Vita Kilar, MA

Lecturer in German 

  • Academic Unit for Languages for Business and Economics (Regular Member)
  • Office Hours
  • Wednesday at 9:00 in R-207
Curriculum Vitae
Vita Kilar, MA in Modern German Language and BA in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, is a German Language Lecturer at the University of Ljubljana, School of Economics an Business (SEB LU). In addition to teaching and learning German in linguistically mixed groups and application of the so called "autonomous learning" concept in such working environments, her research work focuses on specific challenges facing people with special needs in higher and university education, particularly students with dyslexia and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Kilar tries to delineate areas of difficulty, analyse specific needs occurring in these learners at particular linguistic levels, and design a framework model of adaptations in order to facilitate language learning (in this case German) to the highest possible degree. She has presented the findings of her research at international conferences in Germany, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia. Following the introduction of the Bologna reform, which limited language acquisition in higher and university education to a single foreign language, Kilar has been engaged in the renewal of linguistic programmes based on interrelatedness with major subjects and suited to concrete business environments. Kilar is also the author of two textbooks, Geschäftssprache 1 and 2. She actively participates in the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers: as a member of organizational and scientific committees of international conferences, reviewer, member of the Editorial Board of the Scientific Publication Scripta Manent,, and as guest editor. She cooperates with experts in the field of research and teaching of specialized languages at home and abroad, also as a coach and mentor. In the field of linguistics / applied linguistics, she is particularly interested in the pragmatic aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication in virtual environments, especially from the comparative perspective, and analyses how different speech acts in selected text types/genres are applied in different languages from a syntacic point of view (German, English, and Italian).
Selected Research and Consulting Activities
  • Kilar, Vita
    Heterogenität der Studierenden beim Erwerb des Deustchen als Wirtschafts- und Geschäftssprache auf der Tertiätebene: der Faktor der Nationalität.
  • International Conference of Association of LSP Teachers of Higher Education Institutions.From theory to practice in language for specific purposes. Zagreb 2016. (Conference paper)
  • Kilar, Vita
    People with special needs in the foreign language classroom.
  • The Learning Teacher's Network's 10th International Conference Zagreb, Croatia: Development in Learning and Sustainability May 2015. (Conference paper)
  • Kilar, Vita
    Neue Entwicklungen auf dem Sprachmarkt: Renaissance des Deutschen als internationale Verkehrssprache?
  • In: Bungarten, Theo (ed.):Von Fukushima zum Tanz der Bunker- Die (un)sichtbare Hand in der Globalisierungskommunikation. Ausgewählte Beiträge des III. Internationalen Hamburger Kongresses zur Wirtschaftskommunikation (IHCW 2011). Berlin: Logos Verlag. 2015. 167-178. (Conference paper)
  • Kilar, Vita
    Praktisch für die Praxis: Geschäftskommunkation auf Deutsch. Vorstellung eines Studienfachs an der Wirtschaftsfakultät der Universität Ljubljana.
  • In: XHAFERRI, Brikena (ed.): Promoting learner autonomy in higher education.Tetovo: South East European University. 2015. 249-262. (Conference paper)
  • Kilar, Vita
    Ein LSP Kurs für Beginner auf der Tertiärebene: Motivation als Faktor des Erfolgs.
  • 8th International Language Conference on the Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Language for Communication between Cultures. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Zagreb 2015. (Conference paper)
  • Kilar, Vita
    Ein LSP-Kurs für Anfänger: Herausforderungen auf der Tertiärebene
  • III. Int. Conference Language for Specific Purposes: Past, Preset, Future. Foreign Language and Literature Association of Serbia. Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade.September 2014. (Conference paper)
  • Kilar, Vita
    Der Geschäftsbrief und der Aspekt der Sprachwahl.
  • HAHN, Walter von (ed), VERTAN, Christina: XVI. Europäisches Fachsprachesymposium-Specialized language in global communication. In: Sprache in der Gesellschaft 30. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 2010. 268-277. (Conference paper)
  • Kilar, Vita
    Deutsch für den Beruf und Menschen mit besonderen Bedürfnissen im Hochschulbereich: Problemstellungen, Vorgehensweisen, Lösungsvorschläge. Business German in higher Eucation and people with special needs: issues, approaches and solutions.
  • Ipavec,V.M, VICIC, P., PLOS, A (ed). Proceedings of the sixth Int. Language Conference on the Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Language for Communication between Cultures. 2013.University of Maribor. 138-147. (Conference paper)
  • Kilar, Vita
    Poslovna korespondenca v nemškem jeziku : analiza napak pri študentih ekonomije pred in po uvedbi bolonjskega sistema. .
  • Izzivi jezika stroke 21. stoletja. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo učiteljev tujega strokovnega jezika, 2010. (Conference paper)
  • Kilar,VIta
    Problematik des Deutschen als zweiter Fremdsprache im Rahmen des Universitätstudiums in Slowenien. Versuch einer Fehleranalyse bei Ökonomiestudenten: Thema Geschäftskorrespondenz.
  • KABIĆ, Slavija (ur.), LOVRIĆ, Goran (ur.).Mobilität und Kontakt: Deutsche Sprache, Literatur und Kultur in ihrer Beziehung zum südosteuropäischen Raum.Sveučilište v Zadru. Zadar 2009. str. 77-89. (Conference paper)
  • Kilar, Vita.
    Der Geschäftsbrief : ein Versuch der Analyse auf der Basis der Sprechakttheorie und der Konversationsmaximen
  • PRELJEVIĆ, Vahidin (ur.), SMAILAGIĆ, Vedad (ur.). Transformationsräume: Aspekte des Wandels in deutscher Sprache, Literatur und Kultur. Sarajevo: Bosansko filološko društvo: = Bosnian Philological Society: = Bosnische philologische Gesellschaft. 2008. 52-65. (Conference paper)
  • Full Bibliography of Published Articles (COBISS)
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