Business Environment (ICPE)

Aims of the course

- Develop an understanding of company's external environment and its importance for business performance
- Be able to analyze BE from company perspective
- Be able to implement the knowledge to solve problems
- Develop an understanding of corporate social responsibility

Course syllabus

In a fast-paced and constantly changing world, it is more important than ever to have a sound appreciation of the kontekst in which business organisations exist and operate. The course 'Business environment' studies transactional (task, industry) environment and contextual (broader social) environment. Answers to the following questions are always in need: how we define competitiveness of countries, how capitalisms and states compete, what is the future of state, how is economic crisis affecting global economy, how are labour markets adapting, what is the influence of technology developments, how we organizie innovation, what is the role of supporting systems (e.g. healthcare, pesnions, education,...), what is the role of elites and the meaning of corporate social responsibility (including business ethics). IN responding to this complex development issues a narrow economic thinking is not enough. Our approach is holistic, bringing together broader social and humanistic sciences, as well as tehnical and natural sciences.

Course director(s)

  • Marko Jaklič, PhD, Full Professor

  • Academic Unit for Economics (Regular Member)
  • Academic Unit for International Economics and Business (Associate Member)
  • Academic Unit for Management and Organisation (Associate Member)
  • W: 
  • LinkedIn: 
  • Twitter: MarkoJaklic 
  • Skype: Marko.Jaklic 
  • Office Hours
  • Thursday at 10:00 in P-342
  • Office Hours
  • Monday at 17:00 in Zoom
  • Office Hours
  • Wednesday at 9:00 in R-302
  • To avoid waiting in front of the door for your turn, please send an email, I will try to give you a more detailed time slot.
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