Katarina Sitar Šuštar

Teaching Assistant 

  • Academic Unit for Money and Finance (Regular Member)
  • Office Hours
  • Friday at 9:00 in RZ-302
Curriculum Vitae
Katarina Sitar Šuštar, MBA, a Slovenian certified auditor.Before my employment at SEB LU I was a partner at KPMG Slovenija d.o.o., where I headed the audit department and served as the head of people, performance and culture. I specialised in auditing of financial institutions, telecommunication companies, and public sector companies. I was part of a team that performed due diligence of insurance companies, led assurance projects for prospectuses when companies issued financial instruments on international markets, led projects of implementation of new accounting standards, etc.I was a lecturer at the Slovenian Directors' Association and Slovenian Sovereign Holding (SDH) and is still a lecturer at Slovenian Institute of Auditors.I am closely involved with the practical aspects of auditing and financial accounting as a member of the Supervisory Board of Frana Albrehta Primary School and as an independent member of the audit committees of the Post of Slovenia, Vzajemna mutual health insurance and Sava Re Group. In addition, I perform quality controls for a few audits of public interest entities and quality controls of regulatory reviews of the published financial statements of Slovenian listed companies.
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