Lidija Baloh

  • Quality Assurance Office
Curriculum Vitae
Lidija Baloh has been the Training and Development Manager at SEB, University of Ljubljana. She graduated from the SEB and holds a specialization in small business management. She holds a habilitation title of junior expert in organization. During the years of her work she gained experiences from many fields, especially from digitalization, event management, project management, quality assurance, etc. Her fields of expertise include lecture, organization and coordination of courses related to career development, developing learning skills and personal development. She is certified Neuro linguistic practitioner, SDI (Strength Deployment Inventory) trainer, CoRT 1 - CoRT4 (Cognitive Research Trust - DeBono) trainer, Memory trainer and she has got People 1st Group Training Certificat (GTC).

She combines knowledge from all fields of her work to create new ideas and implement them into workshops that reflect recent changes in the professional and academic environment.
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