The ABCs of a successful career

Aims of the course

The goal of the course is to develop students' ability to take responsibility for their own career development and the ability to act proactively with the aim of realizing their career goals, including entrepreneurial ones.

The following competencies will be developed:
- Taking responsibility and self-initiated action in solving human, technical and economic problems,
- Self-organization and effective time management,
- Maintaining focus and targeted action,
- Adapting to different circumstances,
- Making decisions to create value,
- Identifying and evaluating opportunities,
- Ability to develop new products and services,
- Using methods of understanding and creative problem solving,
- Effective use of resources (human, financial, etc.)
- Production and testing of prototypes (virtual or physical),
- Negotiations and concluding deals,
- Management of various risks that threaten the realization of set goals,
- Effective communication,
- Networking,
- The use of guerilla methods,
- Working in groups (teamwork)
- Project work (project management)a

Course syllabus

Within the course, students will get to know and, to a large extent, practically test the following topics:
- Selection, planning and development of one's own professional career
- Proactively seeking career development opportunities
- Basic methods of personal and professional effectiveness
- Entrepreneurship as a lifelong competence
- Entrepreneurship as a career choice
- Identifying business opportunities;
- Five steps of developing new products and services using the design thinking method
- Methods of market, users, competition research
- Practical application of the method of developing new products and services
- Basics of management and understanding of organizational structures
- Organization of basic business processes
- Identifying and eliminating inefficiencies in processes
- Optimization and effective implementation of processes
- Basic business knowledge of accounting, financing, marketing, sales
- Basics of digitization of business processes
- Effective business communication
- Basics of project work
- The basics of effective group functioning

Course director(s)

  • Office Hours
  • Tuesday at 11:30 in P-337
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