Business Logistics

Aims of the course

The students/leaders of tomorrow must understand how to perform efficient global supply chain management, what are the necessary changes in organisational structures and business processes, how to properly use the metrics in logistics, the potential risks and turbulences in the supply chains and the role of (information) technology in the supply chain.

The course will provide a critical overview of logistics issues for future managers and experts. It will introduce basic business logistics concepts with emphasis on business processes and supply chain management. It will provide the students with an overview of all activities in logistics (from planning, procurement, transport, warehousing, internal logistics to delivery and return).

The study of Logistics and Supply Chain Management prepares students for professional careers
with shippers (e.g., manufacturers and distributors), transportation carriers, and logistics service providers. The curriculum provides the required theoretical/conceptual base and analytical methods for making sound operational and strategic business decisions.

Course syllabus

Business Logistics deals with the efficient flow of materials, products, and information within and among organizations. Logistics management entails a wide variety of activities that have a significant influence on customer service, including inventory control, transportation, warehousing, facility location analysis, packaging, materials handling, parts and service support, and product returns. Supply chain management involves the integration of business processes across organizations, from material sources and suppliers through manufacturing and processing to the final customer. Logistics management is, thus, taught in the context and framework of inter-organizational supply chain systems.

1. Introduction to business logistics
2. Supply chain management and logistics
3. Processes in logistics: SCOR
4. Forecasting
5. Planning
6. Transport
7. Warehousing
8. Internal logistics
9. Order management
10. Commissioning, 3PL, distribution

Course director(s)

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  • Office Hours
  • Monday at 9:00 in R-402
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  • Skype: peter.trkman 
  • Office Hours
  • Monday at 11:00 in R-414
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