Economic Policy

Aims of the course

The primary purpose of the course is to examine the role that economics plays in the formulation, adoption, and implementation of public policy.
The course material is a blend of economic theory and applications of the theory to policy issues. The course will concentrate on selected important economic policy issues and relevant economic tools. The focus will be on contemporary economic issues and the economic policies applied by different countries and/or groups of countries.

Course syllabus

- Napake trga in razlogi za politike za izboljšanje gospodarske rasti in konkurenčnosti.
- Vprašanja uporabe BDP kot ciljnega indikatorja.
- Industrijske politike v Evropski Uniji.
- Ukrepi ekonomske politike v času krize.
- Trg dela.
- Politike trga dela po področjih politike in v času krize.
- Regulacija trgov proizvodov
- Politike trga proizvodov po področjih
- Politike za inovacije in znanje.
- Neenakost in ekonomske politike.
- Ciljne ekonomske politike za mlade.

Course director(s)

  • Igor Masten, PhD, Full Professor

  • Academic Unit for Money and Finance (Regular Member)
  • Academic Unit for Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research (Associate Member)
  • Office Hours
  • Tuesday at 14:00 in RZ-205
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