English for Business and Economics 1

Aims of the course

The objectives of the course are:
- to develop and reinforce the four basic language skills: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, writing, and speaking;
- to enlarge students' knowledge of business and economics terminology;
- to foster students' critical attitude towards the topics discussed and build up their competence in using English.

Course syllabus

Course Syllabus:
- Company Organization
- Jobs and Recruitment
- Trade
- Banking and Finance
- Corporate Responsibility
- Products and Processes
- Cross-cultural Differences
- Presentations
- Business Correspondence
- Selected Grammatical Chapters

Pričakovano predznanje: Znanje angleškega jezika na stopnji B1-B2 glede na Skupni evropski jezikovni okvir.

Course director(s)

  • Office Hours
  • Tuesday at 15:15 in R203
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