Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Janez Malacic, Ph. D. graduated at the Faculty of Arts (1973) and at the Faculty of Economics (1974) of the Ljubljana University. He finished Ph. D. thesis at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana (1983). The title of the thesis is “The Elements of the Population and Labour Force Reproduction Theories”.Prof. Malacic has been employed since the graduation at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana. The subjects thought by prof. Malacic have been Economic statistics, Labour economics, Demography and Introduction to the national economy. Prof. Malacic has collaborated with different institutions, from the government to the international organizations such as European Commission and United Nations. In 1994, he participated at the UN Conference on Population and Development in Cairo. He is a member of different professional societies where he served as a president of the Slovenian Statistical Society (1985-87) and the Union of the Yugoslav Statistical Societies (1986-88). For two years he also served as a vice dean of the Faculty of Economics (1997-1999).The fields of interest of prof. Malacic are migration studies, demography, population and labour force reproduction, labour market, population and employment policies, human capital, education, economic statistics, regional development. Prof. Malacic has done some research at the National institute of Demography, Paris, 1993 (3 months), University of Pittsburgh, 1990 (2 months), Case Western University, Cleveland, 1995 (1 month). He also participated at many Slovenian and international professional conferences on variety of topics. The recent research work of prof. Malacic has covered the fields of the index of creativity, immigration in Slovenia and employment of foreigners especially from Balkan countries, the role of migration in modern demographic regime etc.Some publications are:1.Selektivnost migracije (The selectivity of migration). In: N. Šehic, ed., Migracije i Bosna i Hercegovina (Migrations and Bosnia and Herzegovina), Institut za istoriju, Sarajevo 1990. (In Serbo-Croat). Pp. 485-495.2.Labour Migration from Former Yugoslavia. In. H. Fassmann and R. Munz, eds., European Migration in the Late Twentieth Century, Edward Elgar and IIASA, 1994. The book was published also in German by Campus Verlag, Frankfurt (Main) 1997.3.The Balkan migration stream South-East to North-West. Studi Emigrazioine, Settembre 2000, Vol. 37, No. 139. Pp. 581-594.4.Dileme in problemi merjenja inflacije (Problems and dilemas of inflation measurement), Economic and Business Review, Vol. 4, Special number, Ljubljana 2002. (In Slovenian) Pp. 61-78.5.Demography. Theory, Analysis, Methods and Models, 6 editions, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana. (In Slovenian) viii 339 p.6.The Role of Migration in Modern Demographic Regime. V Iontsev, V., ed., Migration and Development, International Migration of Population, Vol. 20, MGU, Moscow 2007. Pp. 100-113. (In English and Russian)7.Ustvarjalnost slovenskih regij in njen vpliv na oblikovanje pokrajin (The creativity of Slovenian regions and its influence on the administrative provinces in Slovenia), Uprava, Vol. V, No. 4, 2007, pp. 7-24 (In Slovenian with extended abstract in English).8.Late Fertility Trends in Europe. Informatica, Vol. 32, No. 2, June 2008, pp. 123-131.9.Slovenia: independence and the return to the family of the European market economies (with Joze Sambt). In: R. Lee and A. Mason: Population Aging and the Generational Economy. A Global Perspective. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2011.10.Modern Nature of Migration in Advanced Countries and Unemployment of Immigrants (with Joze Sambt). In: V.A. Iontsev et al., eds., Demographic development: challenges of globalization (The Seventh Valenteevskiye Chteniya). Moscow: MAKS Press, 2012.