
Aims of the course

The class is an introduction to entrepreneurship, through experiental learning. The key course objective is to familiarize the student with the essential requirements for the successful planning of a new venture and the issues involved in managing a new venture:
- Overview of basic concepts and facts connected to entrepreneurship.
- Understanding entrepreneurs and the activities they perform.
- Understanding and performing the process of planning a new venture: Identifying and developing entrepreneurial opportunities. Analyzing business opportunities. Use of methodology for developing solutions, market analysis and business model development. Exploring the issues of funding of new venture, building the entrepreneurial team and of financial planning.
- Through group project students also develop teamworking skills.

Course syllabus

- The Entrepreneurial perspective: The nature and importance of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship.
- Business ideas and product development approaches.
- Understanding your customer.
- Product validation; prototyping.
- Market, industry and competition.
- Business models. Lean canvas.
- Entrepreneurial marketing.
- Assessing a new venture’s financial strength and viability.
- Funding of new and young ventures, investors, entrepreneurial growth and harvesting.

Course director(s)

  • Office Hours
  • Wednesday at 11:00 in P-328
  • Office Hours
  • Thursday at 15:00 in P307*
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