Effective transfer of research findings and innovation into practice contributes to the business community and to the development of the national economic framework. The impact on corporate innovation is achieved through the quick dissemination of research findings to the research and business communities. That is also supported through research seminars that we offer:
Date and time |
Lecturer and seminar title |
5. 2. 2025 14:00 |
Seminar EF/BS: Vanja Piljak (University of Vaasa, School of Accounting and Finance)
: Volatility and Connectedness of Hydrogen Economy, Green Assets, and Commodity Markets |
30. 1. 2025 14:00 |
Seminar Banke Slovenije in EF: Jelena Ćirjaković (Banka Slovenije): The Resilience of Banks’ Exposure to the Commercial Real Estate Market in Slovenia |
21. 1. 2025 11:00 |
Seminar EF: Sergeja Slapničar (University of Quensland, UQ Business School): Divergent cyber risk assessment by information security managers and internal auditors: Irreconcilable differences or complementary layers? |
15. 1. 2025 13:00 |
Seminar EF: Felipe Reinoso-Carvalho (Universidad de Los Andes): Crafting soundscapes associated with environmental and social dimensions of sustainability |
7. 1. 2025 12:00 |
Seminar EF: Darina Vorobeva (NOVA, IMS, Lizbona, Portugalska): The Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Replacement in Marketing Integrating Contemporary Service Theories to Explore Stakeholder Dynamics |
12. 12. 2024 10:00 |
Seminar BS/EF: Črt Lenarčič (Banka Slovenije): Green Transition in the Euro Area: Domestic and Global Factors |
5. 12. 2024 14:00 |
Seminar EF: Djordje Djurica (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
: Cognitively Effective Process Mining Visualizations Using Conceptual Modeling Insights |
28. 11. 2024 13:00 |
Seminar EF: Arne Carlsen (BI Norwegian Business School)
: Value inquiry and constructing the good in organizations |
28. 11. 2024 10:00 |
Seminar Banke Slovenije: Tina Toni (Morgan Stanley): Algorithmic trading, models and artificial intelligence |
26. 11. 2024 13:00 |
Seminar EF/BS: Zoran Filipović (Université Paris Dauphine): Beyond the hype: Understanding IPO (over)valuation |
21. 11. 2024 14:00 |
Zhiwei Zhu (Daniels School of Business, Purdue University) : Business Analytics in the Generative AI Era: A Historical and Forward-Looking Perspective |
21. 11. 2024 14:00 |
Seminar BS/EF: Domenica Di Virgilio (Banka Slovenije): Complementarities between capital buffers and dividend prudential target |
12. 11. 2024 03:30 |
Seminar BS/EF: Oliver Holtemöller
(Halle Institute for Economic Research; Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg): Optimal Monetary Policy in a Two-Sector Environmental DSGE Model |
6. 11. 2024 12:30 |
Seminar EF/BS: Nebojša Dimić (University of Vaasa, Finland): Sustainable Finance and Uncertainty: Evidence from Emerging Bond Markets |
28. 10. 2024 10:00 |
Seminar Banke Slovenije: Pierre Wunsch, guverner belgijske centralne banke: The green agenda and its impact on monetary and macroeconomic policies (Zelena agenda ter njen vpliv na denarno in makroekonomsko politiko) |
11. 9. 2024 11:00 |
SEMINAR BS/EF: David Andolfatto (Department of Economics, MHBS, University of Miami): Was the COVID-19 Inflation Surge Avoidable? |
26. 6. 2024 11:00 |
BS/EF seminar: Dalibor Stevanović (Univerza v Québecu, Montréal): Inflation Attention and Inflation Expectations |
5. 6. 2024 13:00 |
Seminar EF/BS: Filippo Biondi (KU Leuven, Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics): Firm productivity and derived factor demand under variable markups |
29. 5. 2024 13:00 |
Seminar EF/BS: Jan Grobovšek (University of Edinburgh): Occupational Choices, Human Capital, and Cross-Country Income Difference |
22. 5. 2024 13:00 |
Seminar EF/BS: Nadia Massoud (Melbourne Business School): Whose Attention Matters? Evidence from News Sentiment |
16. 5. 2024 13:00 |
Sabine Bergner (Graz University), Aleša Saša Sitar, Ajda Merkuž, Katarina Katja Mihelič, Miha Škerlavaj and Aljoša Valentinčič (School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia): Finding a balance: How organizational design, leadership style and employee personality contribute to the exploration-exploitation duality |
15. 5. 2024 14:30 |
Seminar Banke Slovenije: Alfred Kammer
(Director of the European Department,
International Monetary Fund): Lessons from recent experiences in macroeconomic forecasting |
15. 5. 2024 13:00 |
Renate Kratochvil (BI Norwegian Business School): When the Goal Fails to Emerge: Anatomy of an Innovation Project Failure |
7. 5. 2024 13:00 |
Bilge Aykol (Dokuz Eylul University): Consumer Country-of-Origin Perceptions |
24. 4. 2024 13:00 |
EF/BS Seminar: Abhimanyu Gupta (University of Essex): Networks and Information in Credit Markets |
18. 4. 2024 14:00 |
EF/BS Seminar: Daniel Klerman (University of Southern California): Legal Origin: A Geographic Regression Discontinuity Approach |
11. 4. 2024 13:00 |
Giovana Culot (University of Udine): Digital platforms for Supply Chain Management: Researching at the cross-road of Interorganizational Setups |
9. 4. 2024 13:00 |
Stuart Farquhar (University of Northampton): Where are we today in terms of research and knowledge on the board of directors? |
27. 3. 2024 13:00 |
Michal Biron (University of Haifa): Job crafting, trust, and creativity in teleworking teams |
20. 3. 2024 13:00 |
EF/BS Seminar: Andrej Srakar (Institute for Economic Research): Bayesian probabilistic numerical method with product-Whittle-Matern-Yasuda kernel for Rosen’s hedonic regression |
14. 3. 2024 14:00 |
Seminar Banke Slovenije (BS/EF seminar): Fabio Canova (BI Norwegian Business School): What drives the recent surge in inflation? The historical decomposition roller coaster |
28. 2. 2024 13:30 |
EF/BS seminar: Urša Bernardič (ETH Zurich, Center for Energy Policy and Economics): EVAdopt: De-biasing electric vehicle adoption with personalized nudging |
11. 1. 2024 14:00 |
BS/EF seminar: Matija Lozej: Macroeconomic Effects of Carbon Transition Policies: An Assessment Based on the ECB’s New Area-Wide Model with a Disaggregated Energy Sector |
13. 12. 2023 13:00 |
EF/BS Seminar: Paul M. Vaaler (Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota): Electing to defer: political real options and project investment financing around the world |
24. 11. 2023 10:00 |
BS/EF seminar: Biswajit Banerjee (centralna banka Slovaške) in Jelena Ćirjaković (Banka Slovenije): The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Non-financial Corporate Sector in Slovenia |
21. 11. 2023 13:00 |
Marc Lecoutre (ESC Clermont Business School, France): The Process of Bisociation, at the Heart of the Ideas Factory. The Case of An Ordinary Managerial Innovation |
15. 11. 2023 13:00 |
(IN SLOVENIAN LANGUAGE) Vita Kilar, Nives Lenassi, Polonca Svetlin Gvardjančič, Nadja Dobnik (UL, Ekonomska fakulteta, Katedra za jezike za poslovne in ekonomske vede): Jezik stroke (LSP): kaj to je in kaj ni? Aktualne razvojne smeri in raziskovalna področja te discipline uporabnega jezikoslovja |
7. 11. 2023 13:00 |
Giovanni Mellace (University of Southern Denmark): EF/BS seminar: The Gray Zone: How Not Imposing a Strict Lockdown at the Beginning of a Pandemic Can Cost Many Lives |
25. 10. 2023 13:00 |
EF/BS seminar: Andrej Srakar (Institute for Economic Research): Fuzzy difference-in-differences estimator for spatiotemporal data |
20. 10. 2023 09:30 |
BS|EF seminar: Filippo Arigoni (Central Bank of Ireland): Economic policy uncertainty in the US and EUR/USD real exchange rate fluctuations |
17. 10. 2023 14:00 |
Dragan Pavlićević (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University): China's Development Zones "Going Global": Opportunities, Challenges and Policy Recommendations |
28. 9. 2023 14:00 |
BS|EF seminar: dr. Gašper Ploj (Bank of Slovenia): Pass-through of cost shocks to consumer prices in the euro area: heterogeneity over time and across countries |
20. 9. 2023 13:00 |
Alan Witt (University of Houston): STOP: A Framework of Leader Derailers |
19. 9. 2023 13:30 |
Matthew Tucker and Hannah Wilson (Liverpool Business School, United Kingdom): Learning from the working from home experiment during COVID-19: Employees motivation to continue working from home |
7. 9. 2023 01:00 |
Georg von Richthofen (Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society): Artificial Intelligence and Worker Representation |
3. 7. 2023 10:00 |
BS/EF seminar: Prof. Alireza Tourani-Rad (Auckland University of Technology)
: Retail Investors, COVID, and the Quality of the New Zealand Stock Exchange |
3. 7. 2023 09:00 |
William Newburry (Florida International University): Strategic Capabilities in Emerging Markets |
22. 6. 2023 13:00 |
Robert Wood (Macquarie University): The CSR-Firm Value Relationship: Equity Mispricing and Life Cycle Stage of the Firm |
13. 6. 2023 13:00 |
Nicolas Pontes (University of Queensland): Product packaging effects in consumers perceptions of meat analogues/plant-based foods |
8. 6. 2023 13:00 |
João Marques Guerreiro (ISCTE – Lisbon University Institute): Unlocking the Power of XR and AI for Businesses and Research |
6. 6. 2023 13:00 |
Prof. dr. Krsto Pandža (University of Leeds): Impact of Business and Management Studies on Practice and Policy: Institutional Requirements and Strategic Responses |
19. 5. 2023 13:00 |
BS/EF seminar: Jurgita Malinauskaite (Brunel University London): Historicising the circular economy |
18. 5. 2023 14:00 |
BS/EF srminar: Karl Falkenberg (College of Europe): The EU as an international actor in the field of environment and climate change |
18. 5. 2023 13:00 |
Jie Zhang & Michel Wedel (University of Maryland): Strategic Merchant Competitions and Growth Opportunities for Small Deal Platforms (Jie Zhang) & Bayesian Analysis of Consumer Behavior Experiments With BANOVA Using Worked Examples (Michel Wedel) |
17. 5. 2023 13:00 |
BS/EF seminar: Nadia Massoud (Melbourne Business School): What Determines Influence in Social Finance? The Case of StockTwits |
9. 5. 2023 13:00 |
Johannes Brinkmann (BI Norwegian Business School): Business ethics: Different approaches to research and/or teaching |
20. 4. 2023 13:00 |
Dr. Daniel Laufer (Victoria University of Wellington): Should CEOs of multinationals be spokespersons during an overseas product harm crisis? |
6. 4. 2023 14:00 |
BS/EF seminar: Milan Damjanović (Bank of Slovenia): Slovene Quarterly Macroeconomic Model: Overview and Properties |
