Research project is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency and by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities


Member of University of Ljubljana

School of Economics and Business




Reorganization of the Social Transfers System


1.10.2022 - 30.9.2023


Simon Colnar

Research activity

Social sciences/Economics

Research Organisation

School of Economics and Business University of Ljubljana

Faculty of Medicine University of



As a modern European welfare state, the Republic of Slovenia must strive to reduce or eliminate poverty as one of its main strategic priorities. Through its activities or the management of all policies in various areas dealing with the population, the state must provide an environment that enables living with dignity. Although the area of poverty and social exclusion is defined in several documents and is one of the fundamental objectives of social protection policy, in practice there are difficulties in monitoring and analyzing the impact of individual rights emerging from the Ministry especially in the context of their impact on poverty reduction.

A thorough review of the area of funds allocated by the Republic of Slovenia for poverty reduction is needed, as this will enable comprehensive planning, implementation and coordination of measures of all stakeholders. It is necessary to create an appropriate and comprehensive system of indicators in the field of poverty reduction and risk of poverty. Determining the target value of these indicators should be based on the latest available data, long-term trends, projections and international comparisons. Moreover, specific economic, social and cultural characteristics must also be taken into account, and special attention must be paid to marginalized and vulnerable individuals and groups, who are usually excluded from such statistics.



1. Poverty reduction and risk of poverty 

2. Defining persons responsible for individual measures

3. Public funding system

4. Stakeholders in the social system

5. Measurable indicators

6. Dissemination of findings



• Identification and use of secondary data,

• Own collection of empirical data through focus groups and in-depth interviews,

• Analysis of data using appropriate quantitative and qualitative methods.


The results of the project are as follows:

1. Poverty reduction:

• Identification and analysis of rights paid from the state and humanitarian organizations or non-governmental organizations in public interest and analysis of the system of allocating social transfers in the Republic of Slovenia.

• Preparation of a proposal of goals and measures for poverty reduction and risk of poverty to follow the principle of the welfare state, so that through active measures the state provides everyone with the opportunity for a dignified life, empowerment and incentives to work.

2. Defining persons responsible for individual measures:

• Preparation of goals and measures for poverty reduction, risk of poverty and empowerment, people responsible for measures, necessary financial resources, indicators for determining the success of the realization of set goals and the method of reporting.

3. Public funding system:

• Preparation of possible (organizational and content based) changes for the reorganization of the system of rights to public funds.

4. Stakeholders in the social system:

• Establish a system of stakeholders responsible for pursuing the goal of poverty reduction, risk of poverty and empowerment through the social transfer system.

5. Measurable indicators:

• Indicators that identify all beneficiaries' resources and their impact on poverty reduction, risk of poverty and empowerment.


With scientifically supported empirical data we see the contribution of the project mainly for decision makers in the social protection system and in preparation of future guidelines in the field of social transfers, which significantly effect future development goals of the Republic of Slovenia and contribute to greater efficiency and rationality in use of public funds.

Contribution to development of society is mainly through measures and guidelines that increase wellbeing in society, and appropriately address challenges for the future development of the Republic of Slovenia that will help solve problems related to social transfers and poverty reduction and risk of poverty, which is especially an important topic for vulnerable groups.



The phases of the project and their realization

First, we will prepare the theoretical background related to poverty reduction and the risk of poverty (in Q1). In Q2, we will start collecting empirical data in the area of ​​poverty reduction and the risk of poverty. Also, in Q2 we will make a thorough analysis of the existing situation, which is linked to the system of public funds. We will begin a complex analysis of measurable indicators already in Q2, where a comparison with foreign countries will first be prepared regarding the topic of social transfers. In the Q3 period, we will pursue the determination of responsible persons for individual measures, which represent important information for policy makers. In the light of possible improvements, we will also formulate recommendations for policy makers that are linked to the system of public funds. The Q3 period will also be the period where the report on stakeholders in the social system will be prepared. In the Q3 period, a final report on the prepared possible models of measurable indicators will also be prepared. Dissemination of findings will continue throughout the project, but final reports will be prepared in Q4.

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