Erasmus+ KA1 - Mobility of Individuals
Number |
Title |
Start |
End |
Coordinator |
2022-1-SI01-KA131-HED-000056747 |
Mobility of Individuals between programme and partner countries
2022 |
2023 |
University of Ljubljana
KA1-HED-53/21 |
Mobility of Individuals between programme and partner countries
2021 |
2022 |
University of Ljubljana
KA1-IHE-7/20 |
Mobility of Individuals between programme and partner countries |
2020 |
2021 |
University of Ljubljana |
KA1-IHE-15/19 |
Mobility of Individuals between programme and partner countries |
2019 |
2022 |
University of Ljubljana |
KA1-HE-36/19 |
Mobility of Individuals between programme countries |
2019 |
2021 |
University of Ljubljana
KA1-IHE-9/18 |
Mobility of Individuals between programme and partner countries |
2018 |
2021 |
University of Ljubljana |
KA1-HE-27/18 |
Mobility of Individuals between programme countries |
2018 |
2020 |
University of Ljubljana |
KA1-IHE-1/17 |
Mobility of Individuals between programme and partner countries |
2017 |
2019 |
University of Ljubljana |
KA1-HE-03/17 |
Mobility of Individuals between programme countries |
2017 |
2019 |
University of Ljubljana
Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation among Organisations & Institutions
Project type |
Number |
Title |
Start |
End |
Coordinator |
European Universities |
2022 |
2026 |
Universitat Pompeu Fabra |
Erasmus+ Forward-Looking Projects |
REGENU – ReGenerate Strategies for Higher Education Institutions |
2022 |
2025 |
Università Co’ Foscari Venezia, Italy |
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in higher education |
SKIPPER – Skills Portfolio of Personal Development |
30.12.2022 |
29.3.2025 |
Pannon Egyetem, Hungary |
Alliances for Innovation |
HyPro4ST - Sustainable Tourism Innovation Through Hybrid Project Management |
2022 |
2025 |
Diktyo Poleon Gia Ti Viosimi Anaptyxi Kai Kzkliki Oikonomia |
Jean Monnet Modul |
101085275 |
EUGlobe - EU business success in global markets |
2022 |
2025 |
School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana |
Capacity Building in Higher Education |
610198-EPP-1-2019-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP |
Development of a Master Programme in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries MIETC |
2019 |
2024 |
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Strategic Partnerships
2020-1-SI01-KA226-HE-093593 |
DIGIMATES, Development of Innovative, Gamified and Interactive Method for Advanced e-Teaching and E-learning of Skills |
2021 |
2023 |
School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana |
Collaborative Partnerships |
622758-EPP-1-2020-1-SI-SPO-SCP |
Financial and Business Literacy in Sport for Athletes and Coaches |
2021 |
2023 |
Olimpijski komite Slovenije, Združenje športnih zvez, Slovenia |
Strategic Partnerships
2020-1-DE01-KA203-005687 |
LSP Teacher Education Online Course for Professional Development |
2020 |
2023 |
Wilhelmshaven |
European Universities |
EAC-A03-2018 |
2019 |
2023 |
University of Ljubljana |
Strategic Partnerships |
2020-1-TR01-KA203-094242 |
EUGPUT, Energy Usage and Public Transportation in Future Smart Cities: An Intensive Summer School Program for Youth |
2020 |
2022 |
TED University, Turkey |
Capacity Building in Higher Education |
609675-EPP-1-2019-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP |
Fostering Internationalization at Montenegrin HEIs through Efficient Strategic Planning IESP |
2019 |
2022 |
University of Montenegro, Montenegro |
Knowledge Alliances for higher education |
Social Business Educational EcoSystem for Sustainability and Growth |
2020 |
2022 |
Limerick Institute of Technology |
Strategic Partnerships |
Social Return on Investment: Enhancing knowledge and skills for social impact SROI |
2019 |
2021 |
Drustvo za konsalting, obuka, edukacija i ekoloski konsalting Ideja O.K. DOOEL Skopje (IDEA O.K.), North Macedonia |
Strategic Partnerships
2018-1-FR01-KA203-048085 |
LSP Teacher Training Summer School |
2018 |
2021 |
Universite de Bordeaux |
Strategic Partnerships |
2018-1-MK01-KA202-047097 |
New Apprenticeship Standards: company driven apprenticeship standards PROApp |