4. 4. 2023 13:00 |
Prof. dr. Miha Škerlavaj (School of Economics and Business): Creativity and the compositional paradox: A framework and research agenda |
23. 3. 2023 14:00 |
BS | EF seminar: dr. Dejan Paravan (GEN energija, d.o.o.): Energetska kriza: vzroki, posledice in nujni ukrepi |
22. 3. 2023 13:00 |
Dr. Kristina Potočnik (University of Edinburgh): How to publish in top journals: Using Journal of Management Studies as an example |
15. 3. 2023 13:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Prof. dr. Janez Prašnikar (School of Economics and Business): Blockholdings in closely held corporations: An analysis of ownership coalitions in emerging countries |
2. 3. 2023 14:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Martin Wagner (University of Klagenfurt): Sources and Channels of Nonlinearities and Instabilities of the Phillips Curve: Results for the Euro Area and Its Member States |
21. 2. 2023 10:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Miha Breznikar and Črt Lenarčič (Bank of Slovenia): Impact of fiscal measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic on small-open economies: lessons from Slovenia |
16. 2. 2023 10:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Jan Radovan (Bank of Slovenia): Analysis of the Business Cycle Fluctuations in Slovenia and the Euro Area Aggregate |
9. 2. 2023 15:00 |
Dr. Justin Paul (University of Puerto Rico): The art of writing a systematic literature review for publication |
15. 1. 2023 13:00 |
Seminar EF: Felipe Reinoso-Carvalho (Universidad de Los Andes)
: What is the sound of sustainability? |
15. 1. 2023 13:00 |
Seminar EF: Felipe Reinoso-Carvalho (Universidad de Los Andes): What is the sound of sustainability? |
11. 1. 2023 13:00 |
prof. dr. Robert Kaše: The role of peers in executive compensation: Compensation similarity, executive mobility and inclusion of CSR metrics |
10. 1. 2023 12:00 |
dr. Petar Gidaković & co-authors
: Conceptualizing and measuring consumer engagement dispositions |
15. 12. 2022 14:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Matjaž Volk (Banka Slovenije): The Transmission of Targeted Monetary Policy to Bank Credit Supply |
9. 11. 2022 13:00 |
Prof. dr. Vesna Žabkar & Tch. Asst. Petar Gidaković (School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana): The role of Industry and Occupational Stereotypes for Consumers' Trust, Value, and Loyalty Judgments of Service Brands |
19. 10. 2022 13:00 |
THE SEMINAR IS CANCELLED. BS | EF seminar: Anna Kovács (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam Institute of Law and Economics): Beyond Courts: Does Strategic Litigation Affect Climate Change Policy Attitudes? |
4. 10. 2022 10:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Egon Zakrajšek (Bank for International Settlements): The Fed Takes on Corporate Credit Risk: An Analysis of the Efficacy of the SMCCF |
15. 9. 2022 13:00 |
Daniel Laufer (School of Marketing and International Business, Victoria University of Wellington): Crisis Contagion: Guilt by Association |
7. 9. 2022 11:00 |
Walter Zinn (Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business, USA): Plastic response to disruptions: significant redesign of supply chains |
13. 7. 2022 13:00 |
Prof. Dr. Gayle Avery & ExAdj-Prof. Dr. Harald (Harry) Bergsteiner
(Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia)
: Sustainable Leadership for Organisations and National Competitiveness |
12. 7. 2022 11:00 |
Vaughn Tan (University College London): The strategic value and challenges of configurational meta-knowledge in creative industries |
1. 6. 2022 13:00 |
Dr. Naresh Kumar Malhotra: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Theory Development and Testing |
26. 5. 2022 14:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Frank Smets (European Central Bank and Ghent University): The Optimal Quantity of CBDC in a Bank-Based Economy |
25. 5. 2022 13:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Nadia Massoud, PhD (Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne/Australia): When Sentiment is news? |
18. 5. 2022 13:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Dr. Istemi Berk, Faculty of Business, Dokuz Eylul University: Energy Efficient Fiscal Policies: Implications for Turkish Manufacturing Industry |
22. 3. 2022 13:00 |
Sabine Bergner (University of Graz/Austria): A leading character: How and why leaders' personality impacts success |
15. 3. 2022 14:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Chiara Natalie Focacci (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam Institute of Law and Economics): Choosing the right COVID-19 indicator: crude mortality, case fatality, and infection fatality rates influence policy preferences, behaviour, and understanding |
30. 11. 2021 13:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Rok Spruk (University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business): What 5 Billion Regressions Say About the Effects of Transaction Costs on Firm-Level Innovation? |
16. 11. 2021 13:00 |
Matej Černe (University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business): The Moderated-Mediation Model among Technostress, Frustration, Corporate Social Responsibility and Meaningful Work |
27. 10. 2021 14:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Urban Ulrych (University of Zürich): Ambiguity, Optimal Currency Overlay, and Home Currency Bias |
20. 10. 2021 11:00 |
Lorenz Graf-Vlachy (TU Dortmund University): How CEO Personality and Media Coverage Affect Product Recall Decisions |
12. 10. 2021 13:00 |
Bernardo F. Quiroga (Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile): Supplier Behavior in Complex Environments: Sealed-Bid Score Auctions for Public Procurement |
6. 10. 2021 13:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Chiara Natalie Focacci (Erasmus University Rotterdam): Pay to Quit Offers: Do People Work More? |
29. 9. 2021 15:30 |
Jan C. Fransoo (Tilburg University, Tilburg School of Economics and Management): Next generation supply chain planning: How AI and humans will collaborate |
19. 5. 2021 10:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Jaka Cepec (University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business): Measuring the effectiveness of bankruptcy reorganization proceedings in Slovenia and post-reorganization firm survival |
18. 5. 2021 10:00 |
Matija Marić (Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb): Misfit and fit in job design demystified: Which leads to higher work engagement and innovative behavior? |
12. 5. 2021 11:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Andrej Srakar (Institute for Economic Research, Ljubljana): Combinatorial regression model in abstract simplicial complexes |
22. 4. 2021 11:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Marco Fabbri (University Pompeu Fabra & Barcelona GSE): The Double Dividend of Property Institutions |
7. 4. 2021 14:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Michael Reiter (Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna): Long-term Bank Lending and the Transfer of Aggregate risk |
24. 2. 2021 10:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Matjaž Koman (University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business): Labor market rigidity and employment: Firm-level evidence |
29. 9. 2020 14:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Dr. Michael Scholz (Department of Economics, University of Graz): Price-Rent Ratios and Expected Capital Gains: A Hedonic Spatio-Temporal Approach |
25. 9. 2020 10:00 |
Petar Gidaković (University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business): Using Qualtrics survey platform for online research |
8. 9. 2020 11:00 |
Aleksandar Nikolovski (PhD candidate at University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business): Determinants of country level employee overqualification: a configurational approach |
8. 5. 2020 00:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Andrej Srakar (Institute for Economic Research, Ljubljana; University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business); OBVEZNA PRIJAVA NA: http://raziskave.ef.uni-lj.si/a/836 : Endogeneity modelling in static and dynamic MIMIC models |
8. 4. 2020 00:00 |
THE SEMINAR IS CANCELLED. BS | EF seminar: Immanuel Bomze (University of Vienna): Robust clustering in social networks |
8. 4. 2020 00:00 |
THE SEMINAR IS CANCELLED. BS | EF seminar: Paula Brito (Faculty of Economics, University of Porto): Linear Models for Complex Data Analysis |
3. 4. 2020 00:00 |
Petar Gidaković (University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business); OBVEZNA PRIJAVA NA: http://raziskave.ef.uni-lj.si/a/811 : Using Qualtrics survey platform for online research |
2. 4. 2020 00:00 |
THE SEMINAR IS CANCELLED. BS | EF seminar: Mario V. Wüthrich (ETH Zürich): From Generalized Linear Models to Neural Networks, and Back |
1. 4. 2020 00:00 |
THE SEMINAR IS CANCELLED. William Yeoh (BL Deakin Business School, Deakin University, Australia): Learning Analytics for Enhanced Students Performance |
24. 3. 2020 00:00 |
THE SEMINAR IS CANCELLED. Petar Gidaković (University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business): Using Qualtrics survey platform for online research |
18. 3. 2020 00:00 |
THE SEMINAR IS CANCELLED. BS | EF seminar: Andrej Srakar (Institute for Economic Research, Ljubljana; University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business): Endogeneity modelling in static and dynamic MIMIC models |
12. 12. 2019 00:00 |
Dr. Georgios Halkias (University of Vienna, Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics): Having and doing contribute equally to happiness: Symmetrizing self-expression across material and experiential purchases |
10. 12. 2019 00:00 |
Eva Repovš (University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business): Perceived change turbulence and change readiness: learning from entrepreneurial cognition |
9. 12. 2019 00:00 |
Kevin C. Desouza (School of Management, QUT Business School): Shaping the Future of Autonomous Systems in Society: Research with Impact |
11. 11. 2019 00:00 |
THE SEMINAR IS CANCELLED. Eduardo Schiehll (HEC Montréal, Department of Accounting Studies): Board engagement: A fuzzy-set analysis of board attributes and context |
