Transfer to the University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business

For application deadlines please see here >>

How to apply?

The candidate submits the recognition application together with the study enrolment application (on the online eVŠ portal)

What to submit

Candidates are requested to submit supporting documents together with the enrolment application for study on the eVŠ portal:

  • Scan/photo of your Bachelor's degree or certificate of graduation and Transcript of Records.
  • Scan/photo of your Transcript of Records from your Master's degree programme.
  • Scan/photo of the Syllabus of the courses you have already completed.
  • Scan/photo of the English or Slovenian official translation of the above documents (not required if the documents are already issued in English).
  • Motivation letter (approximately 500 words).
    (Candidates applying to a master's programme offered in English language are required to submit the letter of motivation in English language (approximately 500 words).
  • A short chronological description of your entire education (signed by candidate - sample attached).
  • English language certificate*.
  • Copy of your passport (EU candidates can send personal identity card instead).

*Candidates must present a language certificate of their English language skills: The minimum required scores are: TOEFL: TOEFL score of 79 (IBT), IELTS: IELTS score of 6 for English, Cambridge/Oxford: B2. Instead of the international certificate attesting knowledge of the English language (such as TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, etc.) candidate can submit a certificate of attending student exchange programme, offered in English language (Erasmus exchange, summer school etc.) or similar.

The electronic versions of documents shall be verified by the issuing institution at our request.

Based on the submitted documents, Committee for Student Affairs will determine the recognition of the courses*, any eventual bridge exams or any other eventual obligations for enrolment together with the year of study into which the candidates may enrol.

A student who transfers from another higher education institution from a related programme can receive up to no more than 60 ECTS completed compulsory subjects of the programme and all free optional subjects.

Before enrolment every candidate also has to finish the Recognition procedure. The recognition procedure is a part of the enrolment procedure.

*When deciding on recognition, the compatibility between the study content of the study programme, where the student passed the exam, with the study programme of the UL SEB is considered and also the level of complexity of the study programme, at which the student had previously studied. The exam can be recognized in full if at least 75% of the content, complexity and the number of hours or number of credit points at another institution of the subject passed corresponds to the subject at the UL SEB.

Info call centre

  • Monday - Friday:
    from 10.00am to 12.00am
  • also
    from 3.00pm to 5.00pm


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