Jean Monnet Chair on »Economic Policies of the EU«
Objectives of the Project; The Jean Monnet Chair Project on “Economic Policies of the EU” (in continuation Project) at the School of Economics and Business of the Ljubljana University (in continuation SEB LU) has three main objectives:
- to improve the quality of the courses on EU economic policies which are offered at the University of Ljubljana (at the School of Economics and Business and at the Faculty of Social Sciences), and as modular courses also in Kosovo and Montenegro;
- to raise the profile of the EU economic policy courses among foreign and domestic students as well as among students from other fields than social sciences, and
- to establish a framework for academic debate on EU economic policies as well as a dialogue on this subject with media and interested public in general.
Groups targeted by the Project; The Project is aimed at engaging the target public, which mostly consists of domestic and foreign SEB LU students, but also others, including academia and media, about recent developments in EU economic policies in order to improve understanding of contemporary issues in EU economic integration and stimulate contributions of the target public and the project team to EU related research and public debate.