23. 10. 2019 00:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Miloš Božović, PhD (Faculty of Economics University of Belgrade): Monetary policy and price bubbles: an experimental study |
18. 10. 2019 00:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Juan Sebastián Mora Sanguinetti (Bank of Spain): How does the complexity of regulation affect business demography? Evidence from Spain |
15. 10. 2019 00:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Prof. Dr. Maria Cristina Marcuzzo (University of Rome La Sapienza): Expectations, conjectures and beliefs: The legacy of Marshall, Kahn and Keynes |
21. 6. 2019 00:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Dr. Lela Mélon (Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona): Sustainable Corporate Law |
29. 5. 2019 00:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Dr. Anne Lafarre (Tilburg University, The Netherlands): Shareholder sustainability engagement: The case of shareholder questions in Dutch annual meetings |
27. 5. 2019 00:00 |
Robert Wood, PhD (University of Technology Sydney): Leadership Signatures: A new perspective on individual leader differences |
22. 5. 2019 00:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Nadia Massoud, PhD (Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne): The Lender Effects on M&A Gains |
21. 5. 2019 00:00 |
Dr. Teresa Hogan (DCU Business School, Dublin City University): European trade credit use and SME survival |
15. 5. 2019 00:00 |
Jennifer Tarr, PhD (London School of Economics and Political Science); obvezna prijava prek obrazca na raziskave.ef.uni-lj.si/researchethics): Ethics in Research with Human Subjects |
14. 5. 2019 00:00 |
Dr. Philipp Schaberl (University of Northern Colorado, Monfort College of Business): An Investigation of the Role of Dividends in Analysts’ Optimistic Forecast Bias |
8. 5. 2019 00:00 |
Dr. Michael Leyer (University of Rostock, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Germany), ob 11:00: How to Provoke Individuals’ Contributions to Process Innovation – The Role of Process Management Systems |
8. 5. 2019 00:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Dr. Mark Cummins (DCU Business School (Dublin City University)), ob 15:00: Business lending efficiency in online credit markets |
7. 5. 2019 00:00 |
BS | EF seminar: prof. dr. Dirk Schoenmaker (Erasmus University Rotterdam): Principles of Sustainable Finance |
25. 4. 2019 00:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Prof. Dr. Robert Holzmann, member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, honorary member at the University of New South Wales in Sydney and the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur; ob 14:00 v avli Banke Slovenije: Retirement Income Design Revisited: Life Expectancy Estimates, Heterogeneity, Life-Cycle Hypotheses Issues, and Design Options |
10. 4. 2019 00:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Dr Samuel Vigne (Trinity College Dublin): Sell or Die: What happens to firms after they withdraw from the IPO? |
9. 4. 2019 00:00 |
prof. dr. Maria Smirnova (Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University): Customer orientation as a multidimensional construct: Evidence from the Russian markets |
4. 4. 2019 00:00 |
Nina Michaelidou, PhD (Loughborough University): Factors Affecting Consumer Responses to Advertising on Social Media: A cross-platform comparison |
19. 3. 2019 00:00 |
Prof. Dr. Martin Eisend (European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)): Sexual Orientation, Consumer Behavior, and Advertising: Meta-Analytic Findings |
7. 3. 2019 00:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Paul Schweizner (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt), v avli Banke Slovenije: A threshold model of urban development |
6. 3. 2019 00:00 |
BS | EF seminar: Florin Maican, PhD (KU Leuven): Entry Regulations, Product Variety, and Productivity in Retail |
29. 1. 2019 00:00 |
Robbert Maseland, PhD (University of Groningen ): “United in Diversity: value diversity and polarization in the European Union” |
25. 1. 2019 00:00 |
Baris Selcuk, Phd (Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey): “Optimal Keyword Bidding Strategies in Search-Based Advertising” |
22. 1. 2019 00:00 |
Peeter W.J. Verlegh, PhD (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam): “How consumers use brands to show off on (visual) social media” |
15. 1. 2019 00:00 |
Igor Perechuda (Faculty of Management and Social Communication Jagiellonian University in Cracow): Stakeholders’ perspective on value measurement of football clubs: Critical discussion on evidence from Central Eastern European Country” |
10. 1. 2019 00:00 |
Matjaž Maletič, doktorski kandidat na Univerzi v Tilburgu: Chinese slowdown and the nominal term structures of the US and German interest rates |
18. 12. 2018 00:00 |
Dario Bertocchi (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) : “The impacts and externalities of Airbnb on tourist destinations: a data analytic approach” |
13. 12. 2018 00:00 |
Rana Sajedi, BS v avli Banke Slovenije: Staranje prebivalstva ter makroekonomija |
12. 12. 2018 00:00 |
Matic Petriček, raziskovalec na EUI, v avli Banke Slovenije: Učinek finančnega vzvoda na prevzemanje tveganj v bankah |
12. 12. 2018 00:00 |
dr. Nuno Garoupa (George Mason University Scalia Law School) : “Drawing the Legal Family Tree: An Empirical Comparative Study of 108 Property Doctrines in 128 Jurisdictions” |
11. 12. 2018 00:00 |
dr. Sumeyra Duman (Faculty of Business, Dokuz Eylul University): “Willingness to punish and reward brands associated to a political ideology” |
11. 12. 2018 00:00 |
João Pedro Castro Mendes, BdP v avli Banke Slovenije: Korporativno upravljanje v portugalski centralni banki |
7. 11. 2018 00:00 |
Prof. Dr. Frederic Vermeulen (KU Leuven Faculty of Economics and Business): “Marital matching, economies of scale and intrahousehold allocations” |
30. 10. 2018 00:00 |
25. 10. 2018 00:00 |
Prof. Dr. Claudia Buengeler (Institute of Business, Kiel University): “Fluid team intactness or familiarity: What matters more for innovative project performance” |
17. 10. 2018 00:00 |
prof. dr. Ad de Jong (Copenhagen Business School): “The Contingent Role of Value-Based Selling in the Long-Term Impacts of Financial and Human Resources Slack on Young Firms’ Profit” |
3. 10. 2018 00:00 |
Sven Hoeppner (Ghent University); Russell Korobkin (UCLA); Alexander Stremitzern (ETH Zurich): “Delegated Promises” |
2. 10. 2018 00:00 |
Prof. Dr. Arnd Florack (University of Vienna): “The Impact of Selective Attention on Consumer Choice” |
25. 9. 2018 00:00 |
prof. Arne Carlsen, prof. Anders Dysvik, prof. Miha Skerlavaj and prof. Øyvind Kvalnes (BI, Norwegian Business School and Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana): “Growing Givers at Work: A Systems Approach to Prosocial Agency” |
25. 9. 2018 00:00 |
18. 9. 2018 00:00 |
izr. prof. dr. Sergeja Slapničar (Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana) : “Why controllers compromise on their fiduciary duty: a replication and extension using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)” |
19. 7. 2018 00:00 |
dr. Katarzyna Minor: “Daily Deals in Hospitality - Hospitable or Hostile?” |
11. 7. 2018 00:00 |
Jose Benitez : “Social Media Capability and New Product Development Performance: An Empirical Investigation” |
3. 7. 2018 00:00 |
Distinguished Professor Dr. Ekant Veer (University of Canterbury): “Physically Freeing: Breaking Taboos through Online Displays of the Sexual Self” |
26. 6. 2018 00:00 |
Christina Dargenidou (University of Exeter), Marta de Vicente Lama (Universidad Loyola Andalucía), Beatriz García Osma (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid): “Real Activities Management to Prevent Fiscal Deficits: Evidence from Municipal Corporations” |
19. 6. 2018 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Christian Fieseler (BI Norwegian Business School): “Managing Emotional Labor in the Digital Economy” |
13. 6. 2018 00:00 |
Prof. Dr. Lucia Bellora-Bienengräber (Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Universität Hamburg): “Revisiting the levers of control with meta-analytic methods: On the nomological network, hierarchies, and construct operationalization” |
13. 6. 2018 00:00 |
Prof. Dr. Lucia Bellora-Bienengräber (Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Universität Hamburg): “How do Presentation Format, Time Pressure, and Visual Attention affect Subjective Performance Evaluation in a Balanced Scorecard Setting–An Eye-Tracking Experiment” |
5. 6. 2018 00:00 |
prof. dr. Naveen Donthu (Georgia State University, USA; Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Business Research): “Cultural Orientation and Technology Acceptance” and “Lessons from JBR Editorship” |
25. 5. 2018 00:00 |
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schultze (Faculty of Business and Economics - University of Augsburg) and Prof. Dr. Tami Dinh (Institute of Accounting, Control and Auditing - University of St.Gallen): “Conservatism and Endogenous Preferences”, “The effect of bonus deferral and bonus recovery on managers’ self-interest: An experimental examination of effort provision” |
24. 5. 2018 00:00 |
Prof.dr.ir. Hajo A. Reijers, a full professor in Business Informatics at the Department of Computer Science of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU): “Business Processes: All Around Us” |
9. 5. 2018 00:00 |
prof. dr. Nadia Massoud (Melbourne Business School, The University of Melbourne): “Presidential Power and Shareholder Wealth” |
8. 5. 2018 00:00 |
prof. dr. Cristina Villar (University of Valencia, Spain): “Managing inter-regional expansion in the multinational: the springboard subsidiary” |
25. 4. 2018 00:00 |
Sara Dolničar, PhD, Professor (Business School, The University of Queensland): “Tricking tourists into environmentally friendly behavior” |
23. 4. 2018 00:00 |
Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr. Gerald Reiner (Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt): “Retail store logistics operations and food waste” |
23. 4. 2018 00:00 |
Bettina Grün (Johannes Kepler University Linz): “Semi-parametric regression under model uncertainty in economic applications” |
18. 4. 2018 00:00 |
Prof. Dr. Christian Laux (Institute for Finance, Banking and Insurance): “Staggered Debt Roll Over and Liquidity” |
28. 3. 2018 00:00 |
