Sustainomics in Tourism
Aims of the course
- To introduce to students sustainability issues in tourism and the basics of sustainable tourism policy, emphasis on environmental economics and monetarisation of ecological goods.- To provide background knowledge for understanding economic, socio-cultural and natural sustainability and behaviour of individual entities of tourism industry: both at national and the enterprise level of operation.
- To emphasize the economic dimension, in the overal sustainability pillars model and responsibility context, and discuss tourism economcs – tourism ecology nexus criticism and incommensurability of motives and interests.
Course syllabus
1. Introduction2. Tourism
3. Tourism impacts
3.1. Impacts on economic environment
3.2. Impacts on natural environment
3.3. Impacts on cultural environment
3.4. Impacts on social environment
3.5. Tourism economy – ecology nexus
4.1. Economic sustainability issues
4.2. Ecological sustainability issues
4.3. Political sustainability issues
5. Environmental theories on the existence and prevention of environmental damage in tourism
6. Environmental policy in tourism and tourism stakeholders
7. Instruments of environmental policy and their application to tourism
7.1. Administrative instruments
7.2. Fiscal instruments
7.3. Market instruments
8. Monitoring of environmental impacts and sustainable tourism indicators
9. Applicability of environmental policy in tourism
10. Tourism case studies
11. Sustainable tourism development paradigm
Course director(s)