2018 |
2021 |
Economic Chamber of North West Macedonia |
Strategic Partnerships |
2019-1-TR01-KA203-073781 |
Smart Rural Tourism Development SMARTRURAL
2019 |
2021 |
Ekisehir Osmangazi University, Turkey |
Collaborative Partnerships |
603422-EPP-1-2018-1-SI-SPO-SCP |
Hockey Partnership for Progress-building capacities to reach equal minimal standards |
2018 |
2021 |
Hokejska zveza Slovenije, Slovenia |
Jean Monnet Network |
574547-EPP-1-2016-1-AT- EPPJMO-NETWORK |
Corporate Governance and European Union Integration |
2016 |
2019 |
WU Vienna University of Economics and Business |
Strategic Partnerships |
Joint Program for Sustainability Leadership PoSsibLe |
2016 |
2018 |
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, North Macedonia |
Strategic Partnerships |
2015-1-MK01-KA202-002851 |
Developing next generation leaders and managers through applied know-how |
2015 |
2017 |
Edukativen Centar M-Sest Dooel Skopje, North Macedonia |
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees |
586673-EPP-1-2017-1-ES-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB |
European Master in Tourism Management |
2010 |
2019 |
Universitat de Girona, Spain |
Erasmus Mundus Partnerships
Erasmus Mundus Partnerships
2014-…-/001-001-EMA2 |
Structured University between the Balkans and Europe for the Adriatic-ionian Macro-region SUNBEAM (Region: Western Balkan) |
2014 |
2019 |
Università Politecnica Delle Marche, Italy |
Erasmus Mundus Partnerships
2014-…-/001-001-EMA2 |
Smart & Green Technologies for innovative and sustainable societies in Western Balkans Green TECH WB (Region: Western Balkan) |
2014 |
2018 |
Universidade de Vigo, Spain |
Erasmus Mundus Partnerships
2013-2721/001-001-EMA2 |
EACEA 2 Euro-Asian cooperation for excellence and advancement 2 (Region: Central Asia) |
2013 |
2017 |
University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business |
Erasmus Mundus Partnerships
2013-2534/001-001-EMA2 |
Erasmus Mundus India To Europe (Region: India) |
2013 |
2017 |
Lund University, Sweden
Erasmus Mundus Partnerships
2013-2589/001-001-EMA2 |
SUD-UE programme (Region: Latin America) |
2013 |
2017 |
Deusto University, Spain |
Erasmus Mundus Partnerships
2013-…-/001-001-EMA2 |
Training of Individuals through mobility from Uzbek Republic to EU TIMUR (Region: Uzbekistan) |
2013 |
2017 |
Wageningen University, The Netherlands |
Erasmus Mundus Partnerships
2013-2549/001-001-EM Action 2-Partnerships |
BASILEUS (Region: Western Balkan) |
2013 |
2017 |
University of Ghent, Belgium
Erasmus Mundus Partnerships
2012 – 2627 / 001 – 001 - EMA2 |
EACEA Euro-Asian cooperation for excellence and advancement (Region: Central Asia) |
2012 |
2016 |
University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business |
Erasmus+ Project Summary
Erasmus+ Forward-Looking Projects
Project Title: REGENU – ReGenerate Strategies for Higher Education Institutions
Project Coordinator: Università Co’ Foscari Venezia, Italy
Project Start Date:
Project End Date:
Project duration: 36 months
Project budget: 643.762 EUR
Project website:
Project Summary:
More recently western economies have recognized the need to transition to become “regenerative economies” or a “regenerative green economy”. According t the European Green Deal there is and extensive need to boost the efficient use of resources by moving to a clean, circular economy and stop climate change, reverse biodiversity loss and cut pollution. For decades, universities have been stimulating economic growth through industrially relevant research, technology commercialization, high-tech spin-offs and developing talent. The overall aim for the project is to (1) clarify, design and trial the type of role that HEIs can have in transitioning society from an extractive to regenerative green economy; (2) equip and empower change-makers with the necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes on sustainability and the regenerative green economy and (3) to think globally to impact local environments through the development of solutions with truly regenerative business models.