Dr. Thorsten Makowski (Managing Director, VALUENEER GmbH, and Adjunct/Visiting Faculty at multiple Business Schools worldwide): “From supply maturity to collaboration maturity” |
27. 3. 2018 00:00 |
George Christodoulides, PhD, Professor (Birkbeck, University of London; Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana): “Consumer-Brand Forgiveness: Conceptualization & Measurement” |
14. 2. 2018 00:00 |
Paul Pichler (OeNB in University of Vienna): “Liquidity Risk and Financial Stability Regulation” |
16. 1. 2018 00:00 |
izr. prof. dr. Sergeja Slapničar: “External Auditor Reliance on Internal Audit: the Moderating Role of Audit Committee” |
19. 12. 2017 00:00 |
doc. dr. Evelin Krmac: “An Evaluation of Train Control Information Systems for Sustainable Railway using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Model” |
13. 12. 2017 00:00 |
izr. prof. dr. Aleš Berk Skok : “Initiate Deficits to Strengthen Public Finances: The Role of Private Pensions” |
12. 12. 2017 00:00 |
Dr Karolos-Konstantinos Papadas: “Green marketing orientation: Conceptualization, scale development and validation” |
6. 12. 2017 00:00 |
Dr. Charles Larkin : “Has the uniformity of banking regulation within the European Union restricted rather than encouraged sectoral development?” |
21. 11. 2017 00:00 |
doc. dr. Tomaž Hovelja: “The influence of diffusion of innovation theory factors on undergraduate students' adoption of Scrum” |
24. 10. 2017 00:00 |
3. 10. 2017 00:00 |
ddr. Igor Ivašković: “The stakeholder-strategy relationship in non-profit basketball clubs” |
26. 9. 2017 00:00 |
prof. dr. Luk N. Van Wassenhove: “Pushing the Boundaries of Traditional Operations Management: Closed-Loop Supply Chains and Humanitarian Operations” |
19. 9. 2017 00:00 |
Sut I Wong: “Failing to Try: Creative Self-efficacy and Creative Performance” |
13. 9. 2017 00:00 |
prof. dr. Tom Berglund: “Institutional Shareholders and Corporate Governance: An Overview” |
12. 9. 2017 00:00 |
asist. dr. Aleša Saša Sitar : “Learning-structure fit: The relationship between employee learning and organizational structure” |
19. 7. 2017 00:00 |
Inbong Ha: Trend of World Economy |
19. 7. 2017 00:00 |
Nishtha Kesswani: How privacy invasive Android apps are? |
19. 7. 2017 00:00 |
Alison Pearce: Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 3: a million euro research project in Europe and Korea |
12. 7. 2017 00:00 |
Priti Verma: Maruti Manesar Violence : What Went Wrong? A Case Study |
12. 7. 2017 00:00 |
Helena Chytilova: An Experimental Approach to Money Illusion |
12. 7. 2017 00:00 |
Luz Elena Ramirez, Eva Kirsch: Building partnerships in the Mediterranean Studies Academy at CSUSB |
11. 7. 2017 00:00 |
William Lazonick, PhD, Professor: “The Functions of the Stock Market and the Fallacies of Shareholder Value” |
7. 7. 2017 00:00 |
Russell Kapryn: Dialect in the Workplace |
7. 7. 2017 00:00 |
Jenna Bozarth: Putting Slovenia on the European Itinerary: Museums, National Identity, and Tourism |
7. 7. 2017 00:00 |
Faith Nevarez: YouTube and Tourism: A Comparative Study of Vlogs on Slovenian Tourism |
6. 7. 2017 00:00 |
5. 7. 2017 00:00 |
28. 6. 2017 00:00 |
Salvini Datta: “Ex ante Regulation and Ex post Liability for Pharmaceuticals: the influence of liability on company incentives to innovate” |
27. 6. 2017 00:00 |
prof. dr. Tatiana S. Manolova: “Business group effects on the R&D intensity-internationalization relationship: Empirical evidence from India” |
14. 6. 2017 00:00 |
asist. mag. dr. Rok Spruk, prof. dr. Aleksandar Kešeljević: “Economic Freedom and Growth Across German Districts” |
13. 6. 2017 00:00 |
prof. dr. Paul Marer: “Flow – promoting Leadership” |
8. 6. 2017 00:00 |
prof. dr. Niels Agatz: “Challenges in last-mile delivery planning for e-grocery” |
5. 6. 2017 00:00 |
prof. dr. Iltae Kim: “The Relationship between Local Employment Growth and Regional Economic Growth in Korea” |
31. 5. 2017 00:00 |
Rosanne Vanpée, PhD: “Subjectivity in sovereign credit ratings” |
30. 5. 2017 00:00 |
prof. dr. Simon Čadež: “The role of open repositories in scholarly communication: the case of SSRN” |
23. 5. 2017 00:00 |
prof. dr. Tomaž Kolar: “Conceptualising tourist experiences with new attractions: the case of escape rooms” |
16. 5. 2017 00:00 |
Dr Yuyu Zhang: “Sustainability Committee Effectiveness and CSR Assurance” |
9. 5. 2017 00:00 |
8. 5. 2017 00:00 |
25. 4. 2017 00:00 |
Prof. Dr. Ki-Hoon Lee: “Sustainable Supply Chain Management: A Sustainability Accounting Perspective” |
21. 4. 2017 00:00 |
dr. Selma Kadić-Maglajlić, red. prof. dr. Irena Vida: “Clarifying the influence of emotional intelligence on salesperson performance” |
18. 4. 2017 00:00 |
asist. Katja Terglav, mag. posl. ved, prof. dr. Robert Kaše, prof. dr. Maja Konečnik Ruzzier: “From employee brand knowledge to sales performance: A multilevel study of internal branding process in the automotive industry” |
12. 4. 2017 00:00 |
prof. dr. Nadia Massoud: “Bank Debt and Corporate Governance” |
11. 4. 2017 00:00 |
red. prof. dr. Tomaž Čater, asist. Ivan Župić: “Bibliometric Methods in Management and Organization” |
5. 4. 2017 00:00 |
prof. dr. Robin Lumsdaine: “The Complexity of Bank Holding Companies” |
4. 4. 2017 00:00 |
asist. Karla Oblak: “Incentive sensitivity to achievement motivation in cognitive tasks” |
29. 3. 2017 00:00 |
prof. dr. Ana Paula Serra: “Are rankings of financial analysts useful to investors?” |
28. 3. 2017 00:00 |
asist. dr. Tanja Grublješič: “The role of compatibility in predicting business intelligence and analytics use intentions” |
27. 3. 2017 00:00 |
21. 3. 2017 00:00 |
prof. dr. Ibrahim Abosag: “Understanding Counterarguments in Managing Consumer Boycotting Behaviour” |
14. 3. 2017 00:00 |
asist. dr. Darija Aleksić: “Dear Employer, Let Me Introduce Myself” – Flow, Satisfaction with Work–Life Balance and Millennials’ Creativity” |
1. 3. 2017 00:00 |
dr. Jernej Mencinger: “Asymmetric effects of fiscal policy in EU and OECD countries” |
28. 2. 2017 00:00 |
red. prof. dr. Metka Tekavčič, doc. dr. Judita Peterlin, asist. dr. Sandra Damijan: “Identification of managerial challenges regarding corporate sustainability implementation” |
22. 2. 2017 00:00 |
Vasja Sivec, Matjaž Volk: “Bank Response to Policy Related Changes in Capital Requirements” |
21. 2. 2017 00:00 |
prof. dr. Noel J. Pearse: “Identity theory, leadership and entrepreneurship” |
15. 2. 2017 00:00 |
14. 2. 2017 00:00 |
asist. dr. Anton Manfreda: “Bridging the gap between top and IT managers – a necessity in the era of digital transformation” |
7. 2. 2017 00:00 |
doc. dr. Matej Černe: “Tick Tock: Time Pressure, Prosocial Motivation, Perspective Taking, and Knowledge Hiding” |
31. 1. 2017 00:00 |
doc. dr. Aljaž Stare: “Agile Project Management in Product Development Projects” |
24. 1. 2017 00:00 |
prof. dr. Aleš Popovič: “Business Intelligence Capability: The Effect of Top Management and the Mediating Roles of User Participation and Analytical Decision-Making Orientation” |
18. 1. 2017 00:00 |
asist. mag. dr. Rok Spruk: “Using the Variation in Transaction Costs to Explain the Propensity to Patent: Some Firm-Level Evidence” |
17. 1. 2017 00:00 |
Dunja Meštrović: “Service quality, students’ satisfaction and behavioural intentions in STEM and IC higher education institutions” |
10. 1. 2017 00:00 |
dr. Ilan Alon: “The development and validation of the Business Cultural Intelligence Quotient” |
3. 1. 2017 00:00 |
doc. dr. Mateja Bodlaj: »The impact of environmental turbulence on the perceived importance of innovation and innovativeness in SMEs (work-in-progress)«. |
2. 12. 2016 00:00 |
23. 11. 2016 00:00 |
asist. dr. Aleša Lotrič Dolinar: "Increasing life expectancy at birth in Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia over the last few decades: decomposition by age and cause of death" |
22. 11. 2016 00:00 |
assist. prof. Daniela Garbin Praničević: "Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Support of Sustainable Tourism Management" |
17. 11. 2016 00:00 |
Mette Vedel, Phd.: "The triad as a "laboratory" for studying and specifying network phenomena in business markets" |
15. 11. 2016 00:00 |
Tina Šegota: "Critical reflection on the measurements of residents' attitudes towards tourism: evidence from the empirical models on residents' support for tourism" |
8. 11. 2016 00:00 |
Kaja Rangus, PhD.: "Proclivity for open innovation: Construct development and empirical validation" |
13. 10. 2016 00:00 |
prof. dr. Robert Kaše, prof. dr. Jon Briscoe: “Minding the Gap(s): Development and Validation of a Cross- Culturally Representative Measure of Subjective Career Success” |
12. 10. 2016 00:00 |
prof. Stefano Bolatto, PhD: "The Organization of Global Supply Chains" |
11. 10. 2016 00:00 |
prof. dr. Ljubica Knežević Cvelbar: "Enchasing pro-environmental behaviour in tourism: An intervention study" |
6. 10. 2016 00:00 |
prof. Yuval Kalish: "Who emerges as leader? Personality, political skill, abilities and leadership emergence" |
3. 10. 2016 00:00 |
prof. Evan J. Douglas: The Impact of Sex, Gender and Androgyny on Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Growth Intentions |
28. 9. 2016 00:00 |
Mojca Lindič, univ. dipl. ekon.: »Untangling the relationship between skill structure, imports, and exports« |
15. 9. 2016 00:00 |
doc. dr. Katarina Katja Mihelič: “Interactive Effects of Perceived Time Pressure, Work-Family Balance Satisfaction, and Leader-Member Exchange on Creativity” |
8. 9. 2016 00:00 |
Luka Tomat: "Research Areas in Big Data Analytics Studies" |
30. 8. 2016 00:00 |
Kevin Desouza: "Challenges in Inter-Disciplinary Research: Strategies from Crafting Research Ideas to Publishing" |
20. 7. 2016 00:00 |
Marco Greggi, Xiang Denga: “Ljubljana Summer School Research seminar” |
13. 7. 2016 00:00 |
Dr. Madhu Sharma, Prof. Gaurav Gupta: “Ljubljana Summer School Research seminar” |
6. 7. 2016 00:00 |
Vitaliy Rysin, Yelizaveta Rybina, Anna Pasieka: “Ljubljana Summer School Research seminar” |
16. 6. 2016 00:00 |
Katarzyna Minor: "Hospitality as a holistic experience for employees" |
31. 5. 2016 00:00 |
William Lazonick: "The Mismeasure of Mammon: The Use and Abuse of Executive Pay Data" |
26. 5. 2016 00:00 |
prof. Raúl López Castro: "Adopting breakthrough technologies: timing and coordination problems" |
25. 5. 2016 00:00 |
25. 5. 2016 00:00 |
Jože Sambt (Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana): "Is low fertility really a problem? Population aging, dependency, and consumption" |
19. 5. 2016 00:00 |
