Regional Economics

Aims of the course

- Emphasize the importance of spatial distribution of economic activity in economic development
- Provide students with contemporary tools of regional economic analysis
- Develop understanding of the problem of regional disparities – globally, in the EU and in Slovenia
- Students will understand the forces that impact regional growth and competitiveness as well as evaluate regional economic policies
- Develop the capacity of students to identify regional developmental challenges and potentials

Course syllabus

1. Firm location analysis

1.1. Industrial location in economic theory
1.2. Agglomeration economies
1.3. Urbanization, cities and urban systems
1.4. Spatial distribution of economic activities: economic geography and economic history

2. Regional growth and development

2.1. Regional growth theories
2.2. Specialization of regions, trade and multiplier analysis
2.3. Regional disparities – convergent Vs divergent growth
2.4. Regional labour markets and interregional migration
3.4. Territorial competitiveness and growth

3. The case for regional policy

3.1. Regional policy instruments
3.2. Regional disparities in the EU and EU cohesion policy
3.3. Regional disparities and regional policy in Slovenia

Course director(s)

  • Office Hours
  • Wednesday at 9:00 in R-302
  • To avoid waiting in front of the door for your turn, please send an email, I will try to give you a more detailed time slot.
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