Introduction to data analytics

Aims of the course

Students will learn the basics of data analytics and become familiar with the use of specialized software solutions solving practical problems, as well as acquire knowledge in the following areas:
- analyzing data from different sources,
- data manipulation with SQL,
- data manipulation in Python
- preparation of the reports in Excel (Power Pivot),
- data visualization,
- connecting the traditional work environment with the virtual work environment.

Course syllabus

1. Data analytics and decision making in business
2. Data analytics process
3. Introduction to data bases
4. Introduction to Python
5. Manipulation of data in the Pandas library
6. Exploratory data analysis with Python
7. Python and MS SQL
8. Preparing data for analysis with MS Excel (Power Pivot)
9. Introduction to visualisation and preparation of reports
10. Using VR glasses for data manipulation

Course director(s)

  • Office Hours
  • Monday at 16:00 in R-401
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