Selected Research and Consulting Activities
Pahor Marko, Knežević-Cvelbar Ljubica, Assaf Albert:
The Efficiency Drivers in the Casino Industry
International Journal of Hospitality Management. [Print ed.], Mar. 2012, vol. 32, iss. 1, str. 149-154 (Pulished peer-reviewd papers)
Evidence for the network perspective on organizational learning.
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. [Print ed.], Oct. 2008, vol. 59, no. 12, str. 1985-1994.,ISSN 1532-2890 (Pulished peer-reviewd papers)
ŠKERLAVAJ, Miha, DIMOVSKI, Vlado, MRVAR, Andrej, PAHOR, Marko.
Intra- organizational learning networks within knowledge-intensive learning environments.
Interact. learn. environ., Volume 18, Issue 1 March 2010 , pages 39 - 63 (Pulished peer-reviewd papers)
Building a corporate network in a transition economy : the case of Slovenia.
Post-communist econ. (Print), sep. 2004, vol. 16, no. 3, str. 307-331 (Pulished peer-reviewd papers)
DEBEVEC, Bogdan, KNEZ, Martin, KRANJC, Andrej, PAHOR, Marko, PRELOVŠEK, Mitja, SEMEJA, Aleš, SLABE, Tadej
Preliminary study for the adaptation of the "Heaven's Cave" for tourist purposes (Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, Vietnam) = Predhodna študija za turistično ureditev Nebeške jame (Narodni park Phong Nha-Ke Bang, Vietnam)
Acta ca[code345]sol., 2012, letn. 41, [code353]t. 1, st[code345]. 115-127 (Pulished peer-reviewd papers)
PRAŠNIKAR, Janez, RAU, Karl-Heinz, PAHOR, Marko, KLINAR, Monika.
Making the transition from entrepreneurial to professional management in small and medium-sizes ICT businesses in Slovenia and Germany.
V: ULIJN, J. M. (ur.), DRILLON, Dominique (ur.), LASCH, Frank (ur.). Entrepreneurship, cooperation and the firm : the emergence and survival of high-technology ventures in Europe. Cheltenham; Northampton: Edward Elgar, 2007, str. 348-369. (Books and chapters)
FRANCA, Valentina, PAHOR, Marko.
Influence of management attitudes on the implementation of employee participation
Econ. ind. democ[code345]., 2013 (Pulished peer-reviewd papers)
FRANCA, Valentina, PAHOR, Marko.
The strength of the employer brand : influences and implications for recruiting
J. mark. manag. (Online), 2012, vol. 3, no. 1, str. 78-122 (Pulished peer-reviewd papers)
An integral approach to corporate environmentalism and its application to a country in transition = Integralni pristup poslovnoj ekologiji i njegova primjena na zemlju u tranziciji
Zb. rad. Ekon. fak. Rij., 2012, vol. 30, sv. 1, str. 89-113 (Pulished peer-reviewd papers)
DOMADENIK, Polona, LÍZAL, Lubomír, PAHOR, Marko
The effect of enterprise break-ups on performance : the case of the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia
Rev. écon., Sep. 2012, vol. 63, no. 5, st[code345]. 849-866 (Pulished peer-reviewd papers)
KNEŽEVIĆ CVELBAR, Ljubica, PAHOR, Marko. The influence of management turnover on enterprise performance and corporate governance : the case of Slovenia. Econ. bus. rev, Dec. 2004, vol. 6, no. 4, str. 297-32
(Pulished peer-reviewd papers)
KONDA, Iva, PAHOR, Marko: The Network of Relationships between a Company and its Customers
(Papers is progress or under review)
FRANCA, Valentina, PAHOR, Marko, KARAN, Monika. Blagovna znamka delodajalca : spoznajte slovenski trg dela in pritegnite najustreznejše kandidate, (Zbirka Kariera). Ljubljana: Moje delo, 2007. 360 str.
(Books and chapters)
PRAŠNIKAR, Janez, CIRMAN, Andreja, PAHOR, Marko, MILENKOVIĆ, Anja. Medium-sized firms, their expansion in the world and in Slovenia, and their genesis. V: PRAŠNIKAR, Janez (ur.). Medium-sized firms and economic growth. New York: Nova Science Publishers, cop. 2005, str. 3-25.
(Books and chapters)
PRAŠNIKAR, Janez, DOMADENIK, Polona, GREGORIČ, Aleksandra, PAHOR, Marko. Corporate governance in Slovenian firms : from self-management to blockholder control. V: PRAŠNIKAR, Janez (ur.). Medium-sized firms and economic growth. New York: Nova Science Publishers, cop. 2005, str. 141-155. ISBN 1-59454-253-8
(Books and chapters)
PRAŠNIKAR, Janez, LISJAK, Monika, MATAJ, Aleš, PAHOR, Marko, RAJKOVIČ, Tanja, SITAR, Aleša Saša, ŠTEMBERGAR, Mateja, ZAGORŠEK, Hugo, ZDOUC, Nataša. An application of the open innovation model in Gorenje d.d. V: PRAŠNIKAR, Janez (ur.). Competitiveness, social responsibility and economic growth. New York: Nova Science, 2006, str. 221-243.
(Books and chapters)
PAHOR, Marko, ŠKERLAVAJ, Miha, DIMOVSKI, Vlado. The network perspective to organizational learning - a comparison of two companies. V: STARY, Christian (ur.), BARACHINI, Franz (ur.), HAWAMDEH, Suliman (ur.). Knowledge management : innovation, technology and cultures, (Series on innovation and knowledge management, vol. 6). New Jersey [etc.]: World Scientific, 2007, str. 65-79.
(Books and chapters)
PRAŠNIKAR, Janez, PAHOR, Marko, ZAGORŠEK, Hugo. Comparison of cultural profiles of young managers from the countries of South-Eastern Europe and Russia. V: PRAŠNIKAR, Janez (ur.), CIRMAN, Andreja (ur.). New emerging economies and their culture. New York: Nova Science Publ., cop. 2007, str. 85-99. ISBN 978-1-60021-754-8
(Books and chapters)
PRAŠNIKAR, Janez, PAHOR, Marko, CIRMAN, Andreja. Late payments in accession countries : causes and international comparison. The journal of entrepreneurial finance & business ventures, Apr. 2004, vol. 9, no. 1, str. 51-69.
(Pulished peer-reviewd papers)
Full Bibliography of Published Articles (COBISS)