Andrej Sušjan, PhD

Full Professor 

  • Academic Unit for Economics (Regular Member)
  • Office Hours
  • Thursday at 13:15 in P-308
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. in Economics: 1993, University of Ljubljana. Postdoctoral research: Universities in Vienna (1994), Utrecht (1995), Ottawa (1997) and Stirling (1998, 2006).Main fields of research: history of economic thought and methodology, economics of transition, post-Keynesian economics, economic institutionalism.
Selected Research and Consulting Activities
  • LAH Marko, SUŠJAN Andrej (2024)
    A Heterodox Approach to Masstige: Brand Fetishism, Corporate Pricing, and Rules of Consumer Choice
  • Review of Radical Political Economics 56(2): 214-232. (Selected publications)
  • LAH Marko, SUŠJAN Andrej (2022)
    An Institutionalist Approach to SMEs: The Role of Power Relations and Transaction Costs.
  • Journal of Economic Issues 56(3): 721-740. (Selected publications)
  • SUŠJAN Andrej, JUŽNIČ Stanislav (2019)
    Theodor Kravina von Kronstein in njegov Oris ekonomskih znanj.
  • Zgodovinski časopis 73(3-4): 346-365. (Selected publications)
  • SUŠNIK Urban, SUŠJAN Andrej, HROVATIN Nevenka (2019)
    Knowledge, Input-Output Complexity and the Notion of Sustainability.
  • Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 10(4): 1-10. (Selected publications)
  • LAH Marko, SUŠJAN Andrej (2019)
    Postkeynesianski pogled na mala in srednja podjetja: vloga moči in transakcijskih stroškov.
  • Teorija in praksa 56(2): 623-642. (Selected publications)
  • SUŠJAN Andrej, JUŽNIČ Stanislav (2018)
    The Carniolan Society for Agriculture and Useful Arts 1767-87: Promoting Practical and Theoretical Knowledge Based on Cameralist and Physiocratic Ideas.
  • Austrian History Yearbook 49: 105-127. (Selected publications)
  • LAH Marko, SUŠJAN Andrej, REDEK Tjaša (2016)
    Corporate Communication and Economic Theory: An Institutionalist Perspective.
  • Journal of Economic Issues 50(1): 121-144. (Selected publications)
  • SUŠJAN, Andrej (2013)
    Ekonomski učbenik Valentina Žuna iz leta 1908: okoliščine nastanka ter nekatere vsebinske in jezikovne značilnosti.
  • Kronika 61(1): 125-138. (Selected publications)
  • REDEK, Tjaša, SUŠJAN, Andrej, KOSTEVC, Črt (2013)
    Unemployment and self-concept.
  • Ekonomska istraživanja/Economic Research, 26 (sp. issue): 185-200. (Selected publications)
  • SUŠJAN, Andrej (2012)
    S. Beugelsdijk and R. Maseland, Culture in Economics: History, Methodological Reflections, and Contemporary Applications (Book Review).
  • Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 34(2): 289-292. (Selected publications)
  • REDEK, Tjaša, SUŠJAN, Andrej (2012)
    Ageing and Employment Prospects: The Case of Slovenian Unemployed Workers.
  • Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 3(2): 185-199. (Selected publications)
  • SUŠJAN, Andrej (2010) Historicism and Neoclassicism in the Kiev School of Economics : The Case of Aleksander Bilimovich. Journal of the History of Economic Thought 32(2): 199-219.
  • (Selected publications)
  • LAH, Marko, SUŠJAN, Andrej, REDEK, Tjaša (2010) An Institutionalist View of Public Relations and the Evolution of Public Relations in Transition Economies. The Public 17(2): 45-62.
  • (Selected publications)
  • LAH, Marko, REDEK, Tjaša, SUŠJAN, Andrej (2008) The changing role of the labour market within the EMU : the case of Slovenia. Transition Studies Review 15(2): 375-387.
  • (Selected publications)
  • SUŠJAN, Andrej, REDEK, Tjaša (2008) Uncertainty and growth in transition economies. Review of Social Economy 66(2): 209-234.
  • (Selected publications)
  • KOSTEVC, Črt, REDEK, Tjaša, SUŠJAN, Andrej (2007) The role of financial constraints in determining export status. Zagreb International Review of Economics and Business 10(2): 1-16.
  • (Selected publications)
  • KOSTEVC, Črt, REDEK, Tjaša, SUŠJAN, Andrej (2007) Foreign direct investment and institutional environment in transition economies. Transition Studies Review 14(1): 40-54.
