Our values

Since 2013, UL SEB Ethics Committee started the project Our Values.

The goal of the project is that every Member of the Academic Community of the UL SEB (where we consider all employees and students), create and contribute to an environment where Eagerness to learn, Creativity, Entrepreneurialism, Integrity, Respect and Inclusiveness will live among us.

The purpose of the project is to create an atmosphere where we will talk about values, respect them, draw attention to them and share good practices between us.

The idea is to start with a small steps. That's why we started with one value. We chose Knowledge. In 2018 we upgraded our Value Knowledge to Eagerness to Learn. On this website you will find the thoughts of Members of our academic community about Eagerness to Learn, examples of good practices, invitations to events and activities.

It's about a new working environment and atmosphere!

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