Transnational Management

Aims of the course

- To provide insight into the forces and dynamics that shape the context of transnational management.
- To identify the type of multinational companies according to the Bartlett & Ghoshal typology.
- To analyse organizational structures of multinational companies and their corresponding challenges.
- To analyse headqurter-subsidiary relationships and their corresponding challenges.
- To identify and analyse sources of competitive advantage and business models of multinational companies.
- To identify key managerial challenges in multinational companies.
- To appropriately analyse selected case studies of multinational companies and provide solutions to illustrated problems and issues.
- To identify and address ethical and sustainability challenges for multinational companies.
- To apply analytical tools and theoretical models/frameworks to real-life international managerial situations and propose concrete solutions to aid managerial decision making in multinational companies.

Course syllabus

1. Globalization and its managerial implications
2. Expanding abroad: motivations, means and mentalities (with a special emphasis on the Bartlett & Ghoshal typology).
3. Understanding the international context.
4. Developing transnational strategies: c ompetitive advantage and business models for the international environment.
5. Developing transnational organization: o rganizational structures & challenges of multinational companies.
6. Headquarter-subsidiary relationships in multinational companies.
7. International human resources, leadership and managing cross-cultural differences.
8. Technology, innovation and disruption: consequences and challenges for multinational enterprises .
9. Dealing with radical uncertain global future.
10. Ethical and sustainability challenges of transnational managers.

Course director(s)

  • Office Hours
  • Monday at 14:00 in P-349
  • Office Hours
  • Monday at 9:00 in P-214/2
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