Individual at the workplace

Aims of the course

The course represents a step beyond previous courses from the fields of organizational behavior and human resource management towards organizational and work psychology and contemporary approaches of micro-foundations of management. It narrows in on the individual within the work context. The main objective of the course is thus to acquaint students with those topics and qualify them in applying this understanding to real-world business situations. This is done through an in-depth approach in examining the studied content (which is only briefly mentioned within other courses) with interactive, experimental and simulation techniques.

Course syllabus

Individual at the workplace: fostering individual performance
Cognitive and emotional processes at work
Proactive behavior
Work engagement and flow
Ethical dillemas

Challenges at work
Stress and well-being
Resolving conflicts
Mobing and abuse
Workaholism and its management
Legal aspects of resolving challenges at work

Individual within the work context
Job crafting
Relational job design
Management of individuals in teams (relationships of individuals with others), and management of teams
Positive organizational behavior
Prosocial motivation
Intercultural competences
Career management
Work-life balance

Course director(s)

  • Office Hours
  • Wednesday at 13:00 in P-334
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