Italian for Business and Economics modul 2

Aims of the course

The course aims to:
• Improve students’ knowledge of business and
economics terminology in Italian
• Introduce presentation techniques and improve
students’ public speaking skills
• Develop and improve students’ reading and
listening comprehension and written and oral communication
• Encourage students to engage in critical thinking and
actively participate in various discussions in Italian

Course syllabus

Current topics in business and economics:
entrepreneur and entrepreneurship, setting up a
business, corporate alliances, banking, stock
markets, international trade, product and
corporate advertising, retailing, tourism.
Special attention is given to business and economics terminology, written communication, more complex grammatical structures, and reading and listening comprehension.

Pričakovano predznanje: Znanje italijanskega jezika na stopnji A2-B1 glede na Skupni evropski jezikovni okvir.

Course director(s)

  • Office Hours
  • Wednesday at 9:00 in R-206
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