Slavica Čepon, PhD

Assistant Professor 

  • Academic Unit for Languages for Business and Economics (Regular Member)
  • Office Hours
  • Tuesday at 13:00 in P-118
Curriculum Vitae
In her current position as Assistant Professor at the School of Economics and Business, Slavica Cepon teaches business English at the undergraduate professional-degree and university-degree programmes, both to full- and part-time students. In 2015 she was teaching Didactics for one semester at the post-graduate programme at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Slovenia.She was the president of the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers from 2012-2014. She is the member of the editorial review board of Scripta Manent (the Journal of the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers) as well as the member of the international editorial review board of the Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes published by the University of Nis, Serbia.In 2018 she was the editor of the special issue of the journal Inter Alia 2018 In Search of the Elusive ESP Methodology - a series of conference proceedings from the conferences for LSP teachers involved in secondary and tertiary education (published by the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers).She received her Ph.D. (2007) and M.Sc. (2004) in Methodology of teaching/learning business English. In 1999 she was awarded Certificate in Teaching English for Business by the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry/ Cert Teb.She conducts research mainly in the areas of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and has several publications. In 2012 she published her book Continuity in teaching/learning a foreign language at the SEB LU. To promote the exchange of expertise and experience on pedagogical methods,in 2017 she participated in the Erasmus Staff Mobility programme in Monte Negro.Her specific research interests include business English materials design and business English textbook evaluation, business English learners' needs analysis, benefits of IT for business English teaching/learning, the effects of general English attrition on ESP and foreign language learners' fear of academic failure arising from the need to perform in a foreign language. Her latest research examines foreign language anxiety, investigating especially the effects of speaking anxiety in ESP, and the use of IT for business English teaching/learning, more precisely the use of snapchat app to learn new vocabulary.
Selected Research and Consulting Activities
  • Čepon, Slavica.
    Barbo, Matjaž. Slovenska glasbena zavest.
  • (Umetnost in kultura, št. 120). Ljubljana: Zveza kulturnih organizacij Slovenije: Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete, 1994. 79 str., [8] f. zganj. zvd. [COBISS.SI-ID 40679936] (translation)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    V iskanju idealnega učbenika.
  • Vestn. - Druš. tuje jez. književ., 2003, letn. 37, št. 1-2, str. 43-64. [COBISS.SI-ID 15709670] (scientific journal article)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Učitelji poslovne angleščine in načini vrednotenja učbenikov.
  • V: STOLAC, Diana (ur.), IVANETIĆ, Nada (ur.), PRITCHARD, Boris (ur.). Jezik u društvenoj interakciji : zbornik radova sa savjetovanja održanog 16. i 17. svibnja 2003. u Opatiji. Zagreb; Rijeka: Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, 2005, str. 89-106. [COBISS.SI-ID 15603942] (conference proceedings)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Textbook evaluation as an essential part of business English teacher' professional competence.
  • V: SANZ SAINZ, Inmaculada (ur.), FELICES LAGO, Ángel (ur.). Las nuevas tendencias de las lenguas de especialidad en un contexto internaciaonl y multicultural. Granada: Universidad, 2004, str. 597-608. [COBISS.SI-ID 16060390] (original scientific article in a monograph)
  • ČEPON, Slavica
    Snovanje in vrednotenje učnih gradiv za poučevanje poslovne angleščine
  • magistrska naloga. Ljubljana: [S. Čepon], 2004. 113 f., ilustr., graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 25400418] (MA thesis)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    English language globalism = Globalnost engleskog jezika.
  • V: GRANIĆ, Jagoda (ur.). Znanstveni skup "Jeziki i mediji - jedan jezik : više svjetova", Split, 19. - 20. svibnja 2005. Jezik i mediji : jedan jezik: više svjetova : zbornik. Zagreb; Split: Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku, 2006, str. 155-164. [COBISS.SI-ID 16364006] (original scientific article in a monograph)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Business English in practical terms = Poslovna angleščina v praksi.
  • Scripta manent, 2005, letn. 1, št. 1. [COBISS.SI-ID 16059110] (professional article)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Analiza jezikovnih potreb študentov poslovne angleščine na Ekonomski fakulteti v Ljubljani : doktorska disertacija.
  • [Ljubljana: S. Čepon, 2006]. IV, 337 str., graf. prikazi, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 232505088] (PhD thesis)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Pre-use business English textbook evaluation for selection and implementation.
  • Strani jez., 2006, god. 35, br. 4, str. 383-393. [COBISS.SI-ID 16832230] (review article)
  • ČEPON, Slavica, ZAVAŠNIK ARČNIK, Mihaela.
