Distribution Logistics Modelling

Aims of the course

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Course syllabus

1. Modeling Transport and Policy
1.1. A short overview of the main characteristics of the major modes of transport - road, rail, sea, air and their respective industry structures
1.2. Presentation of mathematical models, which help to choose the transportation mode or best investments in the infrastructure of global supply networks
1.3. The mathematical modeling for basic understanding of the regulatory environment under which the modes operate and influences of the mathematicaly formulated criterion functions
2. Computer Assisted Decision Making in Road Transport. The basic mathematical modeling of planning, management and operational issues involved in road transport
3. Distribution centres in the logistic chain. Warehouse Location, Design and Operations Modeling Mathematical Modeling in Inventory Control: Warehousing and materials handling are a very important element in the supply chain. The basic context of warehousing and materials handling in the supply chain. Relevant principles, methodologies and practice in the design and management of warehousing and materials handling systems and equipment
4. Distribution Statistics and Forcasting the Needs in Logistic Chains

Course director(s)

  • Office Hours
  • Monday at 12:00 in RZ-303
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