Research project is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency and by the Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport.


Member of University of Ljubljana

University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business




The impact of major international sports events on GDP and other key socio-economic and financial indicators


1.10.2023 - 30.9.2024

Range on year

0.3 FTE in year 2024


Prof. dr. Maja Zalaznik 

Research activity

Social sciences/Economics

Research Organisation

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport

University of Primorska, Turistica


Sport is an important social pillar in Slovenia, which not only represents the basis of quality of life for the population in general, but also provides opportunities for many businesses. An important part of sport, which also has a long tradition in Slovenia, are sport events - competitions and meetings on a global, European, national and regional level. Events of this kind contribute Slovenia's identity in sport and beyond, as they have economic, social, promotional, tourism, environmental and other sustainable impacts. According to UN (2018) and UNWTO (2019) and others, sport events have both positive and negative impacts that can be categorized into three pillars of sustainability - the economic, social and environmental pillar. Because they attract competitors, teams, and participants from outside the local area, they are also strongly linked to tourism.

We have designed the project to define as comprehensively as possible the impact of major international sport events on GDP and other key socioeconomic indicators. Therefore, we will first conduct an analysis of the current status of major international sport events and an analysis of the potential of major international sport events in Slovenia. At the same time, we will provide an overview of the current way of financing these events and proposed a model of financing major international sport events.

In order to shed light on all aspects of the project's goals and the wider purpose and importance of sports events at home and in the world, we will assess the effects of major sports events based on the existing scientific and professional literature and on the basis of available data for Slovenia, whereby the impacts will be identified according to all three pillars of sustainability - economic, social and environmental pillar. Effects will be quantified primarily for the economic pillar. In the project, we will propose a method of measuring the economic impacts of major international sports events in Slovenia, mainly on consumption, spending and thus on GDP and taxes. At the same time, we will design a method of measuring or evaluating the multiplier effects of large international sports events. 


Miha Lesjak, UP Turistica

Janez Vodičar, UL FŠ

Daša Farčnik, UL EF 

Marko Pahor, UL EF 

Maja Zalaznik, UL EF

The phases of the project and their realization

The project consists of 7 phases, including: 

1: The analysis of international (mega) sport events and its potential

2: The analysis of financing of mega (major) sport events and the proposal of the model of its financing

3:  Economic effects of mega sport events

4: Environment effects of mega sport events

5: Social impact of mega sport events

6: Conceptualization of sustainable goals of mega sport events

7: Dissemination of findings and results. 

Citations for bibliographic records

The head of the research group and its memebers have been involved in many projects in these (or connected) areas, such as: 

  • Sport satelite accounts: Zavod za Šport, Zavod za šport Republike Slovenije Planica, Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport. 2021. The head of the group: Marko Pahor, members Maja Zalaznik and Daša Farčnik.
  • CRP V5-2246: The impact of sports/physical activity on economic and social cost of health. Project is on from 1.10.2022 - 30.9.2024. Members:  Daša Farčnik, Maja Zalaznik, Marko Pahor in Janez Vodičar.
  • J5-1793: Environmentaly friendly behaviour in tourism. Project was on from 2019-2022. Member:  Daša Farčnik.
  • L5-1845: Telesne asimetrije kot dejavnik tveganja za nastanek mišično-skeletnih poškodb: proučevanje mehanizmov nastanka in razvoj korektivnih ukrepov za njihovo odpravljanje s ciljem primarne in terciarne preventive. Project was on from 1.7.2019 do 30.6.2022. Member: Janez Vodičar.
  • V5-2016: Dvig telesne in bojne pripravljenosti pripadnikov SV. Projekt was on from 1.10.2021 do 30.9.2023. Head of the project: Janez Vodičar.


Some publications up till December 2023:

  • ZALAZNIK, Maja. Koliko 100 evrov, vloženih v šport, prinese družbi in gospodarstvu, primer rokometa in odbojke : uvodno predavanje na poslovni konferenci Šport 2023 'Športne vrednote in podjetniška miselnost', Ljubljana, 16. maj 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 153678083]

  • ZALAZNIK, Maja. Mednarodno sodelovanje športnih organizacij : predstavljeno na virtualnem dogodku Erasmus + šport, 17. februar 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 97894915]

  • ZALAZNIK, Maja. Šport je posel in gospodarski multiplikator : predstavitev na konferenci Šport kot posel, 8. september 2020. [COBISS.SI-ID 28323075] Z

  • ALAZNIK, Maja. Different fields, same stories? : invited speaker at the conference 'Sport on the Edge' Praga, 12th October.2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 24735718]

  • LESJAK, Miha. Izzivi sodelovanja turističnih in športnih organizacij v 'dolini svetovnih prvenstev' v obdobju 2020-2023. V: PAJEK, Maja (ur.). Izzivi športnih organizacij na področju športne rekreacije, turizma in okolja : 15. kongres športa za vse : zbornik prispevkov : Ljubljana, 27. 11.- 28. 11. 2020. Ljubljana: Olimpijski komite Slovenije, Združenje športnih zvez, 2020.

  • LESJAK, Miha, PODOVŠOVNIK, Eva, KALINIĆ, Časlav. FIS svetovni pokal v smučarskih skokih Planica : povzetek končnega poročila. [Portorož]: Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za turistične študije Turistica, 2019.

  • BOROVCANIN, Dusan, ĆUK, Ivan, LESJAK, Miha, JUVAN, Emil. The importance of sport event on hotel performance for restarting tourism after COVID-19. Societies. 2020, vol. 10, št. 90, str. 1-13, ilustr. ISSN 2075-4698., DOI: :10.3390/soc10040090. [COBISS.SI-ID 39592451], [SNIP]

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