    General English attrition and its significance for business English teaching/learning of prospective economists.
  • ELOPE (Ljubl.), 2007, vol. 4, [no.] 1/2, str. 137-148. [COBISS.SI-ID 36982370] (scientific journal article)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Business English study for future economists : the role of greneral English attrition.
  • Strani jez., 2008, god. 37, br. 2, str. 111-122. [COBISS.SI-ID 18686950] (review article)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Pomen izgube/obrabe splošne angleščine za poučevanje/učenje poslovne angleščine.
  • Pedagoš. obz., 2008, letn. 23, št. 2, str. 91-104. [COBISS.SI-ID 18686438] (review article)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Business English materials : an experiential approach to textbook evaluation.
  • V: ORTHABER, Sara (ur.), VIČIČ, Polona (ur.). The importance of learning professional foreign languages for communication between cultures. Celje: Faculty of Logistics, 2008, 6 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 18687206] (conference proceedings)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Učbeniki za poslovno angleščino - načini iskanja najboljšega.
  • V: SKELA, Janez (ur.). Učenje in poučevanje tujih jezikov na Slovenskem : pregled sodobne teorije in prakse. Ljubljana: Tangram, 2008, str. 106-121, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 36715874]

    (original scientific article in a monograph)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Sodobni pristopi k analizi potreb v kontekstu jezika stroke : študija primera v slovenskem izobraževalnem prostoru.
  • AS. Andrag. spoznan., 2008, letn. 14, št. 1/2, str. 86-94. [COBISS.SI-ID 39322722] (professional article)
  • ČEPON, Slavica, ZAVAŠNIK ARČNIK, Mihaela
    Needs analysis revisited : two case studies in the Slovenian ESP context. V: As you write it: issues in literature, language, and translation in the context of Europe in the 21st century.
  • Ljubljana: Slovene Association for the Study of English (SDAŠ), 2008-, str. 6. 2008 Book of Abstracts.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 20227302] (published abstract of conference proceedings)
  • Čepon, Slavica.
    English in public administration : authors: Manica Danko, Mihaela Zavašnik Arčnik : published by Faculty of administration : number of pages: 158 : ISBN: 978-961-262-021-9. first published: 2009.
  • Uprava (Ljubl.), dec. 2009, letn. 7, št. 4, str. 143-149. [COBISS.SI-ID 19210726] (book review)
  • Čepon, Slavica
    Interlingual Subtitling as a Mode of Facilitating Incidental Foreign Language Acquisition
  • ESP World (33), 2011 (scientific journal article)
  • Čepon, Slavica
    Higher Education Institutions Without Foreign Language Continuity
  • English Language Teaching 2012, Vol 5 (8) (scientific journal article)
  • Čepon, Slavica
    English for economic and business studies 2. Authors: DOSTAL, Mateja, UMEK, Alenka, ČERČE, Danica1. natis. Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta, 2012. 229 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-240-242-6
  • [COBISS.SI-ID 263177216] (book review)
  • Čepon, Slavica
    Stalnost v poučevanju tujega jezika na ekonomski fakulteti
  • Ljubljana, Ekonomska fakulteta. 2012 (scientific monograph)
  • Čepon, Slavica
    The need for continuity in foreign language teaching: the importance of grammar
  • Didactica Slovenica, 2012, 27 (5): 94-109. (scientific journal article)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Business English teaching materials : Professional Degree Programme, Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana, 3rd year, 2012/2013.
  • [COBISS.SI-ID 21187302] (teaching materials)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Business English teaching materials : Professional Degree Programme, Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana, 2nd year, 2011/2012.
  • [COBISS.SI-ID 21186790] (teaching materials)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Business English teaching materials : University Degree Programme, Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana, 2nd year, 2011/2012.
  • [COBISS.SI-ID 21175782] (teaching materials)
  • Čepon, Slavica.
    Business English teaching materials : University Degree Programme, Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana, 3rd year, 2012/2013.
  • . [COBISS.SI-ID 21296358] (teaching materials)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Review: English for Business and Economic Studies 2: Mateja Dostal, Alenka Umek and Danica Čerče.Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta, 2012
  • ISBN 978-961-240-242-6. Scripta manent, 2012, letn. 7, št. 2, str. 63-66. [COBISS.SI-ID 21344998] (book review)
  • Čepon, Slavica.
    Non-Native Speakers of English at the General English Secondary/ Business English Tertiary Interface.
  • Proceedings of the First International Conference on Teaching English for Specific Purposes (Connect and Share). Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Serbia: 12-21 (conference proceedings)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Effective use of the media : video in the foreign language classroom.
