Microeconomics 2

Aims of the course

- To upgrade the knowledge to the intermedite level microeconomics.
- To develop the understanding of the positive character of the economic theory, based on the microeconomics.
- To develop the ability of theoretical approach to the economy.
- To excel the concept of efficiency in the economy.
- To analyse the ellementary microeconomic problems with mathematical methods.

Course syllabus

1. Price theory, microeconomics and economic theory
2. Economic efficiency and perfect competition
2.1. Efficiency in exchange and prices
2.2. Efficiency in production and prices
2.3. Efficiency in exchange and in production, and prices
2.4. Welfare economics
2.5. General equilibrium
3. Economic efficiency and imperfect competition
3.1. Imperfect competition and Pareto efficiency
3.2. Oligopolistic competition and efficiency
4. Market imperfections and economic efficiency
4.1. Incomplete information
4.2. Externalities
4.3. Public goods
4.4. Cost-benefit analysis

Course director(s)

  • Office Hours
  • Wednesday at 13:30 in P-309
  • Nina Ponikvar, PhD, Associate Professor

  • Academic Unit for Economics (Regular Member)
  • Academic Unit for Management and Organisation (Associate Member)
  • Academic Unit for Entrepreneurship (Associate Member)
  • Office Hours
  • Friday at 10:00 in P-346
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