Joint research project
Aims of the course
The aim of the course is to develop proposal to relevant business issues by conducting a field research and present the findings in the paper. The paper could be later published in the conference book or scientific journal form the relevant field of research.
Course syllabus
At the beginning of the course, students are assigned to groups for project work. In specific cases, the student can also carry out the project himself. Each group deals with a specific current business or economic aspect within a topic specified by the lecturer. The work of each project team is directed by a mentor who is an expert in the field that the project addresses. The mentor's role is to structure and direct the work of group members. As part of the work, students prepare a theoretical overview of the subject area, which helps them to define the methodology for further research and offer a wider insight into the subject area. In the second phase, students perform empirical research and analyze the results. Based on the results of the empirical part of the research, students write a paper, which can be published in a book or scientific journal from the relevant field. The contribution consists of theoretical and empirical work. Students also present their contribution at the end. The manner of presentation is determined by the lecturer.
Course director(s)