Peter Trkman, PhD

Full Professor 

  • Academic Unit for Business Informatics and Logistics (Regular Member)
  • For consultation hours (online or at SEB): send an email in advance to set the day & time.
Curriculum Vitae
I am a full professor at the School of Economics and Business of the University of Ljubljana. My expertise encompasses various areas, including digital transformation, business models (innovation), supply chain management, business process management and technology adoption. I published papers in highly-rated journals like Decision Support Systems, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Long Range Planning and Supply Chain Management. I am a visiting professor at several universities (e.g. in India, South Korea, Denmark China, Dubai, Austria, Germany, Peru and Colombia). I am a reviewer for 45 (S)SCI indexed journals. I serve as a panel member/lead reviewer/reviewer for ten European research funding agencies and have reviewed over 400 project proposals in the domain of business, management, information technology, and industry-university collaboration. I won several awards for my research. My work has been cited over 10,000 times with an h-index of 36. Five of my papers (on business analytics, business process management, business models and supply chain risk management) are among the 1% most cited papers in Scopus. I participated in several research and consulting projects. As a principal investigator, I acquired over 1 million € research funding In my practitioner workshop and consulting efforts, I try to develop and deliver tailor-made programs. Recently, I have done several workshops on Generative Artificial Intelligence. In my teaching, I combine theory with practical examples, and always try to engage international students. I score well above the average in students’ evaluations of my pedagogical work.
Selected Research and Consulting Activities
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