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in higher education
Project Title: SKIPPER - Skills Portfolio of Personal Development
Project Coordinator: Pannon Egyetem, Hungary
Project Start Date: 30.12.2022
Project End Date: 29.3.2025
Project duration: 27 months
Project budget: 400.000 EUR
Project website:
Project Summary:
Project aims at creating a Skills Portfolio of Personal Development for students that contains their achievements during the university years in a way that both curricular and extra-curricular activities are recognised. In order to make the Portfolio part of the everyday practice of HEIs, project will access the skills mismatches and will promote the skills development to make sure that students and universities understand the necessity of the improvement of skills.
Project Newsletter 1 - >>
Project Newsletter 2 - >>
Project Newsletter 3 - >>
Erasmus+ KA2 – Jean Monnet Module
Project Title: EUGlobe - EU business success in global markets
Project Coordinator: School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Project Start Date: 3 October 2022
Project End Date: 2 October 2025
Project duration: 36 months
Project budget: 23.000
Project website:
Project Summary:
Growing involvement of EU companies in global value chains has contributed to increased exposure of European economies and firms to uncertainties in global markets, rising geo- and socio-political risks, technological uncertainties, new protectionist measures and weakening of the multilateral system. Covid-19 pandemic further revealed underlying vulnerabilities to supply chain disruptions and reinforced back-shoring and decoupling of value chains of European companies. In such situation, managing risks is becoming increasingly important and one of the key success factors in global markets. Therefore, there is a need to improve risk management processes in EU firms, establish wider understanding of the implications of European economic integration processes, and raise their awareness about the available EU internationalization support instruments. In this context, the proposed project aims to fill a gap in the International Business Master programme at University of Ljubljana, with over 70 students enrolled annually, by adding the EU dimension to the general risk management.
The MAIN GOAL OF THE PROJECT - Several activities will be combined in the project: (i) new teaching module “Risk management in international Business – A key to EU business success in global markets”; (ii) joint projects of participating students and European firms dealing with real challenges in global markets; (iii) workshop event, and (iv) research. The proposed module accentuates triangular integration of research - teaching – business practice, which is rounded by the development of the conceptual model, scientific papers and practical guidelines for managing risks in European firms’ internationalisation and digital transformation. Through active involvement of students, academia, corporate sector and policymakers and output dissemination, the module is anticipated to build risk management capacity of EU firms needed for stronger global role of Europe and stimulate two-way knowledge transmission also with policymakers.
Erasmus+ KA2 - Partnership for Digital Education Readiness
Project Title: HyPro4ST - Sustainable Tourism Innovation Through Hybrid Project Management
Project Coordinator: Diktyo Poleon Gia Ti Viosimi Anaptyxi Kai Kzkliki Oikonomia, Greece
Project Start Date: 1 July 2022
Project End Date: 30 June 2025
Project duration: 36 months
Project budget: 1.374.630
Project website:
Project Summary:
The tourism sector is undergoing profound changes throughout Europe, as we are living in the Project, Digital, Creative, Entrepreneurial and Green Economy era, thus applying a holistic approach to sustainable tourism development is crucial. HyPro4ST alliance seeks tobring positive social and sustainable impact to tourism sector and is built around the idea that collaborative, transnational activities offer opportunities for boosting innovation and progress by pooling resources and the deep knowledge of markets required in a fast-changing world.