  • Medijska istraživanja, 2013, god. 19, br. 1, str. 83-104. [COBISS.SI-ID 21609446] (scientific journal article)
  • ČEPON, Slavica
    (Ne)stalnost v tujejezikovnem poučevanju/učenju ob prehodu na visokošolsko ustanovo
  • Izzivi poučevanja in raziskovanja tujih jezikov stroke : knjiga povzetkov. Ljubljana: SDUTSJ, 2014, str. 2. [COBISS.SI-ID 21948390] (published abstract of conference proceedings)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Fear of failure in ESP in academic settings.
  • Integrating language, culture and purpose in ESP : proceedings of the 7th Austrian UAS Language Instructors' Conference, Wien 23-24 May 2014. Wien: UAS Technikum Wien, 2014, str. 3-11. [COBISS.SI-ID 22075366] (conference proceedings)
  • Čepon, S., Stojković, N. in Nikčević-Batrićević, A.
    Business English in Practical Terms: Case of tertiary educational settings in Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro
  • THE JOURNAL OF TEACHING ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC AND ACADEMIC PURPOSES. 2014. Vol. 2, No 3, Special Issue, pp. 527-540 (professional article)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Fear of failure in a foreign language for students of economics.
  • Pedagoska obzorja, ISSN 0353-1392, 2014, letn. 29, st. 3/4, str. 125-138. (scientific journal article)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Non-native speakers of English at the general English secondary/business English tertiary interface
  • STOJKOVIĆ, Nadežda (ur.). Vistas of English for specific purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015, str. 23-35 (original scientific article in a monograph)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    (Ne)stalnost v tujejezikovnem poučevanju/učenju ob prehodu na visokošolsko ustanovo.
  • V: JURKOVIC, Violeta, CEPON, Slavica. Raziskovanje tujega jezika stroke v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Slovensko drustvo uciteljev tujega strokovnega jezika, 2015, str. 11-51. [COBISS.SI-ID 22620390] (original scientific article in a monograph)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Coping strategies for reducing English language speaking anxiety in the Balkans.
  • Pedagoska obzorja, 2015, letn. 30, st. 3/4, str. 50-62. [COBISS.SI-ID 514299255], (scientific journal article)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Business English speaking anxiety in the Balkans.
  • 8th Austrian UAS Language Instructors’ Conference Teaching ESP in higher education : examples from evidence-based practice. FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences, GRAZ, 2016. (conference proceedings)
  • Čepon, Slavica.
    Silence in a business English class
  • 3rd International Conference FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND TOURISM .University of Primorska, Faculty of Tourism Studies,Portoroz, September 2016 (published abstract of conference proceedings)
  • Čepon, Slavica
    Causes of Business English Speaking Anxiety in the Balkans
  • Journal of English studies, issue 14, 2016 (in press) (scientific journal article)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Teachers' and students' perspectives on the reasons for speaking anxiety in English for specific purposes.
  • ESP today, ISSN 2334-9050. , 2016, vol. 4, iss. 2, str. 184-201. (scientific journal article)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    The dissonance between teachers' and students' views on speaking anxiety in foreign languages for specific purposes.
  • The New Educational Review, 2016/vol 46 (pp 152-163) (scientific journal article)
  • STOJKOVIĆ, Nadežda, ČEPON, Slavica, NIKČEVIĆ-BATRIĆEVIĆ, Aleksandra.
    Reversing the perspective : how can English for specific purposes inform general English.
  • V: STOJKOVIĆ, Nadežda (ur.), TOSIĆ, Milorad (ur.), NEJKOVIĆ, Valentina (ur.). Synergies of English for specific purposes and language learning technologies. 1st unabridged ed. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017, str. 204-209. [COBISS.SI-ID 23708902] (original scientific article in a monograph)
  • ČEPON, Slavica.
    Anglicizmi v poslovni nomenklaturi turističnih podjetij v Sloveniji.
  • Revija za ekonomske in poslovne vede, ISSN 2350-384X, 2017, vol. 4, no. 2, str. 35-49, tabele. (scientific journal article)
  • Čepon, Slavica.
    Using Snapchat: A new way to learn English vocabulary?
  • Didactica Slovenica,2019. letn. 33, št.3/4, str.123-135. (scientific journal article)
  • Slavica Čepon.
    Poslovne spletne strani uspešnih slovenskih podjetij - kakovost angleškega jezika
  • Revija za ekonomske in poslovne vede, ISSN 2350-384X. 2020, vol. 7, no. 2, st[code345]. 59-74, (scientific journal article)
  • Čepon, Slavica
  • Jou[code345]nal of Teaching English fo[code345] Specific and Academic Pu[code345]poses (scientific journal article)
  • Full Bibliography of Published Articles (COBISS)
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