Intercultural Communication In Business English

Aims of the course

The general objective of the course is to raise the awareness of cross-cultural differences and to increase intercultural communication competence in English. The course aims to sensitize students to the interdependence of culture and communication and enable them to better understand both their own cultural patterns of communication and behavior as well as those of people from different cultures, predominantly British, American, Slovenian and others.

Students will be able to more competently avoid possible misunderstandings that may be triggered by an inability to appropriately convey or interpret messages due to inadequate linguistic and cultural competences.

Course syllabus

The course covers relevant topics from the field of cross-cultural communication in English. The topics include the basics of communication and communication noises, the fundamentals of culture(s), the interdependence between language and culture and cross cultural features and differences between various socio-economic and business environments.
Special attention is given to business and economic terminology and more complex grammatical structures and phrases, public speaking in a multinational environment, written communication (e.g. formal emails) as well as reading and listening comprehension.

Course director(s)

  • Office Hours
  • Thursday at 12:00 in R201
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