The MAIN GOAL OF THE PROJECT: It aims to develop a new job “Sustainable and Hybrid Project Manager” profile for the Sustainable Tourism Sector, upskill professionals in sustainable, hybrid, digital, creative and entrepreneurship project management, helping alleviate the job losses, inequalities, and other risks, and to build a talent pipeline that tourism sector can mine for future growth. It also proposes the upscaling of VET and higher education trainers’ skills, to be able to adapt to the tourism labour market needs. HyPro4ST develops a joint training programme, HyPro4ST VOOC, in accordance with the ECVET/EQF/EQAVET and Micro-credential approach, the HyPro4ST Practical Guide for trainers, a certification scheme for the new profile and the HyPro4ST Virtual Learning Hub. Through 6 Seminars, 6 online courses, 2 work-based learning activities and the transnational mobility, will enhance the competences of 700 professionals, tackling skills mismatches and supporting the formation of an effective higher and vocational education system for the sustainable tourism sector. This multi-stakeholder partnership, comprising of 17 partners from 6 European countries, develops all the outputs in 7 EU languages, ensuring their cross-border transferability. Furthermore, it assures the long-lasting effect of the project results by elaborating Policy Recommendations, able to inform the policy agendas at national and EU level.
Project Newsletter 1 - >>
Project Newsletter 2 - >>
Project Newsletter 3 - >>
Erasmus+ KA2 - European Universities
Project Title: EUTOPIA More – European Universities Transforming to an Open Inclusive Academy – Making Organisational and Real Evolution
Project Coordinator: Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Project Start Date:
Project End Date:
Project duration: 48 months
Project budget:
Project website:
Project Summary:
Following on from the EUTOPIA 2050 project, EUTOPIA MORE is proposed by the ten regionally and nationally diverse universities of the EUTOPIA Alliance as part of their overall ambition of institutional transformation guided by open, inclusive, and innovative principles. It involves their more than 255 000 students and 45 500 staff as direct beneficiaries of the project, as well as its network of local stakeholders and global partners. Convinced that the quickly evolving world, where the capacity to anticipate crises is limited, requires universities to transform themselves, EUTOPIA MORE catalyzes this process by creating the conditions to rethink the skills provided to students and staff; maximise the impact of their research within academia and beyond; and support initiatives around local-to-global societal challenges. The MAIN GOAL OF THE PROJECT - The ambitions of EUTOPIA MORE are threefold: (i) through its core approach of “Global Connecting Communities”, it will create the conditions for communities to connect across campuses and disciplines that launch bottom-up projects tackling education, research or outreach challenges of global relevance; (ii) the education initiatives of EUTOPIA will allow us to showcase, within a future joint EUTOPIA College, the enriched curriculum of the Bachelor, Master and PhD programs together with the innovations coming out of life-long learning initiatives; (iii) it will connect our initiatives in research, innovation and outreach geared towards tackling the big societal challenges of today, and integrating our academic communities within the future EUTOPIA Global Institute of knowledge communities, involving local to global partners. EUTOPIA MORE will also pave the way for the development of shared and distributed support services, a strong yet flexible governance structure and a new legal statute for the EUTOPIA Alliance, ensuring the sustainability of the initiatives over the long run.
Erasmus+ KA2 - Partnership for Digital Education Readiness
Project Title: Development of Innovative, Gamified and Interactive Method for Advanced e-Teaching and E- learning of Skills
Project Coordinator: School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Project Start Date: 1 March 2021
Project End Date: 28 February 2023
Project duration: 24 months
Project budget: 144.920
Project website:
Project Summary:
The MAIN GOAL OF THE PROJECT is to improve the quality of e-learning through the development and implementation of the DigiMates innovative method for online game-based learning, which will not only increase the engagement of millennial students in the e-learning process, but also promote the acquisition of additional skillsets and enable virtual mobility. Due to the advancement of digitalization, the changing needs of the newest generation of students (i.e., Digital natives), and the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a need to provide high-quality e-learning and virtual mobility. Innovative teaching methods are needed to promote student engagement in e-learning and enable internationalisation at home.
Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
Capacity Building in Higher Education
Project Title: Development of a Master Programme in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries MIETC
Project Coordinator: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Project Start Date: 15 January 2020
Project End Date: 14 January 2024
Project duration: 36 months
Project budget: 807.014 EUR
Project website:
Project Summary:
MIETC outcomes will fill the gaps in relevant knowledge and skills of local HEIs, students and business in industrial entrepreneurship and its ability to be constantly linked to the market. The project’s aim is to strengthen academic capacity of HEIs in Industrial Entrepreneurships in Central Asia by the development and implementation of interdisciplinary Master program and to establish sustainable cooperation between partner’s HEI and labour market.
Project Newsletter 1 - >>
Project Newsletter 2 - >>
Project Newsletter 3 - >>
Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
Capacity Building in Higher Education
Project Title: Fostering Internationalization at Montenegrin HEIs through Efficient Strategic Planning IESP
Project Coordinator: University of Montenegro, Montenegro
Project Start Date: 15 November 2019
Project End Date: 14 November 2021
Project duration: 24 months
Project budget: 683.014 EUR
Project Summary:
The project is aimed at improving international competitiveness and visibility of Montenegrin HEIs through providing an optimum model for strengthening capacities for various aspects of internationalization including: internationalization strategy with action plans, supporting documentation for internationalization, internationalization of research and innovation, international mobility of staff and students, international networking and quality assessment of internationalization.
Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
Strategic Partnerships
Project Title: Smart Rural Tourism Development SMARTRURAL
Project Coordinator: Ekisehir Osmangazi University, Turkey
Project Start Date: 1 October 2019
Project End Date: 31 December 2021
Project duration: 24 months
Project budget: 236.800 EUR
Project website:
Project Summary:
SMARTRURAL aims to 'elevate the smart thinking mindset of students, academics and rural tourism communities/authorities, who, armed with cutting-edge knowledge, strong pedagogical tools and an smart thinking mindset and skills, will effectively be able to contribute to the transformation of students from an 'traditional employee temperament' to a 'smart thinking initiator mentality'. The project aims to create the training content required for developing smart applications and creating smart business models in rural tourism destinations. It is important to build an open training platform that will support the development of rural areas.
Project Newsletter 1: >>>
Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
Strategic Partnerships
Project Title: Social Return on Investment: Enhancing knowledge and skills for social impact SROI
Project Coordinator: Drustvo za konsalting, obuka, edukacija i ekoloski konsalting Ideja O.K. DOOEL Skopje (IDEA O.K.), North Macedonia
Project Start Date: 1 December 2019
Project End Date: 30 November 2021
Project duration: 24 months
Project budget: 104.518 EUR
Project website:
Project Summary:
The aim of the project is to increase the awareness and understanding of SROI as an impact measurement approach, improve the evidence base of impact created by social enterprises, non-profits, public institutions and companies, and improve the transparency in reporting on their impact.
Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
European Universities
Project Title: EUTOPIA
Project Coordinator: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Project Start Date: 1 December 2019
Project End Date: 30 November 2022
Project duration: 36 months
Project budget: 5.000.000 EUR
Project website:
Project Summary:
EUTOPIA will produce challenge-driven research and teaching, prepare empowered European graduates, champion regional and international involvement, and support diversity, inclusivity and widening citizenship. A principal vector is the binding principle of openness. EUTOPIA will embrace the Open Science agenda, create distinctive and relevant European learning through open knowledge co-creation, build public resource platforms that enable collaboration, and support inclusivity mechanisms that increase local intellectual and social strengths.
Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
Strategic Partnerships
Project Title: New Apprenticeship Standards: company driven apprenticeship standards
Project Coordinator: Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia, North Macedonia
Project Start Date: 1 October 2018
Project End Date: 30 September 2021
Project Duration: 30 months
Project Budget: 194.022 EUR
Project Website:
Project Summary:
The project is foreseen to be implemented in close communication and coordination with involvement of various social partners and appropriate intermediary bodies such as chambers of commerce, association of employers, industry and crafts, professional organizations, sectoral organizations with established apprenticeship systems, public bodies (national employment agency, regional development centers etc.). However, as final beneficiaries and target groups the consortium sees the student support centers at universities, VET schools and the students (secondary and tertiary level) themselves. Common problems for hiring apprenticeships are the lack of training infrastructure and personnel to supervise apprentices, as well as insufficient expertise and capacity to manage complex rules, employment law and administrative requirements.
Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
Strategic Partnerships
Project Title: Joint Program for Sustainability Leadership PoSsibLe
Project Coordinator: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, North Macedonia
Project Start Date: 30 September 2016
Project End Date: 31 August 2018
Project Duration: 24 months
Project Budget: 259.218 EUR
Project Website:
Project Summary:
The major aim of our project is to jointly develop and implement Program for sustainability leadership, which addresses key issues in sustainability, and enhances the ability of leaders to innovate, collaborate and catalyze change, creating sustainable organisations and societies. The program was developed based on the needs of managers and leaders, research evidence and principles of sustainability leadership, sustainability standards and SDGs requirements. Throughout the joint program for Sustainability Leadership participants develop advanced leaderships skills and practices, ground theoretical approaches in practice facilitated by distinguished affiliates, receive professional orientation by providing meaningful application of the learning in their organisations, network with peer from other countries and working together on sustainability projects.
Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
Strategic Partnerships
Project Title: Developing next generation leaders and managers through applied know-how
Project Coordinator: Edukativen Centar M-Sest Dooel Skopje, North Macedonia
Project Start Date: December 2015
Project End Date: November 2017
Project Duration: 24 months
Project Budget: 135.295 EUR
Project Website: na
Project Summary:
The project understands that the traditional universities have structures which are hard to change/adapt to new requirements of industry. In addition, industry needs are growing faster and changing rapidly and in order to keep up, the businesses need highly qualified staff which increases their cost of operations. Parallel to this, VET schools, for long period of time, have been seen as supplementary education to higher education. The project will offer educational model which can be utilized by VET schools, especially at tertiary level, in order to be able to offer high quality of services to various types of organizations which operate in national and international context. The model is structured to satisfy various target groups whose location is dispersed geographically, and physical attendance is not always possible, especially not for long term periods.
Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
Strategic Partnerships
Project Title: Energy Usage and Green Public Transportation in Future Smart Cities: An Innovative Teaching Program for Students, Stakeholders and Entrepreneurs
Project Coordinator: TED University, TurkeyProject Start Date: October 2020
Project End Date: September 2022
Project Duration: 24 months
Project Budget: Project budget: 167.825 EUR
Project Website:
Project Summary:
Green public transportation is a multidisciplinary subject which focuses designing the unimodal or intermodal public transportation system in the cities, energy usage in these systems, information systems to gather information related to possible passengers. Green public transportation is a common subject for all countries and this will be the most interested technological area not only for developed countries but also developing countries. All cities will transform their traditional transportation systems to cutting-edge high technology transportation systems.
Jean Monnet Activities
Jean Monnet Network
Project Title: Corporate Governance and European Union Integration
Project Coordinator: WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Project Start Date: 1 September 2016
Project End Date: 31 August 2019
Project Duration: 36 months
Project Budget: 299.965 EUR
Project Website:
Project Summary:
Project aims at promotion of EU knowledge on corporate governance relevant for young researchers, expanding EU aspects into the work on corporate governance by network participants, promoting innovation in teaching and research, building knowledge on the European corporate governance integration and promoting it across the world. The planned main project outputs are the introduction of new seminars and summer schools on European integration issues, new databases, research papers, book. The project is expected to benefit young researchers, students, lecturers, EU-level policymakers, and general public (including professionals, civil society representatives).