Ljubica Knezevic Cvelbar (Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana): "Reducing the environmental burden of hotels" |
18. 5. 2016 00:00 |
Souvik Datta (ETH Zürich, Switzerland): "Demand-Side Management by Electric Utilities in Switzerland: Analyzing its Impact on Residential Electricity Demand" |
12. 5. 2016 00:00 |
Juani Swart, University of Bath: "Who does what in enabling ambidexterity? Individual actions and HRM practices" |
11. 5. 2016 00:00 |
Joanna Tyrowicz, University of Warsaw: "Pushed into necessity? Gender gaps in the labor market and entrepreneurship of women" |
5. 5. 2016 00:00 |
Aljoša Valentinčič (Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana): "Development cost capitalization in private firms – an earnings management tool or reporting true financial performance?" |
21. 4. 2016 00:00 |
Karin Sanders (School of Management, UNSW Business School, Sydney, Australia): “Employees’ perception and understanding of HRM: The influence of national culture” |
20. 4. 2016 00:00 |
Nadia Massoud (Melbourne Business School): "Does It Help Firms to Secretly Pay for Stock Promoters?" |
18. 4. 2016 00:00 |
Jorge Carneiro (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro): "What is the contribution of research on emerging markets?" |
13. 4. 2016 00:00 |
Aljoša Valentinčič: "Accounting Quality in Private Firms during the Transition towards International Standards" |
6. 4. 2016 00:00 |
Betty Wu : "Media Deterrence and Illegal Insider Trading Prior to Merger Announcements" |
31. 3. 2016 00:00 |
30. 3. 2016 00:00 |
Claude Obadia : "SMEs Export Success with International Relationships management" |
24. 3. 2016 00:00 |
dr. Dominik Schober : "Tax Incidence and Competition – The Case of Gasoline Retail Taxation" |
10. 3. 2016 00:00 |
Peter Trkman: "Business model(s) in companies and supply chains" |
9. 3. 2016 00:00 |
Ignacio García de Olalla: "The Effect of Trust on Taxation Arbitrage" |
17. 2. 2016 00:00 |
Rok Spruk: "Electoral Laws, Political Institutions, and Long-Run Development: Evidence from Latin America, 1800-2012" |
10. 2. 2016 00:00 |
dr. Eddie Gerba: "Monetary Transmission Under Competing Corporate Finance Regimes" |
4. 2. 2016 00:00 |
Matthias Bode: "Self-knowledge through numbers: How consumers engage in self-optimization by digitally tracking their lives" |
3. 2. 2016 00:00 |
Rok Spruk, Aleksandar Kešeljević: "Institutional Origins of Subjective Well-Being: Estimating the Effects of Economic Freedom on National Happiness" |
25. 1. 2016 00:00 |
James W. Berry : "Time to focus on innovation: Cross-level interaction of temporal depth and innovation climate on organizational creativity" |
21. 1. 2016 00:00 |
prof. Alan Witt: "A Tale of Three Studies: Driving Customer Service, Dead Career Walking, and Effects of a Hostile Work Environment" |
4. 11. 2015 00:00 |
dr. Michele Pellizzari: "A New Measure of Skills Mismatch: Theory and Evidence from the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC)" |
28. 10. 2015 00:00 |
dr. Božo Jašovič: "Use of Market Information in the Analysis of Financial Stability of Banks" |
21. 10. 2015 00:00 |
dr. Otto Randl: "Risk and Return of Short-Duration Equity Investments" |
21. 10. 2015 00:00 |
dr. Antonio Davila: "Driving results through innovation—Sensing the world for opportunities" |
8. 10. 2015 00:00 |
dr. Nada Zupan: "Applying the AMO model to explore the link between HRM and innovation in transitional firms" |
23. 9. 2015 00:00 |
dr. Scott McCabe: "Exploring what we mean by ‘value’ in a tourism marketing context" |
16. 9. 2015 00:00 |
prof. Jernej Čopič: "Public good provision with budget balance" |
9. 9. 2015 00:00 |
dr. Anže Burger: "Universal Periodic Review: In a manner of speaking, a global practice?" |
22. 7. 2015 00:00 |
Inbong Ha, Tomas Balco, Peter Spier: "- Regional Climate Change Adaptation Index", "Patent Box and Tax Base Erosion in the EU", "Working with companies for teaching: sharing best practice and experiences" |
15. 7. 2015 00:00 |
Ljubica Knežević Cvelbar, Katarzyna Sadowy, Alison Pearce: "One Cent Stickers Save Environment and Reduce Operating Costs", "Socio-economic challenges and urban planning in modern cities", "Engaging today's students in going abroad" |
2. 7. 2015 00:00 |
dr. Miroslav Verbič: "An Analysis of Adopting Dual Pricing for Museums: The Case of the National Museum of Iran" |
1. 7. 2015 00:00 |
dr. Matej Švigelj: "What drives Internet users to subscribe to new generation access networks and higher Internet speeds?" |
24. 6. 2015 00:00 |
dr. Matjaž Prusnik: "The subsidies and state aid in the VAT system" |
18. 6. 2015 00:00 |
dr. Thomas William Lee : "The Effects of Proximal Withdrawal States on Job Attitudes, Job Search, Intent to Leave and Voluntary Employee Turnover" |
17. 6. 2015 00:00 |
Nicola Matteucci: "State Aid and Public Investment in Broadband Infrastructure: Assessing the Italian Experience" |
11. 6. 2015 00:00 |
dr. Mauro Castelli: "Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities" |
10. 6. 2015 00:00 |
prof. dr. Ray Hackney: "Greening ICT: a mechanism-based approach to institutional change" |
8. 6. 2015 00:00 |
prof. Jukka Heikkilä: "Business models in digitalizing economy" |
3. 6. 2015 00:00 |
doc. dr. Nina Ponikvar: "The Effect of Financial Constraints on Firm Exit: Discriminating among Alternative Exit Modes" |
28. 5. 2015 00:00 |
prof. dr. Ingo Weller: "Too Many Gold Medals for One Race: The Price of Unfair Prizes in R&D" |
28. 5. 2015 00:00 |
prof. dr. Anthony Nyberg: "CEO Succession: What we know, what we don't know and an early attempt to begin filling-in the gaps" |
20. 5. 2015 00:00 |
prof. dr. dr. Vera Hofer: "Challenges of distributional changes and an applications in credit scoring" |
19. 5. 2015 00:00 |
dr. Albert Assaf: "Advertising Spending, Service Performance Gap, and Firm Value" |
14. 5. 2015 00:00 |
Philip Eskenazi: "Accountability inhibits creative insight: EEG and eye-tracking evidence" |
11. 5. 2015 00:00 |
prof. Brian M. Lucey: "The global preference for dividends in declining markets" |
23. 4. 2015 00:00 |
asist. Mina Godec: "Does accountability enhance cognitive control? Experimental evidence" |
22. 4. 2015 00:00 |
prof. dr. Nadia Massoud: "Do Rating Agencies Act as Third-Party Monitors? Evidence from Moody’s Credit Watches" |
15. 4. 2015 00:00 |
dr. Tommaso Agasisti: "The public sector fiscal efficiency in Italy: the case of Lombardy municipalities in the provision of the essential public services" |
9. 4. 2015 00:00 |
Sara Dolničar: "Guilt reduces electricity use by hotel guests" |
26. 3. 2015 00:00 |
Darja Grošelj: "Rethinking the role of material access in digital inequalities" |
12. 3. 2015 00:00 |
dr. Ibrahim Abosag: "Saturated Nation: Online brand communities’ addiction and its effect on consumer-brand relationships" |
11. 3. 2015 00:00 |
prof. Robbert Maseland: "The rise of deep determinants" |
4. 3. 2015 00:00 |
Srečko Zimic: "Spillovers during Euro Area Sovereign Debt Crisis: a Network Analysis with Absolute Magnitude Restrictions" |
5. 2. 2015 00:00 |
asist. dr. Gregor Pfajfar: "Fashion and face consciousness - evidence from a cross-cultural study" |
29. 1. 2015 00:00 |
izr. prof. dr. Sergeja Slapničar: "The role of cognitive frames on the selection of demanding tasks" |
28. 1. 2015 00:00 |
asist. dr. Judita Peterlin: "Improving leadership development by integrating sustainability into company’s mission" |
21. 1. 2015 00:00 |
Ana Grdović Gnip: "Stress testing the EU fiscal framework" |
8. 1. 2015 00:00 |
asist. dr. Patricia Kotnik: "The role of Internet in internationalization of firms: Evidence from firm-level multi-country dataset" |
18. 12. 2014 00:00 |
asist. dr. Jure Erjavec: "The trade-off between road and railroad freight transport – cost benefit analysis for Slovenia" |
17. 12. 2014 00:00 |
Vasja Sivec: "Sector price responses in the rational inattention model in time" |
17. 12. 2014 00:00 |
asist. dr. Matjaž Črnigoj: "The Responsiveness of Corporate Investments to Changes in Corporate Taxation during the Financial Crisis: Empirical Evidence from Slovenian Firms" |
16. 12. 2014 00:00 |
dr. Guido Bortoluzzi: "Resources Dis-empowered: How Institutional Voids impact SME Entry and Performance in Emerging Markets" |
11. 12. 2014 00:00 |
dr. Maria M. Smirnova: "Is Customer Orientation Equally Important in Developed vs. Emerging Markets? A Multidimensional Approach" |
10. 12. 2014 00:00 |
doc. dr. Vasja Rant: "Which drivers played a role in the multiannual" |
3. 12. 2014 00:00 |
izr. prof. dr. Igor Masten: "Discretionary Credit Rating and Bank Stability During a Financial Crisis" |
1. 12. 2014 00:00 |
Silva Deželan: "Responsible investing: theory, empirical evidence and practice" |
26. 11. 2014 00:00 |
dr. Charles Larkin: "The IMF, the bailout, conditionality and Ireland" |
19. 11. 2014 00:00 |
Jernej Čopič: "Disagreement, Information, and Welfare" |
6. 11. 2014 00:00 |
prof. dr. Marc J. Epstein: "Research Based Approaches to Critical Managerial Challenges: Work in Corporate Social Impacts and in Corporate Innovation" |
29. 10. 2014 00:00 |
Fernando Zarzosa Valdivia: “Determinants of the primary and manufacturing shares in GDP and the Real Exchange Rate in Argentina” |
27. 10. 2014 00:00 |
prof. dr. Charles C. Snow : "A Smart City Is A Collaborative Community: Lessons From Smart Aarhus" |
16. 10. 2014 00:00 |
Zufar Ashurov: “Development of Corporate Governance in Transition Country: A Case of Uzbekistan“ |
15. 10. 2014 00:00 |
8. 10. 2014 00:00 |
Jože Sambt: "Economic support ratios and the demographic dividend in Europe" |
1. 10. 2014 00:00 |
major Mathew Golsteyn in prof. dr. Steven E. Phelan: "Nation-building, behavioral economics and Institutional Change: Lessons from U.S. Special Forces" |
18. 9. 2014 00:00 |
prof. Francesco Pastore: "The determinants of youth unemployment. A panel data analysis" |
17. 9. 2014 00:00 |
doc. dr. Mitja Kovač in asist. Rok Spruk, M.Sc.: "Institutional development, non-market transaction costs and economic growth: evidence from a cross-country investigation" |
5. 9. 2014 00:00 |
prof. Robert W. Faff: "Pitching Research" |
24. 6. 2014 00:00 |
prof. DAVID SIMMONS PhD: "Sustainable tourism, market failures and the challenge of neo-liberal market economies" |
19. 6. 2014 00:00 |
asist. dr. Alenka Slavec: “Scale development: Application of a ten-step procedure to develop a measure for entrepreneurial openness“ |
12. 6. 2014 00:00 |
