EU Economics and Slovenia

Aims of the course

To learn about the processes of international economic integration with the emphasis on the specifics of the EU. To understand the functioning of the EU, the role of individual member states (especially Slovenia), current dilemmas and possible future developments.
Develop the ability for research work and practical skills needed for argumentation, presentation and discussion.

Course syllabus

1. History and evolution of the EU
2. International trade and the theory of comparative advantages: absolute and relative comparative advantages
3. The impacts of international trade on social welfare; impacts of import tariffs on international trade
4. Economic integration and preferential liberalisation
5. Economic integrations around the world; WTO (World Trade Organization) and economic integrations
6. Effects of economic integration (theory and empirical evidence:
a) impacts on the market size and scale effects
b) impacts on the labour market and migration
c) dynamic effects of economic integration: effects on economic growth
7. The EU law and institutions; Principles of the decision making in the E; Criteria for the EU membership and the Slovenian accession
Slovenian accession to the EU
8. Economic history of the European Monetary Union (EMU): Snake in the tunnel, ERM-I and ERM-II
9. European monetary union (EMU), Slovenian accession to the EMU
10. Fiscal policy of the EU; Stability and Growth Pact; Challenges of the EU and Slovenian fiscal policy
11. Multiannual financial Framework of the EU; EU budget
12. Current Slovenian and EU economic problems

Course director(s)

  • Office Hours
  • Wednesday at 14:30 in RZ-406
  • Office Hours
  • Wednesday at 11:00 in R-315/Zoom
  • Office Hours
  • Wednesday at 10:00 in R-306
  • Office Hours
  • Monday at 13:30 in RZ-405
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