Sports agency

Aims of the course

- To provide students with the knowledge about sports agency as a big and fast growing business, with tasks that should be accomplished by a good sports agent, with legal aspects of this field, and with business ethics as an essential element of sports agency.
- To teach students how to use and critically evaluate the literature in the field of sports agency, link the acquired knowledge with current practical problems and enable them for further professional and research work in the field of sports agency.
- To help students actually understand the discussed theoretical concepts, methodological tools and practical examples, so that they can better implement them in practice and become, with some additional work experience, top experts in the field of sports agency.

Course syllabus

1. Introduction to sports agency
1.1. Evolution of the field
1.2. Sports agency as an industry: competition among agents and war for athletes
1.3. Selecting an agent
1.4. Agency theory and the conflict of interests
1.5. Registration and certification of agents
2. Roles of sports agents
2.1. Agents as career advisers and job seekers
2.2. Agents as negotiators
2.3. Agents as legal advisers
2.4. Agents as financial advisers
2.5. Agents as personal advisers and motivators
3. Legal aspects of sports agency
3.1. Rules and regulations in Slovenia and abroad
3.2. Athlete-agent contracts
3.3. Athlete-team contracts
4. Sports agency and business ethics
4.1. Understanding and levels of business ethics
4.2. Problem of unscrupulous agents

Course director(s)

  • Office Hours
  • Monday at 16:00 in P-327
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