dr. Kevin C. Desouza (Associate Dean for Research at the College of Public Programs (COPP); School of Public Affairs at Arizona State University, USA): “Challenges in Inter-Disciplinary Research: Strategies from Crafting Research Ideas to Publishing” |
11. 6. 2014 00:00 |
John Hobbs, Eoin Byrne in Michael Walsh (Cork Institute of Technology, European Tech Cluster, Cork, Ireland): “ Clustering: Evolving Branding Changes or Substantial Theoretical Differences?” |
5. 6. 2014 00:00 |
doc. dr. Alenka Vrbinc: “Differences in the Inclusion and Treatment of Terminology in OALD3, OALD4 and OALD8“ |
28. 5. 2014 00:00 |
prof. dr. Irena Ograjenšek: “Community Satisfaction in Post-socialist Cities: Factors and Implications” |
27. 5. 2014 00:00 |
prof. Christopher Winship: “Ecometrics in the Age of Big Data: Measuring and Assessing "Broken Windows" Using Administrative Records” |
21. 5. 2014 00:00 |
prof. Brian Lucey: “Optimizing a research strategy” |
6. 5. 2014 00:00 |
Julie Dziekan: “Should I stay or should I go? Mobility of young, educated Eastern Europeans” |
24. 4. 2014 00:00 |
mag. Aleksander Igličar: “Determinants of Audit Fees in Slovenia” |
23. 4. 2014 00:00 |
dr. Erik Štrumbelj: "Utilizing betting markets for rating sports teams within and across competitions" |
22. 4. 2014 00:00 |
17. 4. 2014 00:00 |
doc. dr. Alenka Vrbinc: “Differences in the Inclusion and Treatment of Terminology in OALD3, OALD4 and OALD8 “ |
16. 4. 2014 00:00 |
Sara Dolničar: “Market segmentation – useful insight or just a random grouping of consumers?” |
3. 4. 2014 00:00 |
Constantine S. Katsikeas Ph. D.: “Export Venture Strategic Goals, Competitive Advantages, and Performance Outcomes: The Relevance of Architectural Capabilities and Degree of Internationalization." |
26. 3. 2014 00:00 |
dr. Andreja Jaklič in dr. Anže Burger: “Internationalizing strategies: Export diversity or focus?” |
25. 3. 2014 00:00 |
Prof. Dr. Jan Mendling: "Challenges for Processing Events in Logistics Processes" |
20. 3. 2014 00:00 |
Prabirendra Chatterjee: “Optimal Bidding Strategies In Sponsored Search Advertising Auctions” |
19. 3. 2014 00:00 |
Nadia Massoud: “How Does Bank Trading Activity Affect Performance? An Investigation Before and After the Crisis” |
19. 12. 2013 00:00 |
doc.dr. Peljhan Darja: “Integrated performance management systems: Jack of all trades and master of none?” |
18. 12. 2013 00:00 |
doc.dr. Korenjak Černe Simona: “Clustering data described with discrete distributions: presentation of a clustering method with a case study on population pyramids” |
12. 12. 2013 00:00 |
Pavel Bednář : “Creative Industries and Creative Index: Towards Measuring the "Creative" Regional Performance” |
11. 12. 2013 00:00 |
6. 12. 2013 00:00 |
prof. Charles Snow: “Designing Organizations for Large-Scale, Multi-Party Collaboration” |
4. 12. 2013 00:00 |
Uroš Herman: “Debt Financing and Firm Performance before and during the Crisis: Micro-Financial Evidence from Slovenia” |
20. 11. 2013 00:00 |
Egon Zakrajšek, Federal Reserve Board: “Inflation Dynamics During the Financial Crisis” |
19. 11. 2013 00:00 |
Professor John Cadogan: “A Critical Analysis of Multidimensional Variables: Implications for Theory Development and Testing” |
13. 11. 2013 00:00 |
Leslie de Chernatony: “Researching brand opportunities from a typology of Facebook fans” |
6. 11. 2013 00:00 |
24. 10. 2013 00:00 |
Daniël Linders, University of Leuven, : “Robust measurement of implied correlations” |
16. 10. 2013 00:00 |
doc. dr. Theresa Schmiedel : “Cultural Fitness for BPM” |
9. 10. 2013 00:00 |
25. 9. 2013 00:00 |
11. 9. 2013 00:00 |
prof. Chris Veld: Perceived Expected Return (PER) and Perceived Risk (PR): Behavioral Biases |
24. 7. 2013 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Inbong HA (Kyungpook National University): "Understanding Korea's economy and its economic success" |
24. 7. 2013 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Hongjun Zhao (Shanghai University of International Business and Economics): "What is the future of Chinese economic development? Chinese economy in 10 or 20 years" |
24. 7. 2013 00:00 |
Izr. prof. dr. Berna Kirkulak-Uludap (Dokuz Eylul University): "A Western perspective on two Asian superpowers: Japan and China - the importance of understanding culture" |
10. 7. 2013 00:00 |
doc. dr. Jelena Zorić: ˝Impact of energy policy instruments on the estimated level of underlying energy efficiency in the EU residential sector˝ |
4. 7. 2013 00:00 |
prof. dr. Catherine Connelly, DeGroote School of Business: “Knowledge Hiding in Organizations: Special Case of Independent Contractors” |
3. 7. 2013 00:00 |
Matija Lozej, Banka Slovenije : ˝The effects of Government Spending in a Small Open Economy within a Monetary Union˝ |
20. 6. 2013 00:00 |
prof. dr. Chris GUILDING iz Griffith University, Avstralija: “Staff Turnover Costs: In Search of Accountability” |
19. 6. 2013 00:00 |
asist. mag. Blaž Zupan, Ekonomska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani: “Action Based Learning for Millenials: Using Design Thinking to Improve Entrepreneurship Education” |
13. 6. 2013 00:00 |
prof. dr. Miro Gradišar: “Evaluating probability of default: intelligent agents in managing a multi-model system” |
6. 6. 2013 00:00 |
prof. dr. Melisse S. Cardon, Lubin School of Business, Pace University, New York: “Displayed Passion and Angel Investing: Interactions Among Enthusiasm, Preparedness and Commitment” |
30. 5. 2013 00:00 |
prof. Sara Dolničar (The University of Queensland's School of Tourism, Avstralija): »Asking Good Survey Questions« |
29. 5. 2013 00:00 |
prof. dr. Christopher Winship, Harvard University : “The Causal Implications of Mechanistic Thinking: Identification Using Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)” |
28. 5. 2013 00:00 |
red. prof. dr. Aviv Shoham, University of Haifa, Israel: “Publishing research - journal selection and paper write-up” |
23. 5. 2013 00:00 |
Ivan Zupic: “Bibliometric Methods in Management and Organization: A Review” |
17. 5. 2013 00:00 |
prof. dr. Efthymios G. Tsionas (Department of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece): Revisiting herding behaviour: likelihood evidence |
16. 5. 2013 00:00 |
prof. dr. Frank Hartmann, Professor of Accounting and Management Control, RSM Erasmus University : »Accountant Transgressions and Empathy: A Mirror Neuron Investigation« |
9. 5. 2013 00:00 |
doc. dr. Peter Trkman: ˝Business process management – theoretical foundations and analysis of impact in organizations” |
25. 4. 2013 00:00 |
prof. dr.Berna Kirkulak-Uludag: Japanese Management View Versus Chinese Management View |
24. 4. 2013 00:00 |
Jernej Koren: Does financial statement audit reduce the cost of debt of private firms? |
4. 4. 2013 00:00 |
prof. dr. Marko Košak: The Quality of Bank Capital and Bank Lending Behavior in the Global Financial Crisis" |
3. 4. 2013 00:00 |
prof. dr. Raymond A Hackney, Brunel University, Business School, London, Velika Britanija: “Greening the Organisational Field of Government ICT: a problem-driven, mechanism-based approach" |
28. 3. 2013 00:00 |
doc. dr. Mateja Kos Koklič: “The study of perceived adverse effects of digital piracy and involvement: insights from adult computer users” |
27. 3. 2013 00:00 |
dr. Alexander Tarasov, University of Munich : “Trade in Tasks and the Organization of Firms" |
20. 3. 2013 00:00 |
prof. dr. Igor Masten: “Structural FECM: Cointegration in large-scale structural FAVAR models˝ |
31. 1. 2013 00:00 |
prof. dr. Anja Geigenmϋller, Faculty of Business Administration, Technische Universität Ilmenau: “Interaction quality in interorganizational technology transfer – conceptual framework, empirical findings, and future research” |
24. 1. 2013 00:00 |
dr. Barbara Mörec : “Trade vs. Bank Credit Substitution– The SMEs financing dynamic in an Economic Crisis" |
16. 1. 2013 00:00 |
prof. dr. Mitja Čok in prof. dr. Tomaž Turk, Ekonomska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani: “ Deductive Data Imputation - An Exact Analytical Grossing-Up Algorithm for Tax-Benefit Models |
20. 12. 2012 00:00 |
doc. dr. Domen Bajde, Ekonomska fakulteta v Ljubljani: “Marketized philanthropy: Kiva’sutopian ideology of entrepreneurial philanthropy" |
19. 12. 2012 00:00 |
prof. dr. Carole Bernard, University of Waterloo, Kanada : “All investors are risk averse expected utility maximizers" |
13. 12. 2012 00:00 |
prof. dr. Sergeja Slapničar: “Can oversight mitigate auditor’s motivated reasoning? An experimental study" |
5. 12. 2012 00:00 |
Pablo Guillen Alvarez (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, School of EconomicsThe University of Sydney): ˝The cognitive limits of matching mechanisms˝ |
28. 11. 2012 00:00 |
Nadia Massoud, Ph.D. (Schulich School of Business at York University): ˝Why and How Do Banks Lay off Credit Risk? The Choice between Loan Sales and Credit Default Swaps˝ |
22. 11. 2012 00:00 |
Ivan Župič : “Social Media as Enabler of Crowdsourcing Business Model” |
21. 11. 2012 00:00 |
prof. dr. Leslie de Chernatony, (Universita della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland and Aston Business School, Birmingham, UK): ˝Does B2B Service Brand Identity influence performance?˝ |
21. 11. 2012 00:00 |
prof. dr. Lubomír Lízal, (Center for Economic Research & Graduate Education - Economics Institute): “Firm-Level Labour Demand: Adjustment in Good Times and During the Crisis” |
25. 10. 2012 00:00 |
Ali Žerdin (urednik Sobotne priloge časnika Delo) : Vpliv zamenjave politične elite na omrežje ekonomske elite |
24. 10. 2012 00:00 |
prof. dr. Hongjun Zhao, (School of International Economics and Trade Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade): ˝Climate Change, and Social Instability: Some Empirical Evidences from Chinese Economic History˝ |
17. 10. 2012 00:00 |
Oded Stark, Full Professor (Distinguished Fellow, University of Bonn): ˝ International migration, human capital formation, and saving˝ |
15. 10. 2012 00:00 |
prof. dr. Jonathan Klick, University of Pennsylvania, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Yale University: ˝Grocery Bag Bans and Foodborne Illness˝ |
4. 10. 2012 00:00 |
dr. Tomaž Hovelja: An approach for managing resistance to IT change in enterprises |
27. 9. 2012 00:00 |
doc.dr. Aleš Popovič : “Towards business intelligence systems success: Effects of maturity and culture on analytical decision making” |
19. 9. 2012 00:00 |