Jean Monnet Activities
Jean Monnet Network
Project Title: Corporate Governance and European Union Integration
Project Coordinator: WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Project Start Date: 1 September 2016
Project End Date: 31 August 2019
Project Duration: 36 months
Project Budget: 299.965 EUR
Project Website:
Project Summary: Project aims at promotion of EU knowledge on corporate governance relevant for young researchers, expanding EU aspects into the work on corporate governance by network participants, promoting innovation in teaching and research, building knowledge on the European corporate governance integration and promoting it across the world. The planned main project outputs are the introduction of new seminars and summer schools on European integration issues, new databases, research papers, book. The project is expected to benefit young researchers, students, lecturers, EU-level policymakers, and general public (including professionals, civil society representatives).
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees
Project Title: Universitat de Girona, Spain
Project Coordinator: Universitat de Girona, Spain
Project Start Date: 2010
Project End Date: 2022
Project Duration: 4 years/one project
Project Budget: 2.261.000 EUR
Project Summary: EMTM is a fully integrated two-year joint European programme promoted and tailor-made by three university partners: the University of Girona (Catalonia, Spain), the University of Southern Denmark (Denmark), and the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). Three different national, geographic and cultural European realities, and three different faculties - humanities, economics and tourism - are thus involved in the course. The main objectives of the course are to (i) provide students with an integrated knowledge of the dynamics of tourism development, the principles of sustainable management, environmental issues, the role of cultural diversity and creativity for innovation, the governance of tourism networks, the quality management of customer services, etc.; (ii) equip students with the competencies to strategically manage and make sustainable and effective decisions in positions of high responsibility in tourism institutions; (iii) educate students as researchers in the field of tourism management; (iv) create learning environments that foster the development of skills and competencies necessary for students to become and act as philosophic practitioners; and (v) strengthen the social capital of a global network of associated partners and collaborators from industry, academia and alumni, thus reinforcing the EMTM brand identity.
Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
Strategic Partnerships
Project Title: LSP Teacher Training Summer School
Project Coordinator: Universite de Bordeaux, France
Project Start Date: 1 October 2018
Project End Date: 30 September 2020
Project duration: 24 months
Project budget: 248.235 EUR
Project website:
Project Summary: TTRAILs addresses the issue of teacher education and skills development to promote high quality and innovative teaching in the field of Language for Specific Purposes (LSP). The starting point of the project is the fact that most higher education teachers involved in the LSP field have received little or no specific training, which is a matter of particular concern for teachers and learners of LSP in VET institutions where language skills are expected to enhance mobility and employability. The 8 partners involved will explore the situation and needs of teaching LSP to define objectives and implement LSP teacher training programmes made to measure for the specific target. They will contribute to the design of new LSP teacher training programmes that will be offered at European higher education institutions, on a transnational collaborative basis because the problems identified cannot be dealt with on a regional basis only. TRAILs will contribute to innovative solutions and tools to support skills development for LSP staff and for future LSP teachers in higher education, both at national level for each of the partners and at the European level. To address the challenge set in the highly specific context of LSP, a transnational and collaborative approach will be tested and evaluated. Based on needs analysis, input from research and good practice, the project will rely on ICT innovative potential for communication and preparation and on a customized methodology. LSP teacher training will be linked to the needs of future and current LSP teachers in terms of teaching methodology with particular reference to the use of ICT in classroom and blended learning and teaching.
Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
Strategic Partnerships
Project Title: LSP Teacher Education Online Course for Professional Development
Project Coordinator: Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Project Start Date: 1 September 2020
Project End Date: 31 August 2023
Project duration: 36 months
Project budget: 446.430 EUR
Project website:
Project Summary: The objective of this project is to provide students and teachers of Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP) with a multilingual online course which allows them to acquire the competences needed for a successful implementation of teaching languages in a specific context. The developed online course targets future and early career teachers which may not have received sufficient education in LSP teaching given the prevalent gaps in LSP teacher training in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The aim is to develop an online course which will be made available to the LSP community as an Open Educational Resource (OER). The OER solution will be implemented as self-directed course content on a learning management system (LMS). The LMS will allow interested parties to self-enrol and study the course content in its entirety or those sections which are deemed of special interest. The course content will be available in all languages of the strategic partnership consortium, namely in Croatian, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Slovenian and Turkish. It will be available online but can also be downloaded and integrated into existing institutional LMS systems.
Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
Knowledge Alliances for higher education
Project Title: Social Business Educational EcoSystem for Sustainability and Growth
Project Coordinator: Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland,
Project Start Date: 1 January 2020
Project End Date: 31 December 2022
Project duration: 24 months
Project budget: 917.963 EUR
Project website:
Project Summary: Despite Social entrepreneurship (SE) being an established field of academic scholarship/training for more than two decades the development and implementation of this economic model has been uneven across Europe. Research has stressed the need to provide training in promoting social innovation, and that social enterprises need to focus more on practical skills and competences. SEs need more soft skills and to adapt to the use of digital technology. Many Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) do not expose their business students to the concepts/challenges of SE. SocialB aims to develop and deliver an innovative approach for teaching competencies in SE capacity building, by developing specific Learning Resources which can be used by relevant stakeholders. The project will train students and social enterprise practitioners on critical skills and competencies. HEIs, VETs, Development Agencies and SEs from Ireland, Italy, Greece and Slovenia will deliver a high quality network within Europe to advance the SE agenda.SocialB will explore the skills gaps in current educational/training programs and develop the competencies of students/social entrepreneurs by creating effective pedagogies for active learning relevant to SE. The project will deliver a comprehensive assessment of the knowledge/skills gaps in key areas critical for SE survival and growth. Based on this knowledge, SocialB will design and pilot 16-24 Learning Units which will incorporate a mix of delivery methodologies, to students and SE to facilitate the development of critical entrepreneurial skills. The SocialB Elearning Platform will offer an accessible resource for self-training, organizational training and network development to support the longer term sustainability of SEs. SocialB will stimulate significant changes in the university curricula, course content, and VET training programs by integrating the learner-centred approach oriented to real problem-based in social entrepreneurship.
Erasmus+ SPORT
Collaborative Partnerships
Project Title: Hockey Partnership for Progress-building Capacities to Reach Equal
Minimal Standards
Project Coordinator: Hokejska zveza Slovenije, Slovenia
Project Start Date: 1 January 2019
Project End Date: 31 December 2021
Project duration: 24 months
Project budget: 394.010 EUR
Project website:
Project Summary: The project was developed to kick-start development of ice hockey ecosystem in the region by raising awareness, improving governance practices in ice hockey and, additionally, addresses the key areas affected by the lack of it. Our main goal is to improve governance practice across the region, educate managers, coaching staff, on and off officials, players and others, how to successfully lead a sports team and actively participate in development of a sport ecosystem, how to set not only short-term, but also long-term goals, to emphasize the importance of development programs.
Project Title: Financial and Business Literacy in Sport for Athletes and Coaches
Project Coordinator: Olimpijski komite Slovenije, Združenje športnih zvez, Slovenia
Project Start Date: January 2021
Project End Date: 31 December 2023
Project duration: 36 months
Project budget: 268.005 EUR
Project website: na
Project Summary:To establish a successful system of education on the management of personal finances and business skills for professional athletes and coaches, which will systematically solve the financial and business problems of current and future generations of athletes and coaches. We will avoid the consequences of financial and business illiteracy and the problems associated with it. To summarise, the program is devised in such a manner so to equip athletes and coaches with appropriate knowledge and understanding of problems they face (or are going to) as professional careers in the future, and how to optimize decision making on important subjects to maximize their prosperity and fight against integrity issues. The inclusion of former elite athletes, who share their (positive or negative) experiences in the lifelong learning direction to young athletes, will provide significant impacts on this kind of decision making process and the project more generally.