red. prof. dr. Mitja Kovač

  • Katedra za management in organizacijo (redni član)
  • Govorilne ure
  • sreda ob 11.00 v RZ-202
  • Spoštovani študenti, govorilne ure bodo potekale v živo po predhodni najavi in dogovoru.
  • POZOR: Aktualna sprememba govorilnih ur
  • Govorilne ure se od 10. junija pa do 10. septembra 2024 izvajajo samo na podlagi predhodnega dogovora.
Kratek življenjepis
Mitja Kovac je diplomiral (cum laude) iz prava na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, ter magistriral in doktoriral iz prava in ekonomije na Univerzi Utrecht (Utrecht University Faculty of Law Economics and Governance, Nizozemska). Med drugim je kot gostujoci raziskovalec deloval na državnem British Institute of International and Comparative Law v Londonu (Velika Britanija), na Washington University School of Law v St. Louisu (ZDA) in na Evropski pravni akademiji v Trierju (ERA, Nemcija). Je tudi clan Economic Impact Group at the CoPECL Network of Excellence pri evropskem projektu Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR) in International Association for Court Administration pri EU Study group on Law and Public Administration. Trenutno je redni profesor za področje civilnega in gospodarskega prava na Ekonomski Fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani in gostujoci predavatelj na Univerzi v Gentu (Belgija), na ISM University of Management and Economics, Vilnius (Litva), na Erasmus University Rotterdam (Nizozemska), na University of Torino (Italija) ter na University of Vienna (Avstrija). Intenzivno se ukvarja s primerjalnim pogodbenim pravom, pravom intelektualne lastnine, novo institucionalno ekonomijo in ekonomsko analizo prava.
Izbrana raziskovalna in svetovalna dejavnost
  • Mitja Kovac
    Generative Artificial Intelligence - A Law and Economics Approach to Optimal Regulation and Governance
  • Palgrave MacMillan (forthcoming 2024) (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Mitja Kovac
    Tragedy of commons, civil drones and hybrid modes of technology regulation: a comparative law and economics perspective
  • Journal of Law, Market and Innovation, 3(2) 2024 (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Mitja Kovac
    Rule by Law, Excessive Length of Proceedings, and Property Rights in Slovenia
  • In Mateja Durovic and Cristina Poncibo (eds.), Private Law, Rule of Law and the European Court of Human Rights: Comparative Perspectives from South-Eastern Europe (Hart Publishing, forthcoming 2024) (primerjalno pravo)
  • Mitja Kovac
    Research methods and techniques in contract law and economics
  • in Yuliya Chernykh and Joshua Karton (eds.), Research Methods Handbook for Contract Law and Scholarship (Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2024) (pogodbeno pravo)
  • Emery J. Thomas, Kovač Mitja and Rok Spruk
    Estimating the Effects of Political Instability in Nascent Democracies
  • 243 Journal of Economics and Statistics 5-6, 2023 (Jahrbucher fur National Ekonomie und Statistik) (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Chiara Focacci, Mitja Kovac and Rok Spruk
    Ethnolinguistic Diversity, Quality of Local Public Institutions, and Firm-Level Innovation
  • International Review of Law and Economics, Vol. 75, 2023 (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Kostka Katarzyna and Mitja Kovač
    A double-edged-sword approach to fighting pandemics: patent waivers and incentives to innovate
  • Review of European and Comparative Law (forthcoming, 2023) (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Mitja Kovac
    Autonomous AI torts: A Comparative Law and Economics Approach
  • in Phillip Morgan (ed.), Tort Liability and Autonomous Systems Accidents Common and Civil Law Perspectives, Edward Elgar, 2023 (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Mitja Kovac, Amira Elkanawati, Vita Gjikolli and Jessica Woitalla
    European vaccine-rollout policy, unraveled markets, and moral externalities
  • European Integration Studies 17/2023 (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Kovac Mitja
    The rise of the mailbox rule and formation of contracts in English, US and Canadian law
  • Liverpool Law Review (2022) (primerjalno pravo)
  • Callewaert Margot, Kovac Mitja
    Does Cicero's Decision Stand the Test of Time? Famine at Rhodes and Comparative Law and Economics Approach
  • 12 Comparative Law Review 1 (2023, published by University of Perugia) (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Domesi Ana Paula and Mitja Kovac
    Best-efforts clauses and the advance vaccine purchase agreements
  • Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business, Volume 44 (Wolters Kluwer, 2023) (pogodbeno pravo)
  • Aubrecht Paul, Essink Jan, Kovac Mitja and Ann-Sophie Vandenberghe
    Centralised and Decentralised Responses to COVID-19: The EU and the USA compared
  • 18 Utrecht Law Review 1 (2022) (primerjalno pravo)
  • Kovac Mitja, Wielinger Elisabeth
    Network Externalities, Income Inequality and the Role of Competition Law
  • Kati Cseres and Jan Broulik (eds.), “Competition Law and Economic Inequality" (Hart Studies in Competition Law, Hart, forthcoming 2022). (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Kovac Mitja, Rakovec Lana
    The Covid-19 pandemic and long-term incentives for developing vaccines: patent law under stress
  • The Journal of World Intellectual Property (2022) (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Kovac Mitja, Aubrecht Paul
    Frustration of Purpose, Brexit, COVID-19 Pandemic and Commercial Contracts