dr. Patrick Verwijmeren, VU, Amsterdam : ˝Dividend-protected convertible bonds and the disappearance of call delay˝ |
5. 9. 2012 00:00 |
doc. dr. Alexandre Jeanneret, HEC Montréal, Kanada : ˝Sovereign Credit Risk and Government Effectiveness˝ |
4. 7. 2012 00:00 |
prof. dr. Jan Mendling (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria): “Automatic Derivation of Service Candidates from Business Process Model Repositories” |
14. 6. 2012 00:00 |
Philipp Marek, Halle Institue for Economic Research (IWH) Department Structural Economics in Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana: ˝Spillovers from services FDI to manufacturing firms in new EU member states˝ |
13. 6. 2012 00:00 |
doc. dr. Albert Assaf (Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts): “Internationalization and Performance of Retail Firms: A Bayesian Dynamic Model” |
12. 6. 2012 00:00 |
izr. prof. dr. Matej Lahovnik: “Business strategy and performance of horizontal acquisitions˝ |
7. 6. 2012 00:00 |
Prof. dr. A.R. Elangovan (Director, International Programs, Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria ): “Doing What you Love, Loving What You Do: Jobs, Careers and Callings” |
7. 6. 2012 00:00 |
prof. dr. Jonathan Batten (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Business).: ˝A Perspective on Research in |
6. 6. 2012 00:00 |
dr. Peter G. Szilagyi (Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge): ˝The Board of Directors in Hedge Fund Governance˝ |
30. 5. 2012 00:00 |
Gregor Cigüt: ˝Modeling hourly prices of electricity for pricing out of the money options˝ |
28. 5. 2012 00:00 |
prof. dr. Ivan Ribnikar z izbranimi gosti: "Bančni management: kako po krizi do bank in financ za ljudi, podjetja in državo" |
24. 5. 2012 00:00 |
Dr. Yasemin ZENGIN KARAIBRAHIMOĞLU, Izmir University of Economics (Turkey): “Activity Based Costing Approach in the measurement of Cost of Quality in SMEs: Case Study” |
23. 5. 2012 00:00 |
Alessandro Sbuelz, Catholic University, Milano : ˝Analytical cyclical price-dividend ratios ˝ |
23. 5. 2012 00:00 |
izr. prof. dr. Habil. Zsuzsa Karoliny, University of Pécs (Hungary): “Research networks (Cranet, CEEIRT) in IHRM - from an CEE (Central Eastern European) member perspective” |
16. 5. 2012 00:00 |
prof. dr. Sachiko Yamao, International Business at Department of Management and Marketing, University of Melbourne, Australia: ˝Employees' foreign language ability and commitment to organizational change: Implications based on employee perceptions˝ |
9. 5. 2012 00:00 |
Luca Marcolin, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, CES & VIVES: "Rent Sharing, Wage Determination and Participation to International Trade˝ |
19. 4. 2012 00:00 |
prof.dr. Jan Dhaene, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven: ˝The Herd Behaviour Index: A new measure for the implied degree of co-movement in stock markets˝ |
18. 4. 2012 00:00 |
prof. dr. Joern Kleinert, University of Graz : "All You Need Is Trade: On the In(ter)dependence of Trade and Asset Holdings in Gravity Equations˝ |
11. 4. 2012 00:00 |
Vesna Stavrevska, University of Antwerp, Belgium : "Estimation of the Efficiency Wage Effect Using a Model of Efficiency Wages, Unemployment Benefits and Union-firm Wage Bargaining" |
5. 4. 2012 00:00 |
doc. dr. Aljoša Feldin : "Minimum Wage And Informal Economy" |
22. 3. 2012 00:00 |
viš. pred. dr. Aljaž Stare: ˝The impact of a project organisational culture and team rewarding on project performance˝ |
21. 3. 2012 00:00 |
Tjaša Bartolj : "Evolution of Private Returns to Tertiary Education during Transition: Evidence from Slovenia " |
15. 3. 2012 00:00 |
doc. dr. Robert Kaše: ˝ Exploring the landscape of HRM-firm performance debate domains: A co-citation analysis ˝ |
8. 3. 2012 00:00 |
doc. dr. Tomaž Kolar: ˝A consumer-based model of authenticity: An oxymoron or the foundation of cultural heritage marketing? ˝ |
7. 3. 2012 00:00 |
prof. dr. Andreas Eggert: "Revenue and Profit Implications of Industrial Service Strategies" |
2. 3. 2012 00:00 |
prof. Michal Matějka: ˝Earnings Targets and Annual Bonus Incentives˝ |
29. 2. 2012 00:00 |
dr. Mitja Pirc : "Product display orientation- horizontal or vertical? |
29. 2. 2012 00:00 |
prof. Leslie de Chernatony : ˝How brands help growing out of a recession˝ |
23. 2. 2012 00:00 |
doc. dr. Miha Škerlavaj in Matej Černe : ˝Don`t come around here no more: Knowledge hiding, perceived motivational climate, and creativity˝ |
22. 2. 2012 00:00 |
prof. dr. Nives Dolšak : "Ratifikacija mednarodni okoljevarstvenih dogovorov: |
16. 2. 2012 00:00 |
dr. Mateja Bodlaj: ˝Do managers at two hierarchical levels differ in how they assess their company`s market orientation? ˝ |
15. 2. 2012 00:00 |
prof. dr. Jože Damijan: "Import Churning and Export Performance of Multi-product Firms" |
10. 2. 2012 00:00 |
prof.dr. Boris Podobnik: "Asymmetric Lévy flight in financial ratios" |
9. 2. 2012 00:00 |
prof. dr. Vesna Žabkar: ˝Modelling Perceived Quality Visitor Satisfactions and Behavioural Intentions at the Destination Level: The Use of Formative vs. Reflective Indicators˝ |
2. 2. 2012 00:00 |
doc.dr. Marko Jakšič: ˝Inventory Management with Stochastic Supply Capacity˝ |
26. 1. 2012 00:00 |
doc. dr. Simon Čadež : ˝Dual output in carbon intensive firms: implications for carbon strategy˝ |
19. 1. 2012 00:00 |
prof.dr. Mateja Drnovšek: ˝Conceptualizing Academic Entrepreneurial Intentions: An Empirical Test˝ |
12. 1. 2012 00:00 |
dr. Osman Gulseven: "Indemnity Payments in Agricultural Insurance: Risk Exposure of EU States" |
11. 1. 2012 00:00 |
Matija Lozej : "Inefficiencies and Pigou Cycles" |
4. 1. 2012 00:00 |
prof. dr. Carole Bernard : "Optimal Portfolios under Worst Case Scenarios" |
21. 12. 2011 00:00 |
Matjaž Volk, dipl. ekon. : "Firms' PDs with Applications to Credit Rating Classification and Credit Standards for New Borrowers" |
8. 12. 2011 00:00 |
dr. Mitja Pirc: "It matters how you pay: payment mechanism moderates the effect of price format on consumer behaviour and judgment" |
1. 12. 2011 00:00 |
izr. prof.dr. Maja Konečnik Ruzzier: ˝Developing and Applying a Place Brand Identity Model: The Case of Slovenia˝ |
30. 11. 2011 00:00 |
izr.prof.dr. Andreja Cirman: "Decisions to renovate: Identifying key determinants in transition countries" |
24. 11. 2011 00:00 |
izr. prof. dr. Mateja Drnovšek: ˝The Nature and Experience of Entrepreneurial Passion˝ |
23. 11. 2011 00:00 |
doc.dr. Mitja Kovač: "Unforeseen Contingencies in English and French Law – A Comparative Contract Law and Economics Perspective" |
22. 11. 2011 00:00 |
Prof. Oded Stark: “Integration, social distress and policy formation” |
16. 11. 2011 00:00 |
Doc. dr. Adriana B. Rejc in doc.dr. Maja Z. Groff: “Contemporary performance measurement systems in Central and Eastern Europe: A synthesis of the empirical literature” |
9. 11. 2011 00:00 |
Dr. Milford Bateman: “A Sub-Prime Lending Disaster Comes to the Western Balkans: The Strange Case of Microfinance” |
3. 11. 2011 00:00 |
izr.prof.dr. Aleš Groznik: ˝Multi utility management- Myth or reality? Transformations within the European Union˝ |
2. 11. 2011 00:00 |
Prof.dr. Igor Masten: Forecasting with Factor-augmented Error Correction Models” |
27. 10. 2011 00:00 |
doc.dr. Ljubica Knežević Cvelbar: ˝An importance-performance analysis of economics, environmental and social performance of tourism firms˝ |
26. 10. 2011 00:00 |
mag. Matevž Raškovič: “Application of weighted blockmodeling in the analysis of small EU states` export patterns” |
20. 10. 2011 00:00 |
Prof.dr. Marko Pahor: “Family-friendly workplace: the analysis of organisational effects” |
19. 10. 2011 00:00 |
Dr. Egon Zakrajšek: “Uncertainty, Financial Frictions, and Investment Dynamics” |
18. 10. 2011 00:00 |
Dr. Egon Zakrajšek: “Interest Rate Risk and Bank Equity Valuations” |
13. 10. 2011 00:00 |
Mag. Kir Kuščer: “Determining Factors of Mountain Destination Innovativeness” |
12. 10. 2011 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Aljoša Valentinčič: “Write-Offs and Profitability in Private Firms – Disentangling the Impact of Tax-Minimization Incentives” |
5. 10. 2011 00:00 |
Dr. Tom Hsiang in Girish Gujar: “Future of Quality - A Proposal for Research” |
4. 10. 2011 00:00 |
Prof. Piyush Sharma: “Deliberate Self-Indulgence versus Involuntary Loss of Self-Control: Toward a Robust Cross-Cultural Consumer Impulsiveness Scale” |
4. 10. 2011 00:00 |
Prof. Wayne W. Yu: “An analysis of the use of derivatives by the Canadian mutual fund industry” |
21. 9. 2011 00:00 |
Dr. Jodie Moll: “Designing mediating instruments: capital budgeting and the coordination of research and development” |
7. 7. 2011 00:00 |
Alexander Josiassen, PhD: ˝Consumer Disidentification and Its Effects on Domestic Product Purchases: An Empirical Test in the Netherlands˝ |
5. 7. 2011 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Ali Dastmalchian: “Organizational Change and Occupational Groups: A Longitudinal Study” |
30. 5. 2011 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Ingmar Björkman: ˝People Management in MNCs: Beyond the Integration-Responsiveness Framework” |
13. 5. 2011 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Gyewan Moon: ˝Effective implementation of communities of practices (CoPs) in a knowledge habitat: a case illustration˝ |
14. 4. 2011 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Carole Bernard: ˝Financial Bounds for Insurance Prices” |
13. 4. 2011 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Giovanni Dosi: ˝The political economy of capability accumulation: The future of industrial policies for development in the new millennium” |
8. 4. 2011 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Tony Fang: ˝Yin Yang – A new perspective on culture” |
4. 4. 2011 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Anders Dysvik: ˝User-friendly human resource management” |
28. 3. 2011 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Jan Mendling: ˝Business Process Modeling with BPMN – Concepts and Research Insights˝ |
13. 1. 2011 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Margot Weijnen: ˝Next Generation Infrastructures- research and regulatory challenges in an evolutionary perspective ˝ |
19. 11. 2010 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Martin Kilduff: ˝Serendipity vs. strategy: A tale of two theories˝ |
18. 11. 2010 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Martin Kilduff: ˝Publishing in top journals: A guide for the perplexed˝ |
