Research project is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency and by Ministry of Finance.
Member of University of Ljubljana
School of Economics and Business
Efficient governance of scientific-research system
1.10.2016 – 30.9.2018
Range on year
0,78 FTE
Research activity
Social sciences/Economics
Research Organisation
The majority of scientific research outputs are still traditional products in the form of papers and books. Since many research stakeholders and funders are not consuming these products calls are increasing for the demonstration of tangible outputs of research activity. Evaluation systems of socioeconomic impact of research are still in its infancy. The objectives of this project are:
- to analyse socioeconomic impacts of science and research and methodological models for the measurement of science and research efficiency
- to analyse relevant models for evaluating socioeconomic impacts of science and research and to identify best practices
- to analyse and evaluate the efficiency of the Agency's instruments from the perspective of socioeconomic impacts of science and research
- to analyse and evaluate the Agency’s current criteria and indicators in the evaluation processes
- to recommend improvements in terms of instruments, criteria, and indicators.
The phases of the project and their realization
Aktivnost | Naslov Aktivnosti | rok |
A1.1. | Literature review 1 | Dec 2016 |
A1.2. | Literature review 2 | Feb 2017 |
A2.1. | Analysis of alternative models | Jun 2017 |
A2.2. | Best practices identification | Jun 2017 |
A3.1. | Evaluation of efficiency of Agency's instruments | Okt 2017 |
A3.2. | Identification of potential improvements | Okt 2017 |
A4.1. | Analysis of Agency's evaluation procedures | Maj 2018 |
A4.2. | Identification of potential improvements | Maj 2018 |
A5.1. | Synthesis of findings | Sept 2018 |
A5.2. | Recommendations for the Agency | Sept 2018 |