Purchasing management
Aims of the course
1. The course builds on the basics of business logistics and production management. It present the student advanced purchasing and procurement concepts in companies, related to structuring the purchasing processes within a company, as well as across the supply chain.2. To teach students to identify problems related to ensuring the efficient ourchasing, integration of purchasing inline with the company's business strategy and within the scope of activities related to supply of products and services.
3. Deep understanding of business models and concepts related to purchasing based on the analysis of multidisciplinary business case studies.
Course syllabus
General content:1. Introduction to purchasing management (the role of purchasing and procurement, purchasing process definition, and the importance of purchasing on the firm's profitability)
2. How global trends shape Purchasing.
3. Purchasing behavior of firms (differences between B2C and B2B, purchasing process, the types of purchasing goods and services, the role of purchasing department)
4. Decision making within purchasing: the steps of the purchasing process
5. Negotiation, communication, and (soft) skills of Purchasing Managers
6. Purchasing Organization (factors influencing the organizational structure of purchasing, centralized/decentralized purchasing, inter-functional purchasing responsibility, cooperation and integration of purchasing …)
7. Purchasing 4.0: Digital Transformation of the Purchasing process and IT tools in Purchasing
8. Purchasing and sustainability
9. Supplier Relationship Management
Methodology, technics:
1. Purchasing inteligence and market research
2. Purchasing performance management
3. Supplier assessment, selection and quality
4. Risk management in purchasing
Course director(s)