27. 10. 2010 00:00 |
22. 9. 2010 00:00 |
Prof. dr. sc. Boris Podobnik: ˝Bankruptcy Risk Model and Empirical Tests˝ |
25. 8. 2010 00:00 |
16. 6. 2010 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Frank Hartmann: “Vpliv načina nagrajevanja na odločitve managerjev” |
26. 5. 2010 00:00 |
20. 5. 2010 00:00 |
Prof. Dr William Lazonick: “The Explosion of Executive Pay and the Erosion of American Prosperity” |
19. 4. 2010 00:00 |
Prof. Frederick Dimanche: “Ski tourism and innovations” |
14. 4. 2010 00:00 |
Andrea Ariu : “Trade in Services: IT and Task Content” |
13. 4. 2010 00:00 |
Prof. Victor Maas: “Roles of Control Systems and Controllers: An Exploratory Study” |
1. 4. 2010 00:00 |
Katharina Zeugner-Roth: Country-of-Origin: Old hat or an interesting area for future research? |
15. 2. 2010 00:00 |
Prof Dr Kevin C Desouza: “Building Sustainable Collaborative and Open Innovation Programs” |
27. 1. 2010 00:00 |
Dr. R. K Mishra: “Economic Reforms in India” |
10. 12. 2009 00:00 |
Peter Katuščák : ˝The Impact of Predictable Tax Liability Variation on Household Labor income” |
9. 12. 2009 00:00 |
Dejan Krušec : “Ocena bančnih tveganj in njihov vpliv na bilance bank v evro območju v gospodarski krizi: pristop Evropske centralne banke” |
5. 10. 2009 00:00 |
prof. dr. Ann-Sophie Vandenberghe: “To mix and to match independently: Protecting consumers against mis-selling” |
29. 9. 2009 00:00 |
Egon Zakrajšek: “Credit Risk and the Macroeconomy: Evidence from an Estimated DSGE Model” |
24. 9. 2009 00:00 |
Dr. Burçak Müge Tunaer: “ Gibrat’s Law: Does it Work in Banking Sector?” |
22. 9. 2009 00:00 |
Martin Wagner: A Nonlinear Cointegration Analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve |
30. 6. 2009 00:00 |
prof. Ann-Cristine Frandsen & Keith Hoskin: "The Knowledge Bus II: Towards Strategizing Professionals" |
10. 6. 2009 00:00 |
dr. Zeynep Önder in dr. Süheyla Özyıldırım : Government-Owned Bank Credits and Regional Growth: |
1. 6. 2009 00:00 |
Prof. VIJAY MAHAJAN: Global challenges and new marketing scenarios: the 86 % solution |
1. 6. 2009 00:00 |
Dr. Dana Minbaeva : “Governance mechanisms for the promotion of social capital for knowledge transfer in the multinational corporation” |
26. 5. 2009 00:00 |
19. 5. 2009 00:00 |
Larry Dwyer : “Destination and Enterprise Management for a Tourism Future” |
13. 5. 2009 00:00 |
Prof Dr Kevin C Desouza: Designing the Innovation Process: Building, Managing, Communicating and Measuring” |
12. 5. 2009 00:00 |
Prof. Stephen Bailey: “Impact of the ‘credit crunch’ on the UK public sector” |
11. 5. 2009 00:00 |
Prof. Dr. Kevin C. Desouza: “Challenges in Inter-Disciplinary Research: Strategies from Crafting Research Ideas to Publishing” |
3. 4. 2009 00:00 |
Martin Wagner: “ Growth Regressions Reconsidered” |
5. 3. 2009 00:00 |
Lubomir Lizal: “Does Better Environmental Performance |
10. 2. 2009 00:00 |
Jozef Konings: The Cyclicality of R&D Investment: Evidence from Slovenia |
16. 12. 2008 00:00 |
Pablo Guillen: Inducing Efficient Conditional Cooperation Patterns in Public Goods Games, an Experimental Investigation |
22. 9. 2008 00:00 |
Marcel van Rinsum: Vpliv osebnih preferenc po pravičnosti na ocenjevanje uspešnosti managerjev |
26. 6. 2008 00:00 |
Tit Erker: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2008 |
16. 6. 2008 00:00 |
Evzen Kocenda: Macroeconomic Sources of Foreign Exchange Risk in New EU Members |
11. 6. 2008 00:00 |
Süheyla Özyildirim : Banking Activities and Local Output Growth: Are Private Banks Different From Public Banks? |
20. 5. 2008 00:00 |
Egon Zakrajšek: Credit Market Shocks and Economic Fluctuations: Evidence from Corporate Asset Markets |
27. 3. 2008 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Susana Borrás: Cluster Policies in Europe: Firms, Institutions and Governance |
10. 3. 2008 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Ton G. de Kok: Optimizing multi-item multi-echelon systems: concepts and models |
10. 12. 2007 00:00 |
Francois Lecavalier (Direktor EBRD za Češko, Madžarsko, Slovaško in Slovenijo) in Helena Schweiger (Ekonomistka iz pisarne glavnega ekonomista EBRD): Predstavitev letnega poročila Evropske banke za obnovo in razvoj - Transition report 2007: People in transition |
12. 11. 2007 00:00 |
Jakub Fisher: Measurement of GDP |
6. 11. 2007 00:00 |
prof. dr. Andrej Kovačič;;prof. dr. Kevin McCormack: "Partnerstvo med managementom in informatiko" in "Competitive Advantage through Business Process Maturity: Multi-year case studies of two firms" |
29. 10. 2007 00:00 |
dr. Steven Vanduffel: On the suboptimality of Pay-dependent Pay-offs in Levy markets |
23. 10. 2007 00:00 |
Jaksa Cvitanić: Dynamic portfolio choice with parameter uncertainty |
17. 10. 2007 00:00 |
Fatima Guadamillas-Gomez: Knowledge management strategy implementation oriented to innovation. The case of two Spanish firms |
10. 10. 2007 00:00 |
Egon Zakrajšek: Financial Crisis of 2007: Causes, Consequences, and Policy Implications |
13. 9. 2007 00:00 |
Thomas Fent: Staranje delovne sile in produktivnost dela: vloga ponudbe dela in povpraševanja po delu |
10. 9. 2007 00:00 |
Arland Thornton: Družina in demografsko obnašanje v Srednji in Vzhodni Evropi: spremenjeni učinki razvojnega idealizma, politične ekonomije in medgeneracijskih odnosov |
5. 6. 2007 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Maciej Sterzynski: Solvency II |
4. 5. 2007 00:00 |
Prof. dr. Steven Haberman: The Annuity Problem |
10. 4. 2007 00:00 |
prof. dr. Lubomir Lizal: Privatisation Revisited: The Effects of Foreign and Domestic Owners on Corporate Performance |
1. 2. 2007 00:00 |
dr. Gernot Muller: Openness and the international transmission of fiscal policy joint with Giancarlo Corsetti |
29. 11. 2006 00:00 |
dr. Darja Peljhan, Ekonomska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani: Vloga managerskih sistemov nadzora v uresničevanju strategij: Primer slovenskega podjetja |
26. 10. 2006 00:00 |
prof. dr. Raymond Saner in prof. dr. Lichia Yiu: Learning technologies for Institution Building and Government Learning |
24. 10. 2006 00:00 |
Dr. Sašo Polanec, Dr. Aleš Ahčan in Prof. Goran Vukovič: "Analiza donosnosti terciarnega izobraževanja v Sloveniji" in "Proces uveljavljanja strateške medresorske informatike - Projekt "Jobmarket" |
17. 10. 2006 00:00 |
prof. dr. Frank Hartmann: Kako formalen način ocenjevanja uspešnosti vpliva na zaupanje med podrejenimi in nadrejenimi managerji |
11. 10. 2006 00:00 |
prof. dr. Yoav Vardi: Toward a Better Understanding of Misbehavior in organizations |
27. 9. 2006 00:00 |
prof. dr. Senia Rapisarda: Alternative Assets Class: |
8. 6. 2006 00:00 |
Veerle Slootmaekers, Damiaan Peryn, Žiga Žarnić: Predstavitev raziskovalnega dela doktorskih študentov iz KU Leuven |
12. 4. 2006 00:00 |
prof. dr. Tom Berglund: Dispersed Ownership and Corporate Governance |
7. 3. 2006 00:00 |
prof. dr. Jan Dhaene: Optimal portfolio strategies under VAR framework |
13. 6. 2005 00:00 |
prof. dr. Soren Johansen: What Is the Price of Maximum Likelihood |
13. 6. 2005 00:00 |
prof. dr. Katarina Juselius: Reflections on European unemployment, economic growth, and inflation after the French No and the Dutch Nee |
3. 6. 2005 00:00 |
prof. dr. Chenggang Xu (London School of Economics, CEPR): Predstavitev analize procesa tranzicije: primerjava big-bang pristopa k tranziciji in pa eksperimentalnega pristopa, ki zaznamuje kitajsko tranzicijo |
23. 5. 2005 00:00 |
dr. Hylke Vandenbusche (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, CEPR) in dr. Jože Pavlič Damijan (Ekonomska fakulteta, IER in LICOS): Davčna reforma v Sloveniji. Corporate Taxation in Slovenia in a European Perspective. Analiza možnosti uvedbe enotne davčne stopnje v sloveniji. |
12. 5. 2005 00:00 |
prof. dr. Lubomir Lizal: Determinants of Financial Distress: What Drives Bankruptcy in a Transition Economy? The Czech Republic Case |
5. 5. 2005 00:00 |
dr. Marc J. Goovaerts: Decision Principles Derived from Risk Measures |
14. 4. 2005 00:00 |
mag. Aleš Ahčan: Analytical approximations for a multi period portfolio problem with transaction cost |
23. 3. 2005 00:00 |
dr. Andrej Horvat, prof. dr. Mojmir Mrak: Administrativna absorpcijska sposobnost Slovenije za črpanje sredstev iz skladov EU; Izhodišča za pripravo pogajalskih izhodišč Slovenije za finančno perspektivo 2007-2013 |
22. 2. 2005 00:00 |
prof. dr. Josef Konings: Trade Liberalization, Intermediate Inputs and Productivity |
27. 1. 2005 00:00 |
prof. dr. Milica Uvalić (University of Perugia): "Serbia and Montenegro - How fast into the European Union?" |
12. 1. 2005 00:00 |
Jože P. Damijan, Sašo Polanec in Igor Masten: Priporočila ekonomski politiki Slovenije glede politike oblikovanja cen tekočih goriv pri vstopanju v ERM 2 |
17. 11. 2004 00:00 |
Sašo Polanec, Janez Šušteršič: “Price Liberalization, Output Decline and Inequality in Transition”, “On the Evolution of Size and Productivity Distributions during Transition” in “Political Economy of Slovenian Transition” |
8. 6. 2004 00:00 |
P.P. Walsh (TCD): Employment Responses to Trade Liberalisation: Irelands Industrial Development 1972 - 2000 |
8. 6. 2004 00:00 |
Paul P. Walsh (Trinity College Dublin): Employment Responses to Trade Liberalisation: |
2. 6. 2004 00:00 |
Serguei Kaniovski (Austrian Institute of Economic Research): »Product Differentiation and Industry Concentration in an Evolutionary Selection Model« |
24. 5. 2004 00:00 |
Jana Kunicova (California Institute of Tehnology): Volilna pravila in ustavne institucije kot omejitve korupciji |
17. 5. 2004 00:00 |
dr. Marc J. Epstein (Rice University): Specifying and Measuring the Drivers of Corporate Success: Research Resulty and Opportunities |
13. 5. 2004 00:00 |
dr. Lubomír Lízal (CERGE-EI, Praga): Effects of Ownership and Financial Status on Corporate Environmental Performance |
20. 4. 2004 00:00 |
Milan Vodopivec (WB, FM): Do Market Pressures Induce Economic Efficiency: The Case of Slovenian Manufacturing, 1994 - 2001 |
7. 4. 2004 00:00 |
Soren Bisgaard : The Scientific and Economic Context of Industrial Quality Improvement |
6. 4. 2004 00:00 |
Larry Sawers (American University): Restructuring and Regional Desparities in Lithuania |
16. 3. 2004 00:00 |
Jože P. Damijan (EF, IER, KUL): FDI vs. Exports with Heterogenous Firm in Heterogenous Markets: Evidence from Slovenia |
18. 2. 2004 00:00 |
Timotej Jagrič (EPF Maribor): Kratkoročno napovedovanje poslovnih ciklov |