Aleš Toman, PhD

Teaching Assistant 

  • Academic Unit for Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research (Regular Member)
  • Consultations are available by appointment via email. Consultations are available in person in my office RZ-304 or online via Zoom.
Curriculum Vitae
Ales Toman holds a degree in mathematics from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Ljubljana and a Ph.D. in mathematical statistics from the University of Ljubljana. He teaches mathematics and econometrics at the School of Economics and Business of the University of Ljubljana. His research interests include robust statistics, in particular, the development of robust methods in multivariate analysis and econometrics, demand forecasting with smoothing methods, statistical and machine learning with applications, and the use of generative artificial intelligence in education. His professional interests include promoting statistical and financial literacy among youth and adults. He is a member of the national expert jury for the European Statistics Competition and a leader of the Slovenian team at the International Economics Olympiad. His involvement in international Erasmus+ projects contributes to the excellence of teaching at the University of Ljubljana.
Selected Research and Consulting Activities
  • Aleš Toman
    Robust confirmatory factor analysis based on the forward search algorithm
  • Statistical Papers, 55(1), pp 233-252 (Research article)
  • Liljana Ferbar Tratar, Blaž Mojškerc, Aleš Toman
    Demand forecasting with four-parameter exponential smoothing
  • International Journal of Production Economics, 181, pp 162-173 (Research article)
  • Aleš Toman
    Ocenjevanje parametrov v Bayesovi statistiki
  • Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, 65(1), pp 1-11 (Professional article)
  • Aleš Toman
    Rešene naloge iz finančne matematike 1. Finančni instrumenti
  • Izbrana poglavja iz matematike in računalništva, 49 (Reviewed university textbook)
  • Aleš Toman
    Mathematics for business and economics, Theory review and problems
  • School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana (Educational material)
  • Full Bibliography of Published Articles (COBISS)
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