izr. prof. dr. Matjaž Koman

  • Katedra za ekonomijo (predstojnik katedre)
  • Katedra za matematiko, statistiko in operacijske raziskave (pridruženi član)
  • Govorilne ure
  • četrtek ob 11.15 v RZ-307
  • POZOR: Aktualna sprememba govorilnih ur
  • Pozdravljeni. Govorilne ure bom imel le po predhodnem dogovoru preko emaila. Lep pozdrav. Matjaž Kkman
Izbrana raziskovalna in svetovalna dejavnost
    Application of Hoff-Stiglitz model to Montenegro mass voucher privatization
  • Jounal of Comparative Economics, 2015, vol. 43, Issue 2, pages: 274–289 (Published and accepted papers (selection))
  • KEŠELJEVIĆ, Aleksandar, KOMAN, Matjaž
    Analysis of the effects of introduction of an additional carbon tax on the Slovenian economy considering different forms of recycling
  • Economic and Business Review, 2015, vol.16, no.1, pages: 247-278 (Published and accepted papers (selection))
  • DWYER, Larry, KNEŽEVIĆ CVELBAR, Ljubica, MIHALIČ, Tanja, KOMAN, Matjaž.
    Integrated Destination Competitiveness Model: testing its validity and data accessibility
  • Tourism Analysis, 2014, vol. 19, no. 1, pages: 1-17 (Published and accepted papers (selection))
  • KOMAN, Matjaž, KNEŽEVIĆ CVELBAR, Ljubica, LOJPUR, Anđelko, PRAŠNIKAR, Janez.
    Effects of ownership and management changes on productivity in privatized Montenegrin firms.
  • East. Europ. econ., May-Jun. 2011, vol. 49, no. 3, pages: 5-26. (Published and accepted papers (selection))
  • PRAŠNIKAR, Janez, KOMAN, Matjaž, QORRAJ, Gazmend
    The enterpreneurship in developing countries : a case of Kosovo
  • Transform. bus. econ., 2010, vol. 9, no. 3 (21), pages: 129-146. (Published and accepted papers (selection))
  • Bibliografija COBISS
Pedagoška dejavnost
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