Nada Zupan, PhD

Full Professor 

  • Academic Unit for Management and Organisation (Regular Member)
  • Until 15.2. 2025 I am on a study leave, therefore office hours can be arranged only via Zoom based on prior arrangement by e-mail ( Thank you for understanding, Nada Zupan
Curriculum Vitae
Nada Zupan is a full professor of management and from 2013 to 2017 served as the head of Academic Unit of Management and Organization at the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana (SEB LU). She is a member of the senate of SEB LU and coordinator of International Accreditations. She joined the school in 1992 after four years of work in industry. She completed her master’s studies in 1990 at Cornell University in the field of Organizational Behavior and her doctoral studies in 1999 at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana in the field of Human Resource Management. Her main research interests include strategic HRM, human capital and competecies, talent management, performance management, compensation, cross-cultural management and communication. She has been involved in many research project, recently in GETM3 (Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management) within MSCA Rise Initiative, Horizon 2020. She teaches courses on HRM, Compensation, Business Communication and Global Business Communication. Besides teaching at home campus and in Macedonia and Bosnia & Herzegovina, she participated as visiting professor at IESEG, Lille, France, University St. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, North Macedonia, KNU, Daegu, South Korea and CNU, Gwangju, South Korea. She is actively involved in management training programs and consulting as she likes to combine theory and practice, thus she has worked with more than 50 Slovenian companies on various consulting and training projects. She is involved in several on-going research projects and has published over 60 articles and monographs and she regularly attends international conferences. She is also an active member of the Slovenian Human Resource Association.
Selected Research and Consulting Activities
  • Mihelič, K.K., Zupan, N., & Merkuž, A.
    I feel the need - the need for speed! : unreasonable tasks, work pace, psychological detachment and emotional exhaustion.
  • Journal of organizational effectiveness : people and performance. [in press] (Objavljeni članki)
  • Zupan, N., Kaše, R., Černe, M., & Rašković, M.
    Anticipatory psychological contracts of young labour market entrants: a multi-country study with a confucian work ethic ‘twist’.
  • European Journal of International Management (2022), 17 (2/3), pp. 371-393. (Objavljeni članki)
  • Mihelič, K.K., Bailey, M., Brueckner, J., Postuła, A., & Zupan, N.
    Get what you give? Investigating employer and young professionals’ psychological contracts in European SMEs.
  • Economic and Business Review, (2021), 23 (2), pp. 86-99. (Objavljeni članki)
  • Zupan, N., Dziewanowska, K., & Pearce, A.
    Wanting it all: the challenges of managing talent in young generation of transition economies.
  • Baltic journal of management, 2017, 12(1), 63-85. (Objavljeni članki)
  • Kaše Robert, Paauwe Jaap, Zupan Nada
    HR practices, interpersonal relations, and intrafirm knowledge transfer in knowledge-intensive firms: a social network perspective.
  • Human Resource Management, 48 (2009)/ 4, pp. 615-640 (Objavljeni članki)
  • Nada Zupan, Robert Kaše, Matevž Rašković, Kai Yao, Chunyan Wang
    Getting ready for the young generation to join the workforce: A comparative analysis of the work values of Chinese and Slovenian business students
  • Journal of East European Management Studies, 20 (2), 2015, str. 174-201 (Objavljeni članki)
  • Kaše Robert, Zupan Nada
    Human capital and structural position in knowledge networks as determinants when classifying employee groups for strategic human resource management purposes
  • European Journal of International Management, 3 (2009)/4, pp. 478-494 (Objavljeni članki)
  • Zupan Nada, Kaše Robert
    The role of HR actors in knowledge networks.
  • International Journal of Manpower, 28 (2007)/3-4, pp. 243-259 (Objavljeni članki)
  • Zupan Nada, Kaše Robert
    Strategic Human Resource Management in European Transition Economies: Building a Conceptual Model on the Case of Slovenia
  • International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16 (2005)/6, pp. 885-909 (Objavljeni članki)
  • Full Bibliography of Published Articles (COBISS)
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