Organization of the future

Aims of the course

After successfully completing the lectures and individual assignments of the course, the students will be able to:
First module:
1. Define and in practice recognize learning organization, understand as well as explain the elements of the FUTURE-O® model of learning organization;
Second module:
2. Recognize and understand the advanced organizations, as well as define, explain and understand the elements of authentic leadership and positive psychological capital;
Third module:
3. Understand and explain the essence of enthusiasm and ethics in the modern organizations;
Fourth module:
4. Define multiple intelligences as well as understand the essence of the multiple intelligence theory and organizational model of leadership development based on the theory of multiple intelligence findings;
Fifth module:
5. Understand and explain the usage of different metaphors for organization, with the emphasis on brain metaphor, as well as the first implications of neuroscience findings to organization and leadership domains;
Sixth module:
6. Understand and explain advantages and disadvantages of classical organizational structures, and upgrade those with complex structural dimensions of coordination, including semi-formal and collaborative forms among the organizations of the future;
Seventh module:
7. Understand and explain the organizational solutions for nurturing innovativeness with the emphasis on appropriate structures at organizational, team, as well as individual levels for nurturing innovativeness;
Eight module – practical part:
8. Awareness of Slovenian organizations' good practices;
9. Critically evaluate and analyze the current state, as well as prepare several proposals for improvements in chosen organization;
10. In practice visit of an advanced organization and ability to reflect on the visit in relation to studied themes.

Course syllabus

First module:
1. Organization of the future, learning organization and FUTURE-O® model
Second module:
2. Advanced organization and authentic leadership
Third module:
3. Organization of positive experiences and ethical behavior
Fourth module:
4. Organizational model of leadership development based on multiple intelligence theory
Fifth module:
5. Organization and brain
Sixth module:
6. Structural dimension of organization of the future
Seventh module:
7. Organizational solutions for nurturing innovativeness
Eight module – practical part:
8. Good practices of Slovenian organizations
9. Organization of the future in practice, analysis of current state and formation of consulting report
10. Visit of organization of the future and reflection

Course director(s)

  • Office Hours
  • Monday at 12:30 in R-407
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