Vasja Rant, PhD

Associate Professor 

  • Academic Unit for Money and Finance (Department Vice Chair)
  • Office Hours
  • Tuesday at 14:00 in P-301
Curriculum Vitae
Vasja Rant is associate professor of money and finance at the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana. He finished his PhD at the School of Economics and Business in 2008 with additional training from the IMF Institute, Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros in Madrid and Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. He currently teaches undergraduate and master level courses in international finance and European economic integration. He also has substantive international teaching experience at Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Austria), Kyungpook National University (Republic of Korea) and Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey). As a lecturer and consultant, he has also collaborated with the business community, the financial sector and the public sector in Slovenia and the countries of former Yugoslavia. His research interests mainly include EU economic integration, banking and international finance topics, with recent focus on sustainable finance. He has published several articles in international and slovenian peer-reviewed journals as well as book chapters. He is editorial board member of Bančni vestnik (Banking journal, Econlit). Professionally, he has cooperated with the Slovenian government on multiple occasions about EU related topics and has actively participated in multiple negotiations about the EU multiannual financial frameworks (for periods 2007-2013, 2014-2020 and 2021-2021) as well as the Next Generation EU financial package in light of the Covid-19 crisis.
Selected Research and Consulting Activities
  • Marinč, Matej, Rant, Vasja
    A cross-country analysis of bank bankruptcy regimes
  • Journal of financial stability, Aug. 2014, vol. 13, str. 134-150. (Articles published in international refereed journals)
  • Marinč, Matej, Mrak, Mojmir, Rant, Vasja
    Dimensions of bank capital regulation: a cross-country analysis
  • Panoeconomicus, 2014, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 415-439. (Articles published in international refereed journals)
  • Fuente, Ángel de la, Doménech, Rafael, Rant, Vasja
    Addressing the net balances problem as a prerequisite for EU budget reform: a proposal
  • CESifo economic studies, 2010, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 221-250 (Articles published in international refereed journals)
  • Rant, Vasja, Mrak, Mojmir
    The 2007-13 financial perspective : domination of national interests
  • Journal of common market studies, Mar. 2010, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 347-372 (Articles published in international refereed journals)
  • Rant, Vasja.
    Pomanjkljivosti, izzivi in prihodnost evrskega območja (Flaws, challenges and the future of the euro area)
  • Bančni vestnik, jan./feb. 2015, vol. 64, no. 1/2, pp. 48-55. (Articles published in slovenian refereed journals)
  • Rant, Vasja, Gregorič, Jernej.
    ECB policy measures and their effects during financial crisis
  • Bančni vestnik, jul./avg. 2014, letn. 63, no. 7/8, pp. 62-68 (Articles published in slovenian refereed journals)
  • Marinč, Matej, Mrak, Mojmir, Rant, Vasja.
    How much bank capital is enough: reconciling the views of academics and regulators
  • Bančni vestnik, nov. 2012, vol. 61, no. 11, pp. 83-89 (Articles published in slovenian refereed journals)
  • Vasja Rant and Mojmir Mrak
    Modelling financial flows between the Republic of Slovenia and the EU budget in the multiannual financial framework 2014-20
  • Final report, (in slovenian), Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, 2012, 131 p. (Consulting activity)
  • Mrak, Mojmir, Drobnič, Mitja, Erjavec, Emil, Mavko, Mitja, Rant, Vasja, Ravnik, Branko, Šušteršič, Janez, Vajgl, Uroš, Wostner, Peter
    EU budget review: an opportunity for a real or virtual reform?
  • Report of the EU budget reform project group (in slovenian), Ljubljana, 2007, Government Office for European affairs, 127 p. (Consulting activity)
  • Full Bibliography of Published Articles (COBISS)
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