Aleša Saša Sitar, PhD

Assistant Professor 

  • Academic Unit for Management and Organisation (Regular Member)
  • Office Hours
  • Thursday at 14:00 in P-344
Curriculum Vitae
Aleša Saša Sitar, Ph.D., graduated in 1998 at Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, program Finance. She signed in the master’s program Management and Organization where she in 2000 defended her master’s thesis titled Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management. In December 2003 and January 2004 she attended a PhD program Knowledge Management at George Washington University, Institute for Knowledge Management, Washington DC, USA. In August 2010 she attended The ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, where she attended course Introduction to Social Network Analysis. In 2012 she defended her doctoral dissertation titled Influence of organization on connected learning of individuals in organizations, under mentorship of Professor Rudi Rozman, PhD. From the year 2000 she is employed in the Academic unit for management and organization at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. She lectures courses on organization and management. Her main research interests are organizational learning process, learning styles, knowledge sharing, knowledge management, knowledge networks, and contemporary approaches to organization design. She has been regularly attending Slovene and international conferences on organization and organizational learning. She is a member of Slovenian Academy of Management (SAM), Organizational Design Community (ODC) and Academy of Management (AOM). She is also a member of editorial review board of VINE - The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems and The Learning Organization, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. From the year 2012 to 2022 she was a president of the organizing committee for organizing Slovene and international conferences at Slovenian Academy of Management. In June 2018 she attended IMTA - International Management Teachers Academy: Challenges and Paradoxes of Leading Change track na Bledu. From January to April 2019 she was on a study visit at Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia. She is participating in several Slovenian and international projects.
Selected Research and Consulting Activities
  • HERNAUS, Tomislav, DRAGIČEVIĆ, Nikolina and SITAR, Aleša Saša
    Evasive (knowledge) hiding and task performance: the moderating role of accumulative job resources
  • Personnel Review, ahead-of-print, (objavljeni znanstveni članek)
  • SITAR Aleša Saša, BOGILOVIĆ Sabina, PAHOR Marko
    The relationship between informal knowledge sharing network and individual learning in organizations: Does the structuring of activities matter?
  • Drustvena istrazivanja, Vol. 28, Issue 1, 2019, pp. 109-128 (objavljeni znanstveni članek)
  • SITAR, Aleša Saša, ŠKERLAVAJ Miha
    Learning-structure fit part I: Conceptualizing the relationship between organizational structure and employee learning
  • The Learning Organization, Vol. 25 No. 5, 2018 pp. 294-304 (objavljeni znanstveni članek)
  • SITAR, Aleša Saša, PAHOR, Marko, ŠKERLAVAJ Miha
    Learning-structure fit part II: Empirical examination of the relationship between employee learning and the formalization, specialization, and standardization of work
  • The Learning Organization, Vol. 25 No. 6, 2018 pp. 370-382 (objavljeni znanstveni članek)
  • SITAR, Aleša Saša, MIHELIČ, Katarina Katja.
    The interplay of expatriates’ psychological and social capital for knowledge transfer
  • Economic and Business Review, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2018, pp. 195-219 (objavljeni znanstveni članek)
  • SITAR, Aleša Saša, ČERNE, Matej, ALEKSIĆ, Darija, MIHELIČ, Katarina Katja
    Individual Learning Styles and Creativity
  • Creativity Research Journal, 2016, Volume 28, Issue 3, pp. 334-341 (objavljeni znanstveni članek)
  • Full Bibliography of Published Articles (COBISS)
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