Do you want to further your career by obtaining an undergraduate degree from not only one but two top institutions? Would you like to gain international experience during your undergraduate program? At University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business (SEB LU) you have the opportunity to take part in a so-called »Double Degree programme« in collaboration with one of our top partner institutions.


Double Degree is a combined study programme leading to two degrees from two institutions. After successful completion of all the programme requirements you receive an undergraduate degree from SEB LU as well as a degree from partner institution.

Due to different national restrictions and differences between institutions each Double Degree programme looks different, but it usually involves an equal amount of study-time at each university. Credits obtained at both institutions within the programme are mutually acknowledged, resulting in a shortening of study time compared to acquiring both degrees separately.

SEB LU is highly selective when it comes to partner institutions, adding only high profile, research-oriented and internationally accredited institutions to its list. All of our partners are leading institutions in their country in the field of economics and/or business, and offer great academic opportunities that represent additional value for students.


In today's international labour market, graduates with degrees obtained in two different countries will be one step ahead of the competition. Your international exposure will be highly valued by potential employers, not just in terms of business but also as far as life skills concerned.

Some European and non-European companies are already familiar with Double Degree programmes and double degree holders are more likely to be the candidates for international positions with better career opportunities than regular degree holders.

Here are some advantages:

  • Obtain two undergraduate degrees in considerably less time than it would take to earn them separately;
  • Experience »the best of both worlds« each university adds its specialty to the programme and thus complements the partner institution;
  • Experience different culture, business environment and learning approach;
  • Gain greater perspective in addressing international issues;
  • Have the opportunity to develop business level fluency in English;
  • Undergo a diverse learning experience through a more international classroom;
  • Take part in an internship (at least, this is as integral feature of some Double degree programmes, not all);
  • Be exempted from GMAT at partner institution;
  • Tuition fee is waived at partner institutions


Double Degree programmes are demanding and more challenging than if you were to pursue a single undergraduate degree program at SEB LU. This means that only students with the strongest academic record and highest levels of ambition and motivation will be selected.

Students opt for a Double Degree programme at partner institution in the third semester based on a valid agreement/tender. Number of places is limited.


The following criteria take precedence:

  • Study performance;
  • Motivation for studying abroad;
  • Language proficiency;
  • Interview.

1st cycle Double Degree programmes (undergraduate programmes)

Program Partner Institution Country
BSc Business and Economic
Sciences with specialization:
International Business
Audencia Business School
Chonnam National University
B.SC Business and Economic
Sciences with specialization:
Pforzheim University Business School
KEDGE Business School
Chonnam National University
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