red. prof. dr. Aljoša Valentinčič

  • Katedra za denar in finance (redni član)
  • Katedra za računovodstvo in revizijo (pridruženi član)
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  • POZOR: Aktualna sprememba govorilnih ur
  • Spoštovani. Jutri, 20.8.2024, GU odpadejo zaradi zdravstvenih razlogov. Enako tudi naslednji teden, 28.8.2024, ko sem na konferenci. Vmes bom skušal odgovoriti na čim več emailov. Hvala za razumevanje. Lp, Aljoša Valentinčič
Kratek življenjepis
Aljoša Valentinčič is a professor of accounting and finance at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. He received his PhD at the University of Glasgow, UK. He was vice-dean at School of Business and Economics, University of Ljubljana, responsible for research in 2009-2012. During this time he oversaw two major international (re-)accreditations (EQUIS, AACSB) and participated in changes to habilitation rules at the University of Ljubljana. As a member of a consortium of 10 universities, he obtained an EU 7. FP project (INTACCT; 2007-2011). He has been an active member of the European Accounting Association, including chairing the Standing Scientific Committee for two mandates, member of the Management Committee, and now a member of EAA's Accounting Research Center. His research is focused on financial reporting processes of private firms, pay-out policies of public firms and is currently working on a series of papers connecting accounting and finance to neuroscience, cognitive science and psychology. He is a member of editorial boards of and acts as an ad-hoc reviewer for several accounting journals (Accounting & Business Review, Journal of International Financial Management
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