  • Nordic Journal of Commercial Law, 19(1), 2022 (pogodbeno pravo)
  • Kovac Mitja
    Autonomous AI and uncontemplated hazards: towards an optimal regulatory framework
  • European Journal of Risk Regulation (2021) (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Kovac Mitja
    Judgement Proof Robots and Artificial Intelligence: A Comparative Law and Economics Approach
  • Palgrave Macmillan (book, 2020) (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Kovac Mitja
    Autonomous AI, Smart Seaports and Supply Chain Management: Challenges and Risks
  • in Bielicki D. M. (ed.), "Regulating Artificial Intelligence in Industry," Routledge Press 2021 (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Kovac Mitja, Salvini Datta & Rok Spruk
    Pharmaceutical Product Liability, Litigation Regimes and the Propensity to Patent: An Empirical Firm-level Investigation
  • SAGE Open (11(2), 2021) (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Kovac Mitja, Spruk Rok
    Diversification of Procedural and Administrative Costs and Innovation: Some Firm-Level Evidence
  • International Journal of Innovation Studies (5(2), 2021) (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Kovac Mitja
    Day Fines in Slovenia
  • Day Fines in Europe, Cambridge University Press, 2021 (primerjalno pravo)
  • Ann-Sophie Vandenberghe and Mitja Kovac
    Illuminating the Development of Precontractual Liability: A Comparative Law and Economics Analysis
  • 20 European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance 1, 2021 (primerjalno pravo)
  • Kovac Mitja, Elkanawati Amira, Gjikolli Vita and Ann-Sophie Vandenberghe
    The COVID-19 pandemic: collective action and European public policy under stress
  • 14 Central European Journal of Public Policy 2 (2020) (Pravo EU)
  • Spruk Rok, Kovac Mitja
    Persistent Effects of Colonial Institutions on Long-Run Development: Local Evidence from Regression Discontinuity Design in Argentina
  • 17 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 4, 2020. (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Kovac Mitja
    Duty to re-negotiate in international commercial law and uncontemplated behavioural effects
  • 27 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 4, 2020. (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Kovac Mitja, Ann-Sophie Vandenberghe
    Culpa in contrahendo and pre-contractual liability: towards an optimal classification
  • 15 The Journal of Comparative Law 1 (2020) (pogodbeno pravo)
  • Spruk Rok & Mitja Kovac
    Does a ban on trans fats improve public health: synthetic control evidence from Denmark
  • 156 Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 4, 2020 (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Kovac Mitja
    Brexit fiasco and the failure of Article 50 of TFEU
  • 12 Baltic Journal of Law and Politics 2 (2019) (Pravo EU)
  • Paul Aubrecht, Mitja Kovac
    “Brexit” and the boilerplate clauses in commercial contracts
  • 40 Business Law Review 6 (2019) (civilno in gospodarsko pravo)
  • Spruk Rok, Kovac Mitja
    Replicating and Extending Martin-Quinn Scores
  • 60 International Review of Law and Economics 3, 2019 (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Mitja Kovač, Rok Spruk
    Does the Ban on Trans-Fats Improve Public Health? In Search of the Optimal Policy Response.
  • 55 Journal of Regulatory Economics 3 (2019) (civilno in gospodarsko pravo)
  • Kovac Mitja, Spruk Rok
    Transaction Costs and Economic Growth under Common Legal System: State-Level Evidence from Mexico
  • 31 Economics & Politics 2 (2019, Wiley) (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Kovac Mitja, Christina Poncibo
    Towards a theory of imprevision in the EU?
  • 14 European Review of Contract Law 4 (2018) (primerjalno pravo)
  • Mitja Kovač, Rok Spruk
    Inefficient growth?
  • Review of economics and institutions (2018) (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Kovac Mitja
    Culpa in contrahendo, promissory estoppel and irredeemable acts
  • Asian Journal of Law and Economics (2018, forthcoming) (primerjalno pravo)
  • Kovac Mitja, Ann-Sophie Vandenberghe
    Cooling-off periods, still hot twenty years later
  • Don't take it seriously : essays in law and economics in honour of Roger Van den Bergh. Cambridge: Intersentia. 2018 (Pravo EU)
  • Kovac Mitja
    Frustration of purpose and the French Contract Law reform: the challenge to international commercial attractiveness of English law?
  • 26 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 3, 2018 (primerjalno pravo)
  • Kovač Mitja
    Transport Law - Slovenia
  • Kluwer Law International, 2017 (civilno in gospodarsko pravo)
  • Kovac Mitja
    Administrative Procedure
  • in Alain Marciano and Giovanni Battista Ramello (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Springer New York, 2017. (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Kovac Mitja
    Norms and Standards
  • in Alain Marciano and Giovanni Battista Ramello (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Springer New York, 2017. (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Mitja Kovac, Ann-Sophie Vandenberghe
    Economic Evidence in EU Competition Law
  • Intersentia, 2016 (Pravo EU)
  • Mitja Kovac, Rok Spruk
    Institutional development, non-market transaction costs and economic growth: evidence from a cross-country investigation
  • Journal of Institutional Economics, Cambridge University Press, 2016 (ekonomska analiza prava)
  • Bibliografija COBISS
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