  • (Selected publications)
  • SUŠJAN, Andrej, REDEK, Tjaša (2007) Uncertainty and growth: the case of transition economies. SCEME Working Paper 2007/01, SCEME Working Paper Series, Stirling Centre for Economic Methodology (SCEME), University of Stirling, Scotland, UK.
  • (Selected publications)
  • JUŽNIČ, Stanislav, SUŠJAN, Andrej (2007) Lah, Uratnik in Bilimovič - začetniki statistične analize na področju družbenoekonomskih raziskav v Sloveniji. Teorija in praksa 44(3/4): 396-418.
  • (Selected publications)
  • REDEK, Tjaša, SUŠJAN, Andrej (2007) The importance of institutional quality for foreign direct investment in emerging economies: a macro/micro perspective. Economia Internazionale / International Economics 60(2): 207-229.
  • (Selected publications)
  • LAH, Marko, SUŠJAN, Andrej, ILIČ, Branko (2006-7) A Post Keynesian approach to advertising and its relevance for the transition economies. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 29(2): 309-325.
  • (Selected publications)
  • REDEK, Tjaša, SUŠJAN, Andrej (2005) The impact of institutions on economic growth: the case of transition economies. Journal of Economic Issues 39(4): 995-1027.
  • (Selected publications)
  • SUŠJAN, Andrej (2005) Nekatere značilnosti ekonomskega opusa Aleksandra Bilimoviča. Economic and Business Review 7(Special issue): 5-33.
  • (Selected publications)
  • SUŠJAN, Andrej (2004) Ljubljansko obdobje v življenju in delu ekonomista Aleksandra Bilimoviča. Kronika 52(1): 55-72.
  • (Selected publications)
  • SUŠJAN, Andrej, REDEK, Tjaša (2004) Economic growth in transition economies : an institutionalist approach. In A.Lazaridou, G.T. Papanikos, N. Pappas (eds.), Education: concepts and practices, Athens: Institute for Education and Research, 2004, pp. 651-665 (ISBN 960-88331-1-6).
  • (Selected publications)
  • SUŠJAN, Andrej (2001) Sir William Petty (1623-1687) in baron Janez Vajkard Valvasor (1641-1693) : primerjalni oris. Zgodovinski časopis (Historical review) 55(1(122)): 55-66.
  • (Selected publications)
  • LAH, Marko, SUŠJAN, Andrej (1999) Rationality of transitional consumers: a Post Keynesian view. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 21(4): 589-602.
  • (Selected publications)
  • SUŠJAN, Andrej, LAH, Marko (1997) Inflation in the Transition Economies: The post-Keynesian view. Review of Political Economy 9(4): 381-393.
  • (Selected publications)
  • LAH, Marko, SUŠJAN, Andrej (1997) The public sector in transition. In D. Fink-Hafner and J.R. Robbins (eds.), Making a new nation : the formation of Slovenia, Aldershot: Dartmouth Publishing Company, 1997, pp. 191-203 (ISBN 1-85521-656-6).
  • (Selected publications)
  • SUŠJAN, Andrej (1997) Pluralizem pristopov k analizi zgodovine ekonomske misli. Naše gospodarstvo 43(5/6): 597-606.
  • (Selected publications)
  • SUŠJAN, Andrej (1996) The duality of business interests in postsocialist economies : the case of Slovenia. In H. Wiesenthal (ed.), Organized business interests as outcomes and agents of socio-economic transformation in East and East Central Europe, Berlin: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, 1996, pp. 72-80 (ISBN 3-931958-00-0).
  • (Selected publications)
  • NORČIČ, Oto, LAH, Marko, SUŠJAN, Andrej (1996) Dual money endogeneity in transition economies. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 19(1): 73-82.
  • (Selected publications)
  • SUŠJAN, Andrej (1996) The hardening of the budget constraint in post-socialist economies: the case of Slovenia. Acta Oeconomica 48(3-4): 393-414.
  • (Selected publications)
  • NORČIČ, Oto, SUŠJAN, Andrej (1995) Die Entwicklung der Österreichischen Wirtschaftsschule: einige teoretische und methodologische Aspekte. In M. Benedikt, R. Knoll, J. Rupitz (eds.), Verdrängter Humanismus - verzögerte Aufklärung, Wien: Leben - Kunst - Wissenschaft, 1995-(1998), pp. 111-132 (ISBN 3-9500439-5-0).
  • (Selected publications)
  • Full Bibliography of Published Articles (COBISS)
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