asist. Davor Vučkovski, mag. posl. ved

  • Katedra za mednarodno ekonomijo in poslovanje (redni član)
  • Govorilne ure
  • torek ob 13.00 v VP-205
  • Spoštovani študenti, govorilne ure bodo potekale preko aplikacije Zoom po predhodnem dogovoru. Please email me to arrange an appointment.
Kratek življenjepis
Davor Vučkovski is a teaching assistant, PhD student and researcher in International Business at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. His fields of research and teaching interests are: International Business and Management, Risk Management, Culture, Central and East Europe. By living in Macedonia, Slovenia, Poland and Korea through-out the years, Davor Vuchkovski has developed strong skills of understanding different cultures. He has working experience in the fields of international procurement, sales and contract management. EDUCATION: Master in International Business (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics), Bachelor of Economics: Money and Finance (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics; Yeungnam University; Warsaw School of Economics), International Baccalaureate Bilingual Diploma (Druga Gimnazija Maribor).
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