python.
- Ability to analyze and interpret data.
- Ability to think critically and solve problems independently using the Python programming language.

Course syllabus

1. Programming language Python
2. Variables
3. Decisions
4. Lists
5. Loops
6. Functions
7. Data types
8. Data ananlytics basics (EDA, data wrangling, formatting…)
9. Tools for data analysis
10. Libraries for data analysis

Course director(s)

  • Office Hours
  • Monday at 16:00 in R-401
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