Research methods and techniques
Aims of the course
The course provides students with the following skills:• Become familiar with qualitative and quantitative data collection.
• Analyze qualitative data.
• Broaden and deepen knowledge of analyzing quantitative data using multivariate statistical analysis.
• Become familiar with the statistical program R.
• Develop the ability to use statistical methods to analyze economic phenomena.
Course syllabus
1. Introduction to Statistics.2. Introduction to qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods.
3. Qualitative data collection (interview, focus groups) and analysis of qualitative data.
4. Survey methodology
5. Sampling and statistical inference (confidence interval, parametric and nonparametric hypothesis testing).
6. Analysis of categorical data.
7. Correlation and regression analysis (assumptions testing, use of dummy variables, interactions, variable transformation with logarithm, etc.), hierarhical regression.
8. Logistic regression
9. Principal component analysis
10. Factor analysis
11. Clustering
Course director(s)